We are only in the Middle East for Oil, so Drill Baby Drill, go Solar, go wind

It was you who declared Damo a conspiracy nut.
Back up your allegation.

I made no such "declaration" but it did appear to me that damo was getting into looloo territory with his opinions about "what is really going on". On the other hand this board and many others feed off of conspiracy theories and mutual hate for about everything. Thoughts about that?

I hate to tell you, bac, but you are a racist. And your racism is so deep seated that you need professional counseling/therapy to help you to first identify/understand/accept it and then to get over it. Your kind of racism is very well documented, studied and hundreds of professionals await your decision to simply ask for help. Godspeed.




That was stupid, but fun.
Denial is a very large part of your sickness, bac. Nothing fun or funny intended about that.



That from the Village 'negro' .. who uses the N word in a public forum.

You'll have to pardon me if I take nothing about you seriously.

It ain't easy being stupid is the sig you should post.
So how many solar panels will it take to get a Boeing 747 or Airbus 380 off the ground?
Irrelevant comment is irrelevant and clearly serves only to distract the reader from the true nature of the crisis.
Regardless, Jets can fly on completely alternative fuel http://www.flightglobal.com/news/ar...hol-as-potential-jet-fuel-replacement-368555/

How many windmills will it take to power a city the size of Los Angeles?

A very large amount. Why? Should we not build them because we need a lot of power for a very large city?

Perhaps it is even more imperative in Los Angeles, a city known for it's smog.

However, to illustrate the stupidity of your question, allow me to introduce you to the concept of baseload; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base_load_power_plant

Now, assuming you comprehend the theory of baseload, you will know that no amount of windmills could provide consistent power for a city of any size...however they can be used to offset
as much as 80% of fossil fuel generated power.
The good news though is that many forms of alternative fuel, such as hydropower, nuclear, and solar-thermal (with storage) can be used for baseload. A good example is seen here;

While Liberal America celebrates such eyesores as the solution to all of our problems, we ignore the most productive power in the world and shut down nuclear plants based on emotional hysterics. We ignore the massive reserves of natural gas to provide massive subsidies to corn growers to inefficiently produce ethanol.

Please cite examples of nuclear power plants which have been shut down due to hysterics. I might add, as an engineer with several friends in the nuclear industry, there are some plants which SHOULD be shut down.

Next, show where we are "ignoring the massive reserves of natural gas". The stupidity of this statement alone is the main reason I dismissed you in the first place. In fact nothing could be further from the truth. We are in fact exploiting natural gas fields at a near exponential rate. If you must know just to what extent this has progressed, some nuclear plants are being considered for shuttering because they can't compete with the low rates of nat gas power stations. (every watt sold on the grid is sold by competitive bid contract, with the exception of net-meter production, which is legislatively limited to a very small percentage.) Mmmkay, moron?

I'm all for using up the reserves in the ME over our own. But until we find a viable alternative to carbon based fuels and nuclear energy, all the well intended emotional harping about "clean" energy won't get that Boeing 747 off the ground or fuel that 12 wheeler that brings food to your table.

Thankyou for admitting you are in favor of continuing to support countries which use our dollars to fund terrorists, as well as contributing to our trade imbalance. Why do you hate America?

By the way, most proponents of clean energy do not eat food delivered by "12 wheelers" since they believe in eating locally grown produce. You have a lot to learn before casting aspersions
about clean energy. The fact is that the technology exists now, it is the will to use it, and the awareness of it that is lacking (as your retarded post amply proves).

Thankyou for trolling JPP. Would you like fries with that?
:0) That from the Village 'negro' .. who uses the N word in a public forum.
You'll have to pardon me if I take nothing about you seriously.
It ain't easy being stupid is the sig you should post.

Until you show some semblance of true understanding of various subjects then I, too, take you without a lot of seriousness. You first need to deal with your primary handicaps which are your self-loathing and inward hating. Dealing with some of that constant outward hating would help as well. You are clearly aware of these issues and you go to extraordinary lengths to disguise them, even to the point of personal denial.

I know full well what you are going through, bac. I've been afflicted with these exact issues for years. I now receive good and competent healthcare and I must say that I'm much better for it. I had no idea how those complexes were stifling my personal and mental growth potentials. I mean you no harm whatsoever, my good brother. I simply wish the very best for you and your seeking for satisfaction in this miserable old world of yours. It doesn't have to be and is most likely not the way you are thinking that it is.

Until you show some semblance of true understanding of various subjects then I, too, take you without a lot of seriousness. You first need to deal with your primary handicaps which are your self-loathing and inward hating. Dealing with some of that constant outward hating would help as well. You are clearly aware of these issues and you go to extraordinary lengths to disguise them, even to the point of personal denial.

I know full well what you are going through, bac. I've been afflicted with these exact issues for years. I now receive good and competent healthcare and I must say that I'm much better for it now. I had no idea how those complexes were stifling my personal and mental growth potentials. I mean you no harm whatsoever, my good brother. I simply wish the very best for you and your seeking for satisfaction in this miserable old world of yours. It doesn't have to be the way you are thinking that it is.



Dude, I'm not asking you to take me seriously, not asking you for shit. You're the idiot using the N word in a public forum .. which tells me that you aren't black.

Take your minstrel side show somewhere else.

Dude, I'm not asking you to take me seriously, not asking you for shit. You're the idiot using the N word in a public forum .. which tells me that you aren't black.

Take your minstrel side show somewhere else.

"N" word? At what point in your life did you become so offended by any such use of any kind of so-called "N" word? It obviously disturbs you greatly. Me, too, before I was helped in my understanding of who I really am and what I'm all about. That is very common in my community.

Minstrel side show? You are such a freaking clown!!!!!! How long have you been so afraid of those shows? Do they bring up things in your mind that you would rather not think about? You could probably do quite well wearing white-face and doing the ham-bone in one of those shows. That is precisely what you mostly do in these forums. But, you can't recognize it. It's all smoke and mirrors, tricks mostly tricking yourself, entertainment for others that are easily and ignorantly amused, you get my drift, or do you?

Life really is a bitch, bac, but not nearly the bitch you try to make it for yourself. Peace, my good brother.

"N" word? At what point in your life did you become so offended by any such use of any kind of so-called "N" word? It obviously disturbs you greatly. Me, too, before I was helped in my understanding of who I really am and what I'm all about. That is very common in my community.

Minstrel side show? You are such a freaking clown!!!!!! How long have you been so afraid of those shows? Do they bring up things in your mind that you would rather not think about? You could probably do quite well wearing white-face and doing the ham-bone in one of those shows. That is precisely what you mostly do in these forums. But, you can't recognize it. It's all smoke and mirrors, tricks mostly tricking yourself, entertainment for others that are easily and ignorantly amused, you get my drift, or do you?

Life really is a bitch, bac, but not nearly the bitch you try to make it for yourself. Peace, my good brother.


Petula, (if that is really your name) I assume you are new here. You are entirely wrong in your accusations of BAC. Please don't make a fool of yourself, let it go.
Petula, (if that is really your name) I assume you are new here. You are entirely wrong in your accusations of BAC. Please don't make a fool of yourself, let it go.

Fool of myself? I think he is making a fool of you and others that keep his petty-ass "Oh lookie, what a smart man he is" bullshit. bac is a fraud to himself, to me, to you and anyone that takes his hate towards anything or anyone that in any way disagrees with him to an absolute T with any respect or regard. He gets drunk with his self perceived senses of satisfaction and self-righteousness. He is absolutely like an alcoholic or a drug addict in these respects. Underneath it all, however, he is a very, very miserable person. That is a lot of his disease. He sees it, too. I see it clearly. You don't because you can't identify with it.

I've known bac for several years now. It took me some time but I finally realized what makes him tick. He wants you to take him at face value, for what and who he actually is but he so hates that face he sees in the mirror that he goes to extremes to somehow refuse himself. I know. Been there, done that, got training and counseling and have the lambskin to indicate such. He hates the President, he hates to even admit to being concerned about the black community, he thinks everybody he meets on the sidewalk means him ill-will, he despises the Democratic Party and his self-defeatism causes him to attempt a disguise of so-called independence. He constantly verbalizes all these things and more and never, not a single time has ever even attempted a discussion about any viable solution for anything. The good brother needs help. He knows it, I know it and any professional that ever examined him correctly would spot it almost immediately.

But, what the hay? His problem and not mine? Rather shallow on my part and yours but I can respect your admonitions, Rune. Doesn't mean I'll abide them, however. Thank you, anyway.

I've known bac for several years now. It took me some time but I finally realized what makes him tick. He wants you to take him at face value, for what and who he actually is but he so hates that face he sees in the mirror that he goes to extremes to somehow refuse himself. The good brother needs help. He knows it, I know it and any professional that ever examined him correctly would spot it almost immediately.

Fool of myself? I think he is making a fool of you and others that keep his petty-ass "Oh lookie, what a smart man he is" bullshit. bac is a fraud to himself, to me, to you and anyone that takes his hate towards anything or anyone that in any way disagrees with him to an absolute T with any respect or regard. He gets drunk with his self perceived senses of satisfaction and self-righteousness. He is absolutely like an alcoholic or a drug addict in these respects. Underneath it all, however, he is a very, very miserable person. That is a lot of his disease. He sees it, too. I see it clearly. You don't because you can't identify with it.

I've known bac for several years now. It took me some time but I finally realized what makes him tick. He wants you to take him at face value, for what and who he actually is but he so hates that face he sees in the mirror that he goes to extremes to somehow refuse himself. I know. Been there, done that, got training and counseling and have the lambskin to indicate such. He hates the President, he hates to even admit to being concerned about the black community, he thinks everybody he meets on the sidewalk means him ill-will, he despises the Democratic Party and his self-defeatism causes him to attempt a disguise of so-called independence. He constantly verbalizes all these things and more and never, not a single time has ever even attempted a discussion about any viable solution for anything. The good brother needs help. He knows it, I know it and any professional that ever examined him correctly would spot it almost immediately.

But, what the hay? His problem and not mine? Rather shallow on my part and yours but I can respect your admonitions, Rune. Doesn't mean I'll abide them, however. Thank you, anyway.


You two are not the only non-white members. Who are you to judge regardless?
You two are not the only non-white members. Who are you to judge regardless?

Judge? How do you figure that? Have I imposed any penalty on anyone for any reason or accused anyone of any wrongdoing, particularly on this issue? Simply put, hell no. I've made an observation, stated it plainly and as yet it still stands. In fact, I'd stake my life on the accuracy of this observation. What are you doing? Making your own observations and doing your best to make some sense of all of it? Or, like you put it, are you judging? Did you note the coy and attitude ridden remarks by bac to me? Predictably he thinks this is all funny, or is it that he is pretending it's all funny? Either way, I find his remarks interesting and serve only to reinforce my original observations as both sensical and correct.

I suggest help for the good brother. That's really all I can do other than to be concerned that he gets it. It appears to me that you and others would prefer to take the lazy assed way and enable his bullshit. I find THAT intolerable. His complexes will only intensify with that kind of "help".

Judge? How do you figure that? Have I imposed any penalty on anyone for any reason or accused anyone of any wrongdoing, particularly on this issue? Simply put, hell no. I've made an observation, stated it plainly and as yet it still stands. In fact, I'd stake my life on the accuracy of this observation. What are you doing? Making your own observations and doing your best to make some sense of all of it? Or, like you put it, are you judging? Did you note the coy and attitude ridden remarks by bac to me? Predictably he thinks this is all funny, or is it that he is pretending it's all funny? Either way, I find his remarks interesting and serve only to reinforce my original observations as both sensical and correct.

I suggest help for the good brother. That's really all I can do other than to be concerned that he gets it. It appears to me that you and others would prefer to take the lazy assed way and enable his bullshit. I find THAT intolerable. His complexes will only intensify with that kind of "help".


You don't have to impose a penalty to judge one.
I am surprised you don't know that for all your edification, insight and growth.
"N" word? At what point in your life did you become so offended by any such use of any kind of so-called "N" word? It obviously disturbs you greatly. Me, too, before I was helped in my understanding of who I really am and what I'm all about. That is very common in my community.

Minstrel side show? You are such a freaking clown!!!!!! How long have you been so afraid of those shows? Do they bring up things in your mind that you would rather not think about? You could probably do quite well wearing white-face and doing the ham-bone in one of those shows. That is precisely what you mostly do in these forums. But, you can't recognize it. It's all smoke and mirrors, tricks mostly tricking yourself, entertainment for others that are easily and ignorantly amused, you get my drift, or do you?

Life really is a bitch, bac, but not nearly the bitch you try to make it for yourself. Peace, my good brother.


Suck My Dick Mr. Racist White Dude Disguised As A Black Person.
Judge? How do you figure that? Have I imposed any penalty on anyone for any reason or accused anyone of any wrongdoing, particularly on this issue? Simply put, hell no. I've made an observation, stated it plainly and as yet it still stands. In fact, I'd stake my life on the accuracy of this observation. What are you doing? Making your own observations and doing your best to make some sense of all of it? Or, like you put it, are you judging? Did you note the coy and attitude ridden remarks by bac to me? Predictably he thinks this is all funny, or is it that he is pretending it's all funny? Either way, I find his remarks interesting and serve only to reinforce my original observations as both sensical and correct.

I suggest help for the good brother. That's really all I can do other than to be concerned that he gets it. It appears to me that you and others would prefer to take the lazy assed way and enable his bullshit. I find THAT intolerable. His complexes will only intensify with that kind of "help".



So the N word slinging racist motherfucker that disguises itself as something it's not just wants to help?


Seek therapy bozo. Maybe one day you won't need a disguise. :0)