We are only in the Middle East for Oil, so Drill Baby Drill, go Solar, go wind


I disagree.

We are also in the ME for Israel.

MUCH of US foreign policy is for Israel.

The cost of Israel to the American taxpayer is huge.

Americans have never addressed this truth.

Hopefully, this does not raise the shroud of 'antisemitism' .. which has kept this question out of main-stream conversation.

It isn't just oil and greed that moves us .. there is also power.
I actually agree with you CoalBlack, we need to arm Israel enough to allow them to defend themselves, otherwise we stay out of it.

First and foremost, my comment about a black nazi was related to me being one, howvere and since you chose to go there ..

I like history .. do you?

Let me give you some ..

There were 200,000 blacks in Gemany during the time of the nazis, mostly from Africa, and like most minority populations in Germany at the time, they were sterilized.

What you see are black people in German uniforms .. but unless you believe that all German soldiers were nazis, it makes little sense to suggest that these muppets in uniforms were nazis.

Key word: Aryan
Reality denier? Me? Check your bearings, sweetie. I support 100% alternative energy and certainly American energy independence. I don't support any idea that would alter any of that. It appears that others get a burr up their butts when reality really does hit them in the face.

It was you who declared Damo a conspiracy nut.
Back up your allegation.
We can buy electric cars and install solar panels on our own roofs right now. That is the bride technology that we need and it exists already and uses domestic fuel only.

So how many solar panels will it take to get a Boeing 747 or Airbus 380 off the ground?

How many windmills will it take to power a city the size of Los Angeles?

While Liberal America celebrates such eyesores as the solution to all of our problems, we ignore the most productive power in the world and shut down nuclear plants based on emotional hysterics. We ignore the massive reserves of natural gas to provide massive subsidies to corn growers to inefficiently produce ethanol.

I'm all for using up the reserves in the ME over our own. But until we find a viable alternative to carbon based fuels and nuclear energy, all the well intended emotional harping about "clean" energy won't get that Boeing 747 off the ground or fuel that 12 wheeler that brings food to your table.
So how many solar panels will it take to get a Boeing 747 or Airbus 380 off the ground?

How many windmills will it take to power a city the size of Los Angeles?

While Liberal America celebrates such eyesores as the solution to all of our problems, we ignore the most productive power in the world and shut down nuclear plants based on emotional hysterics. We ignore the massive reserves of natural gas to provide massive subsidies to corn growers to inefficiently produce ethanol.

I'm all for using up the reserves in the ME over our own. But until we find a viable alternative to carbon based fuels and nuclear energy, all the well intended emotional harping about "clean" energy won't get that Boeing 747 off the ground or fuel that 12 wheeler that brings food to your table.
Firstly, There is no such thing as a 12 wheeler. There are 6,10,14, or 18 wheelers but one would hardly expect honesty from a "truth deflector".
The rest of your post reeks of ignorance as well, so not much point in me pointing out the rest of your bullshit.
Firstly, There is no such thing as a 12 wheeler. There are 6,10,14, or 18 wheelers but one would hardly expect honesty from a "truth deflector".
The rest of your post reeks of ignorance as well, so not much point in me pointing out the rest of your bullshit.

I am amused that you focus on a typo as evidence of anything coherent coming from you then ironically declare others posts as reeking of ignorance while being a perfect example of what ignorance is all about; deflections and childish insults.

Get back to me when you have a coherent response containing something more than "because you say so." :wacko:
I am amused that you focus on a typo as evidence of anything coherent coming from you then ironically declare others posts as reeking of ignorance while being a perfect example of what ignorance is all about; deflections and childish insults.

Get back to me when you have a coherent response containing something more than "because you say so." :wacko:

I will adress this later because I cant reply the way I need to from this phone.
Progress! Ten years ago hardly any American would even admit that the ME wars are totally about oil. This is an indication of an Obama partial success at least!
You're dead in the water evince. But I have to say that you at least honestly thought your intentions were good. It's just too bad that it all had to based on supporting Obama.

But it's also too bad that you were forced into it by having to deal with phony people who only objected to war because it appeared to be Obama's initiative.

Do you get it yet?
I'm so done reading your bullshit. STFU you whiny little bitch. This troll isn't "clever" or anything like that. You just sound like a 12 yo moron.

You're just sore because after you said you judge Democrats by how they look with their shirts off I asked to see your topless pic.
So is that like anybody who discusses Israel, even as how it relates to our foreign policy is a racist?

Would that be your point .. because I haven't said anything remotely similar to the video you posted, nor am I a racist.

I hate to tell you, bac, but you are a racist. And your racism is so deep seated that you need professional counseling/therapy to help you to first identify/understand/accept it and then to get over it. Your kind of racism is very well documented, studied and hundreds of professionals await your decision to simply ask for help. Godspeed.
