We are only in the Middle East for Oil, so Drill Baby Drill, go Solar, go wind

I have thought this was a troll from the first day they posted, but I don't have any idea who is doing it.

I knew that thing was a bullshit fraud almost immediately .. confirmed when it started tossing around the N word.

It's incredible how racist pieces of shit like this buffoon will attempt to assume a black character to sling their ignorance from .. as if they won't be discovered. Something teenagers would do.

This fraudulent stank thing presumes to offer 'advice.' :0)
I knew that thing was a bullshit fraud almost immediately .. confirmed when it started tossing around the N word.

It's incredible how racist pieces of shit like this buffoon will attempt to assume a black character to sling their ignorance from .. as if they won't be discovered. Something teenagers would do.

This fraudulent stank thing presumes to offer 'advice.' :0)

Each day in every way you grow more pitiful, bac. You call me "thing" because that is what you think of yourself. Then you claim I'm some sort of "stank thing", again you're reflecting your own self esteem complexes. Then you accuse me of being "white". What do you think that reflects from your standpoint? Racism? I think so. You have issues that are very common. Professional treatment is your only option at this point. Self examination and personal reflection isn't doing it for you.

Remember what I said earlier. First you have to recognize that you have the problem. Right now you're in the very adamant refusal to see the truth mode. You throw up defenses all around you. You go off on anyone that disagrees with you and your self-defeatism. You cling to your faux self-righteousness and blame everybody as failures that you don't agree with. There are lot's of medical terms that more properly catalog/name your illnesses but in simple terms you're just insane. And only you can deal with it until you ultimately end up in a straightjacket and then the authorities that you hate so will deal with it for you. Dig it?

Each day in every way you grow more pitiful, bac. You call me "thing" because that is what you think of yourself. Then you claim I'm some sort of "stank thing", again you're reflecting your own self esteem complexes. Then you accuse me of being "white". What do you think that reflects from your standpoint? Racism? I think so. You have issues that are very common. Professional treatment is your only option at this point. Self examination and personal reflection isn't doing it for you.

Remember what I said earlier. First you have to recognize that you have the problem. Right now you're in the very adamant refusal to see the truth mode. You throw up defenses all around you. You go off on anyone that disagrees with you and your self-defeatism. You cling to your faux self-righteousness and blame everybody as failures that you don't agree with. There are lot's of medical terms that more properly catalog/name your illnesses but in simple terms you're just insane. And only you can deal with it until you ultimately end up in a straightjacket and then the authorities that you hate so will deal with it for you. Dig it?



Suck My Dick Mr. Racist White Dude Disguised As A Black Person

Come back when you have the balls to take off your disguise. :0)

Suck My Dick Mr. Racist White Dude Disguised As A Black Person

Come back when you have the balls to take off your disguise. :0)

Now you're reverting to your elementary schoolyard inferiority tactics. Fight it, fight it all you can, bac. Your fighting it doesn't help you in any way. Your symptoms become more clear with every word you say.

Now you're reverting to your elementary schoolyard inferiority tactics. Fight it, fight it all you can, bac. Your fighting it doesn't help you in any way. Your symptoms become more clear with every word you say.


:0) The elementary school ass clown is the one in disguise.

Grow up bitch .. and Suck My Dick Mr. Racist White Dude Disguised As A Black Person

Come back when you have the balls to take off your disguise. :0)

You should know that I don't even read your idiot thoughts. My response will always be the same.
:0) The elementary school ass clown is the one in disguise.

Grow up bitch .. and Suck My Dick Mr. Racist White Dude Disguised As A Black Person

Come back when you have the balls to take off your disguise. :0)

You should know that I don't even read your idiot thoughts. My response will always be the same.

Obviously you DO read them. Why do you lie about that? Your denial and delusions are as predictable as night and day. You are the one needing the balls enough to seek assistance with your diseases. PS: Being blackascoal isn't a disease.

Obviously you DO read them. Why do you lie about that? Your denial and delusions are as predictable as night and day. You are the one needing the balls enough to seek assistance with your diseases. PS: Being blackascoal isn't a disease.


No, stupid fake motherfucker .. I don't read that ignorant bullshit :0)

and by the way ..

Suck My Dick Mr. Racist White Dude Disguised As A Black Person

I'll be posting in the other Syria thread next .. so like the bitchboy that you are, you can follow me there. :0)
I have thought this was a troll from the first day they posted, but I don't have any idea who is doing it. Well, I think it sounds like a certain poster, but it's really hard to tell on things like this and since I don't know, I won't mention names.

I agree. After its first post I asked where the moniker came from and did not get any kind of response. Since then I have avoided any VN threads or posts since it seems like it must just be a troller.
I agree. After its first post I asked where the moniker came from and did not get any kind of response. Since then I have avoided any VN threads or posts since it seems like it must just be a troller.

It's something from another board. I only post on two, so where it came from is easy.

It's SOLE purpose here is to talk to me .. which, like you, I suspected from its moniker. Obviously I've beaten it up badly on the other board .. so, so badly, that it has no self-esteem left and now it hides behind a fake character .. which was discovered in about 5 minutes.

So that I won't have to continue to nasty up the board with my nasty responses to it, I'll put that asshole on IA ... uhh .. after I nasty it a bit more. :0)

After all, it came looking for me, then registered and created a minstrel persona.

It think it would be rude of me to just walk away and put it on IA without giving it a bit more of what it came for. I mean, if it knows me, then surely it knows this is what it was going to get .. but he wasn't smart enough to know that its disguise, as its words, would melt away in about 5 minutes. :0)

Christ these people are dumb.
Yes, they're pretty dumb but the dumbest of all are people like you who think others care about your rambling bullshit. It's hardly understandable and far much to difficult for anyone to spend time on deciphering.
Yes, they're pretty dumb but the dumbest of all are people like you who think others care about your rambling bullshit. It's hardly understandable and far much to difficult for anyone to spend time on deciphering.




Wait .. :0) let me guess .. you've been on this board for about 39 seconds and they've already appointed you Board Spokesperson.


Yo' .. Mr. Insignificant Looking for Hollywood .. can you count up to 2007?

Note to the Braindead: This is a discussion board. Relationships are built over time. I have never had a problem being understood, and I've had more conversations here then you have brain cells.

Conclusion: If you have a problem understanding me, then perhaps that odor you smell is coming from you. :0)

If there is nothing else .. go to the end of the block and turn left .. Hollywood is on your right.



Wait .. :0) let me guess .. you've been on this board for about 39 seconds and they've already appointed you Board Spokesperson.


Yo' .. Mr. Insignificant Looking for Hollywood .. can you count up to 2007?

Note to the Braindead: This is a discussion board. Relationships are built over time. I have never had a problem being understood, and I've had more conversations here then you have brain cells.

Conclusion: If you have a problem understanding me, then perhaps that odor you smell is coming from you. :0)

If there is nothing else .. go to the end of the block and turn left .. Hollywood is on your right.

Time on the board doesn't add credit to anyone. Intelligence and credibility does. Anti-praty would be one of my top choices and I have no idea how long he's been on the board and don't care.

If the truth were known, the longer a person has taken part in this trashy board, the less intelligent he probably is! Relatively speaking.

But tell us all about your troubles anyway. Somebody may be paying attention?
Time on the board doesn't add credit to anyone. Intelligence and credibility does. Anti-praty would be one of my top choices and I have no idea how long he's been on the board and don't care.

If the truth were known, the longer a person has taken part in this trashy board, the less intelligent he probably is! Relatively speaking.

But tell us all about your troubles anyway. Somebody may be paying attention?

Follow the money, no follow the oil. This entire Mid East debacle is all about protecting oil, whether it's Republican or Democrat Administrations. The key here is to start drilling everywhere including Alaska's Anwar, and in the offshore Ocean again. We need to build that Canadian Pipeline, and start doing whatever North Dakota is doing to get oil from rock. We need to open up our huge Natural gas resources. We need to harness the wind, like they do with the wind turbines north of Palm Springs, which I posted photos of on the old Board. Even the ocean's waves can be utilized to create electricity. We need to place solar panels all over the USA, every home, every fence, sides of buildings, but of course we should only buy from USA companies like Solyndra, yes Solyndra, but not from China.

First off

Secondly, you think big oil isn't big money? Jeez dude. It's about the petro-dollar, not oil specifically. If oil is primarily traded for the PD our currency will drop in value around the world.

Third, try to do some research before typing. The Left WANTS the Keystone Pipeline they just don't want to run it through high risk areas such as major water sources. They want a better plan. The very first proposal was made and the Right and Fox News idiots screamed "omg what is the Left thinking" without knowing what the left is thinking. Look at oil fracking. It's killing Americans and running towns out of water.

Fourth, the Left has been pushing for alternative renewable energy for a very long time......It's about time you caught up.....But big oil (donated to Romney) will lose lots of money if we push for alternative energy like wind energy (donated to Obama who was attacked by the Right for wind energy)
Anti-Party said:
Secondly, you think big oil isn't big money? Jeez dude. It's about the petro-dollar, not oil specifically. If oil is primarily traded for the PD our currency will drop in value around the world.

Good! You are demonstrating that you have a higher level of understanding than most of the rest of the rabble on this board. Even though the rest of your post wasn't exactly right on the money in my opinion. I think it's more accurate to say that Obama doesn't want the pipeline. It would be consistent with pushing for alternative energy sources. And beside, oil sands oil is dirty in the sense that it's extremely energy gluttonous.

I can tell you that Canadians who are environmentally conscious want limits on oil sands production too. It only enriches the few and otherwise doesn't need to be taken out of the ground at such a high rate. The minimal chances of a pipeline break of large consequences are not really a great factor. Fracking causes that concern to pale in comparison.
Time on the board doesn't add credit to anyone. Intelligence and credibility does. Anti-praty would be one of my top choices and I have no idea how long he's been on the board and don't care.

If the truth were known, the longer a person has taken part in this trashy board, the less intelligent he probably is! Relatively speaking.

But tell us all about your troubles anyway. Somebody may be paying attention?

Here is the very telling difference sir, I've not once suggested, intimated, stated, posted, or even thought of what your motivations are on this board. Not once.

Why haven't I done that? Because that's not what intelligent people do.

Here's an IQ test .. pick out the glaring stupidity in this statement ..

"people like you who think others care about your rambling bullshit. It's hardly understandable and far much to difficult for anyone to spend time on deciphering.

Don't worry, I know you can't pass that test .. but others here can. Notice that I can properly use the word others because I actually know other people here.

By the way, Mr. Unappreciated and I Feel So Bad For You .. if the board is so trashy, why are you here?

The word LOSER does indeed come to mind. :0)

Welcome to Hollywood.
Time on the board doesn't add credit to anyone. Intelligence and credibility does.

well, yes; but BAC in general is considered one of the more intelligent and credible posters; plus, if you are polite to him he is polite to you.

I do disagree with him on Libya and Syria, but his replies back to me telling me how wrongheaded he considers me are so polite and well-worded I can't get offended.
Here is the very telling difference sir, I've not once suggested, intimated, stated, posted, or even thought of what your motivations are on this board. Not once.

Why haven't I done that? Because that's not what intelligent people do.

Here's an IQ test .. pick out the glaring stupidity in this statement ..

"people like you who think others care about your rambling bullshit. It's hardly understandable and far much to difficult for anyone to spend time on deciphering.

Don't worry, I know you can't pass that test .. but others here can. Notice that I can properly use the word others because I actually know other people here.

By the way, Mr. Unappreciated and I Feel So Bad For You .. if the board is so trashy, why are you here?

The word LOSER does indeed come to mind. :0)

Welcome to Hollywood.

I have to say I have been wondering what is with all of the newbies coming here to tell us our board sucks! I mean, it probably does - lord knows I have half the people here on ignore - but I'm in deep, here from day one, hopelessly addicted. If I just clicked here from another board and didn't like it, I just wouldn't come back. Just as I have done with several other boards I visited once and thought "uh, no".
I have to say I have been wondering what is with all of the newbies coming here to tell us our board sucks! I mean, it probably does - lord knows I have half the people here on ignore - but I'm in deep, here from day one, hopelessly addicted. If I just clicked here from another board and didn't like it, I just wouldn't come back. Just as I have done with several other boards I visited once and thought "uh, no".

Glad to hear that you too understand why this board is so trashy.
well, yes; but BAC in general is considered one of the more intelligent and credible posters; plus, if you are polite to him he is polite to you.

I do disagree with him on Libya and Syria, but his replies back to me telling me how wrongheaded he considers me are so polite and well-worded I can't get offended.

I haven't seen any real intelligence on this board yet with the exception of Anti-Party. And maybe one more but it's so infrequent I forget who.