We are a CHRISTIAN Nation!

I am a self-identified liberal and stated on the forum many times. Wake up! lolololol

And since I didnt say anything malicious, not sure how you could consider me a bully...or anything like you at all. (Esp since I can understand the written word and you cant...another big difference, lol)

Please get some reading comprehension help; because I never said you were a bully.
But then, your myopic view of women has obviously clouded your cognitive abilities.
The difference is, at least in this country.....women had a CHOICE about whether or not they wanted to go through with those unplanned pregnancies. In this country, those 'babies' are born because the woman CHOOSES that.

So implying that all unplanned pregnancies would be or are aborted is just dishonest (another not-so-Christian value there Philly....you are racking them up!)

Just between you and me, now....shhhh.....let me whisper this.......are you really darla ?
You compared us...and I already established that you were a bully.

It's called inference.

The liberal way of deflection from their own behavior, is what you're doing now.
You're just projecting your own behavior onto me and trying to appear non-hypocritical.
It's a shame that you feel women are unable to be responsible for their own behavior and must be protected from their bad decisions.


I've never seen that before! LOLOLOL

Someone just publicly erase a response they cannot overcome and then declare their response 'king of the hill!'

Yes...sadly, that is what it takes for you to make your point...have zero opposition!

Oh, that's a good one. ha ha ha

Wow, and I thought Evince was delusional.
It's a shame that you feel women are unable to be responsible for their own behavior and must be protected from their bad decisions.

You have not managed to support this statement with anything....not a thing. Feel free to post it if so.

My responses certainly stand....as you have never been able to counter them. :)

Dont forgetttttttt....my signature, the green one. It's all here in the thread....for everyone else. (Denial...it's not just a river in Egypt)

I've never seen that before! LOLOLOL

Someone just publicly erase a response they cannot overcome and then declare their response 'king of the hill!'

Yes...sadly, that is what it takes for you to make your point...have zero opposition!

Oh, that's a good one. ha ha ha

Wow, and I thought Evince was delusional.

Your forced expression(s) of mirth, do nothing but expose more of your opinion that women are unable to be responsible for themselves and therefore need to be protected from their negative choices.
It's a shame that you have such a low opinion of women. :palm:
You have not managed to support this statement with anything....not a thing. Feel free to post it if so.

My responses certainly stand....as you have never been able to counter them. :)

Dont forgetttttttt....my signature, the green one. It's all here in the thread....for everyone else. (Denial...it's not just a river in Egypt)

Your posts alone show that you find women unable to be responsible for their negative choices and must be protected from themselves. :palm:
She only mentioned men once, passively and briefly after I brought them into the discussion.

This should tell you all you need to know about her and the topic.
Your forced expression(s) of mirth, do nothing but expose more of your opinion that women are unable to be responsible for themselves and therefore need to be protected from their negative choices.
It's a shame that you have such a low opinion of women. :palm:

ha ha ha.

Not such a low opinion that I'm so scared of women that I have to erase the response of one before expressing my own! ROFLMAO!

And feel free to prove my low opinion of women...you have yet to be able to do so...(hence the erasure...what's next, editing my posts before quoting?)
Your posts alone show that you find women unable to be responsible for their negative choices and must be protected from themselves. :palm:

You have not managed to support this statement with anything....not a thing. Feel free to post it if so.

My responses certainly stand....as you have never been able to counter them. :)

Dont forgetttttttt....my signature, the green one. It's all here in the thread....for everyone else. (Denial...it's not just a river in Egypt)

Heh, put up or shut up.
ha ha ha.

Not such a low opinion that I'm so scared of women that I have to erase the response of one before expressing my own! ROFLMAO!

And feel free to prove my low opinion of women...you have yet to be able to do so...(hence the erasure...what's next, editing my posts before quoting?)

Your own posts show how you have such a low opinion of women, that you don't think they are capable of being responsible for their actions and that they need to be protected from the negative situations that they voluntarily put themselves in.
Your own posts show how you have such a low opinion of women, that you don't think they are capable of being responsible for their actions and that they need to be protected from the negative situations that they voluntarily put themselves in.

Please show where my posts say anything like that? Where did I say women were not capable of not becoming pregnant? Where did I EVER say they needed to be protected from anything? And you never explained how just becoming pregnant is irresponsible or 'negative?'

Your post is a total lie. If not, prove it. Show the posts.
Your ability to deny your own posts, is probably just you trying to hide behind the fact that you feel women need to be protected from the decisions that they make,

I deny nothing....if I am, prove it...show what I am denying.

Put up or shut up.