We can all agree on 1 thing!

Whatever you wish to call this, from your link:

About David French »

David is a Senior Counsel at the American Center for Law and Justice. A graduate of Harvard Law School, he is a former Senior Counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund, and a past president of the Foundation of Individual Rights in Education. He has taught at Cornell Law School and served as a commercial litigation partner in the firm of Greenebaum, Doll & McDonald. His legal practice is concentrated on constitutional law and the international law of armed conflict, and he is licensed to practice before the Supreme Court of the United States. David is the author of multiple books, including Home and Away: A Story of Family in a Time of War and A Season for Justice: Defending the Rights of the Christian Home, Church, and School. David is a regular contributor to National Review Online, a columnist for Patheos, and he has written numerous op-eds and articles, including pieces in the Washington Post, Washington Times, Human Events, Townhall, New York Post, New York Daily News, Boston Herald, and Philadelphia Daily News. Regularly interviewed by both print and broadcast media, David has appeared on ABC World News Tonight, The O’Reilly Factor, CNN Newsroom, The Fox Report with Shepard Smith, and Special Report with Brit Hume, among others. A regular guest on talk radio programs, David has been interviewed on National Public Radio and by numerous hosts, including Michael Medved, Hugh Hewitt, Laura Ingraham, Dennis Prager, James Dobson, and Michael Reagan. David has guest-hosted a number of radio programs, including the Hugh Hewitt Show. David is the 2012 recipient of the American Conservative Union’s Ronald Reagan Award. David is also a Captain in the United States Army Reserve, joining the USAR in April, 2006. He currently serves as Brigade Judge Advocate for the 1st Brigade, 104th Division. From October 2007 to September 2008 CPT French served as Squadron Judge Advocate for the 2d Squadron, 3d Armored Cavalry Regiment in Diyala Province, Iraq, where he was awarded the Bronze Star. David and his wife Nancy have two daughters (ages 13 and 4) and a son (age 11). They live in Columbia, Tennessee.
These defectors are who they say they are.

you cant deny that.

They have evidence they are about to show you.

will you call them lairs out of spite?

so the defense minister who defected in 2011 somehow has reliable intel about the chem weapon attacks in 2013?
yeah which is why I want planes bombed so no more babies will be gassed in their sleep.

fucking lying to yourself and everyone else is not viable political position.

Go get the mental help you so need billy

So you want babies killed in their sleep by bombs?
Some interesting observations on Syria, the committee appearances of Hagel and Kerry. Undoubtedly skewed right, but on Syria I'm not so sure there is a right and left.

It's many different authors, not all posts will be on topic, but I think many will find things of interest. This caught my eye, keeping in mind that this is a civil war and both sides would use any weapons they can get. Both sides will and have used civilians:
It would be prudent for us to remember that the alternatives to brutal dictatorship are not always what we’d like — especially as jihadists gain strength in the Syrian opposition, including some of the same vicious jihadists we fought in Iraq. Air strikes may alter the balance of power in the Syrian civil war, but they won’t endear us to al-Qaeda or any other Sunni radicals fighting Assad.

I fully recognize that I’m not privy to classified information regarding the nature and makeup of the Syrian rebels, but history demonstrates that we consistently approach the Middle East with rose-colored glasses, and a central question Congress should be asking is this: If we “degrade” Assad who do we empower
good find, the general consensus seems to be that the jihadistds can be mitigated by the Free Syrian Army ( or Coalition -whatever it's called now)

but no-one can say exactly HOW the FSA is going to govern, without the Al_Nusra types (AQ" affiliates") wanting to become a sectarian state.

If nothing else, Asssad has kept out the AQ types - being an Alawite. Before the civil war at least.

This was supposed to be looked at the Geneva Peace Conference - but that idea is long dead - Obama and Putin aren't even talking.
Another failure of diplomacy, in favor of 'red line" war / intervention.

We have no clue about degrading Assad, except it will empower the rebels - how is unknown, but could be heavy blowback.
Yet this seems to be the talking point, along with "Assad must Go"
Tell that to the Palestinians.
you're right about that. when I was posted in Beirut, Arafat had his headquarters on the top two floors of an apartment building... Israelis sent a smart bomb into the top floor... didn't kill a single innocent civilian, but, unfortunately, missed the blustery old fucker cuz he was out driving around for the afternoon.
To me personally, dropping bombs always kills civilians and there is just no excuse for it. You can maybe find an instance where it would be justifiable to me, but none that I can think of. I am not a pacifist, but I'd want to see ships on the shore before war. I can support a true humanitarian intervention but don't really know of any recently. Humanitarian intervention would never include airstrikes.

And then, in this case, logically, this is a civil war. How the eff would you like it if France had dropped bombs on Massachusetts during our civil war? This is going to be a huge mess, runs the risk of turning into a proxy war (IF it isn't starting that way, I don't think we know), runs the risk of spreading, runs the high risk of further destabilizing both the country and the region...and for what? What is the goal again? When do we know we've accomplished it? None of this has been answered.

One final question I have is; why is it we always have money to bomb people? We just cut a shit load of programs during the sequester that have had the real life effect of causing pain and suffering to real people. But we can always afford to drop bombs - all of which will be replaced! We always have plenty of bucks to pay to the war pigs running this country and manufacturing these weapons don't we? And there is always some urgent reason for it isnt' there?

It's horseshit.

I like your comment that we always have money to bomb people. Truer words were never spoken.
whoever looks at the documentation they are moved to the Obama side.

there are things you don't know about the situation folks.

Remember when you were all calling Clinton names for trying to get some camel jockey named OBL and you all pretended it was about Monica?

fuck you people will back the stupidest shit for your idiot political party.

Fine, then they need to SHOW US the evidence. It is our sons and daughters who will be dying and coming back shattered. I am so tired of having our children sacrificed on the altar of the the USA being the world's police force.