We are only in the Middle East for Oil, so Drill Baby Drill, go Solar, go wind

They are at least sincere. Much more than I typically see on these boards. "Negroe" is the way I was taught to spell the word in the 1st grade by my very Black and Proud teacher. I don't think for a moment it was ever her intent to purposely mislead me on spelling issues and I love that woman to this very day.


What, are you a hundred years old? Most of us learn and grow after first grade; you're still stuck there?

Still don't think you have at all explained your name, but honestly at this point I don't care.
What, are you a hundred years old? Most of us learn and grow after first grade; you're still stuck there?

Still don't think you have at all explained your name, but honestly at this point I don't care.

I'm not a hundred yet but I'm getting there. I do, however, find it fascinating that you would ask or indicate that question!!!!!! Does being a hundred have much to do with "negroe"? So, maybe my 1st grade teacher wasn't too far off. She would probably be far older now than a hundred. Maybe she was taught that. Maybe that WAS the correct spelling of that age. I dunno. Educate me. But I've never been offended by the use of Negroe or any other use of the "N" word. It's all kind off silly to me.

Earlier you whined that I had somehow accused you of having issues. Bluntly, you do. Everybody does. And all Americans have racial issues to one degree or another. They are all LEARNED. Children don't have them. You don't get them until a little later in life but virtually EVERYBODY has issues, racial ones being prevalent. I've spent a lot of time in therapy/counseling learning how to deal with my own. It's a work in progress but I'm better today than I was yesterday.

My handle is obviously still bugging you. And that tells me that you, too, still grapple with your issues. But, I understand them better now and I can accept them better than before. You cannot be faulted for any of it. You are the product of your life, your environment, your education and even your home. My handle is my handle. As is yours. Both of us might draw conclusions about the other and that is OK, at least with me. You say you don't care but obviously you do. So do I and I've done my best to explain myself in that regard. I'm completely at a loss of how I can clear it up anymore than I already have.

Petula/Village Negroe
They are not meant to be attacks and your interpretation of them as such is ridiculous. And I have no intention of going away.

Of course they are attacks you idiot. You have been attacking BAC continuously. It seems to be your purpose here, and you are going away, good bye!

Yesterday, 05:04 PM
Village Negroe
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