We are only in the Middle East for Oil, so Drill Baby Drill, go Solar, go wind

Improving the board is incumbent upon those of us who like it and respect the time, efforts, and work of the administrators.

As you can see .. I get nastiness flying at me from the netherworld .. but I simply put those assholes on IA .. and they can say whatever the hell they want .. why would I care?

I agree with you my wise friend .. but the assholes aren't important, people like you are.

Why would I want to miss conversations with you because some assholes are here? I wouldn't.

We can make the board better, but if it remains open to the public, assholes will always be around.

You have a demeanour that could survive on any of the other boards so why don't you go there. My reason for not being on the other boards which are far more intelligent and civilized is because I won't stifle my feelings toward evil as being perped by the US.

Make the break and within a few days you will feel just as comfortable as you feel here. Don't be trapped by this trashy board and it's lowlifes.
You have a demeanour that could survive on any of the other boards so why don't you go there. My reason for not being on the other boards which are far more intelligent and civilized is because I won't stifle my feelings toward evil as being perped by the US.

Make the break and within a few days you will feel just as comfortable as you feel here. Don't be trapped by this trashy board and it's lowlifes.

I repeat .. then why are you here? Let me help you .. because you like it here.

If you are of the opinion that I bite my tongue here :0) you are mistaken. I say whatever I want .. because I can back up whatever I say. The difference is that I can say whatever I want civilly and I enjoy intellectual challenge.

If the other board is intelligent, but won't allow intelligent discussion .. how intelligent can they be?

Most of the time I'm posting, I'm posting while I work .. its my company. I've been posting here off and on most of the day .. lots of good conversation, some contentious conversations .. its politics in America.

I respect this board and the people who make it happen .. who can't be too thrilled about you trashing THEIR property while you use it.

Improving the board is incumbent upon those of us who like it and respect the time, efforts, and work of the administrators.

As you can see .. I get nastiness flying at me from the netherworld .. but I simply put those assholes on IA .. and they can say whatever the hell they want .. why would I care?

I agree with you my wise friend .. but the assholes aren't important, people like you are.

Why would I want to miss conversations with you because some assholes are here? I wouldn't.

We can make the board better, but if it remains open to the public, assholes will always be around.

That's right. One must take the good with the bad.
I repeat .. then why are you here? Let me help you .. because you like it here.

If you are of the opinion that I bite my tongue here :0) you are mistaken. I say whatever I want .. because I can back up whatever I say. The difference is that I can say whatever I want civilly and I enjoy intellectual challenge.

If the other board is intelligent, but won't allow intelligent discussion .. how intelligent can they be?

Most of the time I'm posting, I'm posting while I work .. its my company. I've been posting here off and on most of the day .. lots of good conversation, some contentious conversations .. its politics in America.

I respect this board and the people who make it happen .. who can't be too thrilled about you trashing THEIR property while you use it.


Another home run.
I agree. After its first post I asked where the moniker came from and did not get any kind of response. Since then I have avoided any VN threads or posts since it seems like it must just be a troller.

You lie, tekky. I answered you and told you that I was willing to answer any questions that you might have and give additional information if need be. I do specifically remember your post to me because you are the only one that has ever questioned my moniker and even told me that you found it offensive. That says very much to me about you. But, I also told you to make of my moniker what you might. It's an internet message board screen name.

It's also my heart, my soul and my mind. I live every moment being who and what I am and I am NOT ashamed of anything that others might make or think of me or my monikers, and yes I have several. That's really too much of your own problem for me to have to deal with.

You can go right on slurring me and kissing up to bac and anyone else you feel the need to reduce yourself into overwhelming follower-ship. I think and do for myself, but I am not independent. I fully understand what this wonderful society that I live in has given me and offers in my future. I am not so self-centered that I feel as though I don't need to give back at least as much and much more if I can. Sorry to tell you this, sweetie, but some of your closest friends don't share that philosophy. Maybe you, too.

The other resident negroe here tells that I followed him here from another board. Nothing could be further from the truth. I was posting under a different handle here for some time and then he just showed up one day. I won't lie to you and say that I haven't known of him from elsewhere because I do. I rather thought he was following me. That's neither here nor there other than it is part of the bac thing's paranoia and sickness. He is quite the clown, isn't he?

Read into and around his words. He is typically condescending, smarter than thou, only respectful of your views if you mostly agree with him and, surprisingly enough, able to put forth seeming intelligent point/s. That is if you are willing to simply accept HIS point of view, which I think is usually wrong. When pressured to explain his POV he goes into lala land without any consideration whatsoever that he may be wrong, or that his position is futile and not respective of reality and that he has no answers for anything. Just complaints. That's enough about the contention that bac and I have for one another and my opinions and observations of him.

I remain ready and willing to explain more about your concerns if I only knew what they were. Right now, YOU and others are treating me very unfairly. I have not done anything to deserve any of it. Nothing good can come from paranoia with a fertile imagination.

You lie, tekky. I answered you and told you that I was willing to answer any questions that you might have and give additional information if need be. I do specifically remember your post to me because you are the only one that has ever questioned my moniker and even told me that you found it offensive. That says very much to me about you. But, I also told you to make of my moniker what you might. It's an internet message board screen name.

It's also my heart, my soul and my mind. I live every moment being who and what I am and I am NOT ashamed of anything that others might make or think of me or my monikers, and yes I have several. That's really too much of your own problem for me to have to deal with.

You can go right on slurring me and kissing up to bac and anyone else you feel the need to reduce yourself into overwhelming follower-ship. I think and do for myself, but I am not independent. I fully understand what this wonderful society that I live in has given me and offers in my future. I am not so self-centered that I feel as though I don't need to give back at least as much and much more if I can. Sorry to tell you this, sweetie, but some of your closest friends don't share that philosophy. Maybe you, too.

The other resident negroe here tells that I followed him here from another board. Nothing could be further from the truth. I was posting under a different handle here for some time and then he just showed up one day. I won't lie to you and say that I haven't known of him from elsewhere because I do. I rather thought he was following me. That's neither here nor there other than it is part of the bac thing's paranoia and sickness. He is quite the clown, isn't he?

Read into and around his words. He is typically condescending, smarter than thou, only respectful of your views if you mostly agree with him and, surprisingly enough, able to put forth seeming intelligent point/s. That is if you are willing to simply accept HIS point of view, which I think is usually wrong. When pressured to explain his POV he goes into lala land without any consideration whatsoever that he may be wrong, or that his position is futile and not respective of reality and that he has no answers for anything. Just complaints. That's enough about the contention that bac and I have for one another and my opinions and observations of him.

I remain ready and willing to explain more about your concerns if I only knew what they were. Right now, YOU and others are treating me very unfairly. I have not done anything to deserve any of it. Nothing good can come from paranoia with a fertile imagination.





Poor baby. Now he's feeling all picked on.

You're a lying motherfucker .. which is real easy to see.

You're not black, but you chose a moniker to pretend that you're black .. for what reason? Pretty easy to figure out that you're a liar. You came onto this board slinging the N word, which exposed you. That alone demonstrates your total lack of character and honesty.

I've been here for 7 years, since 2007 .. but I followed you here?

I've been on the other board I post on since 2007 .. but I followed you there?

You're a liar. I don't even know who the fuck you are, nor do I give a damn who you are. What you are is a lying piece of shit who thought you were tough enough to attack me .. Oh looky, now you're whining like a bitch. :0)


Liar, fraud, and certified bitch. :0)
You lie, tekky. I answered you and told you that I was willing to answer any questions that you might have and give additional information if need be. I do specifically remember your post to me because you are the only one that has ever questioned my moniker and even told me that you found it offensive. That says very much to me about you. But, I also told you to make of my moniker what you might. It's an internet message board screen name.

It's also my heart, my soul and my mind. I live every moment being who and what I am and I am NOT ashamed of anything that others might make or think of me or my monikers, and yes I have several. That's really too much of your own problem for me to have to deal with.

You can go right on slurring me and kissing up to bac and anyone else you feel the need to reduce yourself into overwhelming follower-ship. I think and do for myself, but I am not independent. I fully understand what this wonderful society that I live in has given me and offers in my future. I am not so self-centered that I feel as though I don't need to give back at least as much and much more if I can. Sorry to tell you this, sweetie, but some of your closest friends don't share that philosophy. Maybe you, too.

The other resident negroe here tells that I followed him here from another board. Nothing could be further from the truth. I was posting under a different handle here for some time and then he just showed up one day. I won't lie to you and say that I haven't known of him from elsewhere because I do. I rather thought he was following me. That's neither here nor there other than it is part of the bac thing's paranoia and sickness. He is quite the clown, isn't he?

Read into and around his words. He is typically condescending, smarter than thou, only respectful of your views if you mostly agree with him and, surprisingly enough, able to put forth seeming intelligent point/s. That is if you are willing to simply accept HIS point of view, which I think is usually wrong. When pressured to explain his POV he goes into lala land without any consideration whatsoever that he may be wrong, or that his position is futile and not respective of reality and that he has no answers for anything. Just complaints. That's enough about the contention that bac and I have for one another and my opinions and observations of him.

I remain ready and willing to explain more about your concerns if I only knew what they were. Right now, YOU and others are treating me very unfairly. I have not done anything to deserve any of it. Nothing good can come from paranoia with a fertile imagination.


Prove some of this by relating the name of your other account. Otherwise, STFU.
I seriously doubt Tekky is lying.
You lie, tekky. I answered you and told you that I was willing to answer any questions that you might have and give additional information if need be. I do specifically remember your post to me because you are the only one that has ever questioned my moniker and even told me that you found it offensive. That says very much to me about you. But, I also told you to make of my moniker what you might. It's an internet message board screen name.

What you said is -
WOW!!!!!! I never saw that one coming!!!! Honestly. I don't think I've ever questioned anyone about their screen name. Sometimes it's really wide open and sometimes, as in my case, it's just there for whatever you might make of it. That's my MO. I am a song writer, a poet and a short story novelist. My question to you is what you find offensive about it and why? Perhaps you're still grappling with some improperly learned racial issues that you've never come to terms with? I'd suggest you begin. Today.


I chose not to respond, because if you can't understand why, without some kind of good explanation, "village negroe" is offensive, then I'd just as soon not engage with you. I fail to see what being a writer has to do with the name. Also, my question to you in that thread was totally polite, and you lashed back saying I had issues.

As an example, some might find MY name offensive because of the use of "chick". In this case, I do have a back story which explains why I chose to take this name. And certainly if anyone cared to politely ask, I would let them know.

Like I said, since then I've been mostly avoiding responding to you. Think this thread is the main one. And to your comment re BAC that ". He is typically condescending, smarter than thou, only respectful of your views if you mostly agree with him" - I have disagreed strongly with him, and he has still been respectful - because I am respectful to him.

It's possible your posts have been deeply thoughtful and intuitive and a joy to read; but as I said, your name is off-putting and you gave me no reason to understand it.
VN said:
The other resident negroe here tells that I followed him here from another board. Nothing could be further from the truth. I was posting under a different handle here for some time and then he just showed up one day. I won't lie to you and say that I haven't known of him from elsewhere because I do. I rather thought he was following me. That's neither here nor there other than it is part of the bac thing's paranoia and sickness. He is quite the clown, isn't he?

by the way, these sentences make me no more prone to reading your posts; in fact they make me less likely.

"resident negroe"? really?
The proof is in the pudding. This thing can either produce the other account it was posting under or fuck off, simple as that.
:crybaby::cof1::rofl2:Poor baby. Now he's feeling all picked on. You're a lying motherfucker .. which is real easy to see. You're not black, but you chose a moniker to pretend that you're black .. for what reason? Pretty easy to figure out that you're a liar. You came onto this board slinging the N word, which exposed you. That alone demonstrates your total lack of character and honesty. I've been here for 7 years, since 2007 .. but I followed you here? I've been on the other board I post on since 2007 .. but I followed you there? You're a liar. I don't even know who the fuck you are, nor do I give a damn who you are. What you are is a lying piece of shit who thought you were tough enough to attack me .. Oh looky, now you're whining like a bitch. :0) :rofl2: Liar, fraud, and certified bitch. :0)

I'm not crying, buckwheat. Why would I cry? I did say that I was being treated unfairly by some here and that is true. That's more the problem of others, isn't it? Your little cartoons and then your spitting mad diatribe indicate clearly, however, that YOU are crying. Why is that?

I did use the "N" word and I got exactly the response I was looking for. I believe it was you that exposed yourself. Others, of course, followed your lead and chimed right in. Perfect. You reveal your desperation, self--loathing, paranoia, delusions, feelings of faux grandeur and most of all your unhappiness with the skin you were born in with every word you write,,,,and obviously think.

You say that I am not black. Not black enough to satisfy you or too black for you to identify with? Either way, your judgement reveals you the racist and has NOTHING to do with me.

I never said that you followed me here. Not at all. I had been posting here for some time and one day you started posting. At first I thought you had just come to the board but I noticed your post count and join date. You simply had not been posting here during my early days. More of your delusions, stymie.

Attack you? I've never, not once ever said or done anything to even indicate I meant harm to you in any way whatsoever. Just more of your denial and desperation, I think. But, I'm not a professional in those regards.

Your throwing around these "motherfuckers, frauds, liars, certified bitches" etc. also reveals it is you that wants to be "tough" and the internet King Kong. That's just another part of your sicknesses, Kingfish.

You constantly say that you don't read anything I say and "don't give a damn" about what I say or who I am. Obviously the opposite is true. And, you know that I am correct about you. Hopefully someday you will seek some help and come to terms with yourself and what YOU are all about. That would be my very strongest feelings about you and your predicament, Algonquin.

I'm not crying, buckwheat. Why would I cry? I did say that I was being treated unfairly by some here and that is true. That's more the problem of others, isn't it? Your little cartoons and then your spitting mad diatribe indicate clearly, however, that YOU are crying. Why is that?

I did use the "N" word and I got exactly the response I was looking for. I believe it was you that exposed yourself. Others, of course, followed your lead and chimed right in. Perfect. You reveal your desperation, self--loathing, paranoia, delusions, feelings of faux grandeur and most of all your unhappiness with the skin you were born in with every word you write,,,,and obviously think.

You say that I am not black. Not black enough to satisfy you or too black for you to identify with? Either way, your judgement reveals you the racist and has NOTHING to do with me.

I never said that you followed me here. Not at all. I had been posting here for some time and one day you started posting. At first I thought you had just come to the board but I noticed your post count and join date. You simply had not been posting here during my early days. More of your delusions, stymie.

Attack you? I've never, not once ever said or done anything to even indicate I meant harm to you in any way whatsoever. Just more of your denial and desperation, I think. But, I'm not a professional in those regards.

Your throwing around these "motherfuckers, frauds, liars, certified bitches" etc. also reveals it is you that wants to be "tough" and the internet King Kong. That's just another part of your sicknesses, Kingfish.

You constantly say that you don't read anything I say and "don't give a damn" about what I say or who I am. Obviously the opposite is true. And, you know that I am correct about you. Hopefully someday you will seek some help and come to terms with yourself and what YOU are all about. That would be my very strongest feelings about you and your predicament, Algonquin.


Attack you? I've never, not once ever said or done anything to even indicate I meant harm to you in any way whatsoever.

Your entire post and most of your preceding ones are indeed attacks.

Please go away.
Prove some of this by relating the name of your other account. Otherwise, STFU.
I seriously doubt Tekky is lying.

I don't think I'll be abiding any warnings by you, Rune, to STFU. And tekky did lie about my response to her questioning my screen name. I was as thorough and honest in my reply to her as I thought appropriate at the time. You just don't get it. That's more your problem than mine.

This message is hidden because Village Negroe is on your ignore list.

This is what you do to dumb ass fraud/pretend people.

What you said is -


I chose not to respond, because if you can't understand why, without some kind of good explanation, "village negroe" is offensive, then I'd just as soon not engage with you. I fail to see what being a writer has to do with the name. Also, my question to you in that thread was totally polite, and you lashed back saying I had issues.

As an example, some might find MY name offensive because of the use of "chick". In this case, I do have a back story which explains why I chose to take this name. And certainly if anyone cared to politely ask, I would let them know.

Like I said, since then I've been mostly avoiding responding to you. Think this thread is the main one. And to your comment re BAC that ". He is typically condescending, smarter than thou, only respectful of your views if you mostly agree with him" - I have disagreed strongly with him, and he has still been respectful - because I am respectful to him.

It's possible your posts have been deeply thoughtful and intuitive and a joy to read; but as I said, your name is off-putting and you gave me no reason to understand it.

I felt that I did explain it appropriately at the time. I apologize for my stupidity and unfounded assumptions. I did answer you, but that's about it. My bad. I felt it also appropriate to include the fact that I am versed in literary and musical arts. We often leave information out for interpretation of the reader/listener. I love open ended literature by whatever method it's delivered. It causes me to more appreciate what IS there and to think about what is not. Thanks for the holler back, tekky.

by the way, these sentences make me no more prone to reading your posts; in fact they make me less likely.

"resident negroe"? really?

They are at least sincere. Much more than I typically see on these boards. "Negroe" is the way I was taught to spell the word in the 1st grade by my very Black and Proud teacher. I don't think for a moment it was ever her intent to purposely mislead me on spelling issues and I love that woman to this very day.

The proof is in the pudding. This thing can either produce the other account it was posting under or fuck off, simple as that.

Thing? It? Follow much? I believe it's you that is being rather unruly and hateful. Whatever. But don't you think it would be more appropriate for you to take your "things and its" and fuck off, simple as that? Sheeeesh. Fuckin' moron.

Which immediately tells the world that he is not black.

.. and what the hell is a 'negroe?'

I think I've already explained that to the satisfaction of anyone with an IQ of 40. Getting testy, aren't you, buckwheat? It's all as predictable as night and day and fully parts of your illnesses.
