We can all agree on 1 thing!

So what about all these Democrats, in Congress and regular citizens, who are against attacking Syria. Are they all putting the Democratic Party over country here?

They don't want to be like bush bots

they fear they are being lied to again.

they are not
What you originally said was that 91% were against action. You walked that back to 81%. But the reality is that 56% are against. Also, too, where's the support for the claim that "the rest want more proof that we're bombing the right guy and that there actually is an American interest for us to take action."

And, Darla, this matters to me because Damo does this kind of shit all the time and I like to try to keep him a little bit honest.

I corrected it. I, personally, believe that "not for" is synonymous with "against". But hey, you were the one trying to say that it really meant "for"...

When only 19% of the nation are "for" what you are doing it is wildly unpopular, hence the reason that he is begging Congress to smear some of the stink on themselves so that it doesn't all get on him. He isn't against unilateral attacks without Congressional approval as Libya has already shown us. He only cares about "permission" when it means he can try to defer the political cost on others.
What you originally said was that 91% were against action. You walked that back to 81%. But the reality is that 56% are against. Also, too, where's the support for the claim that "the rest want more proof that we're bombing the right guy and that there actually is an American interest for us to take action."

And, Darla, this matters to me because Damo does this kind of shit all the time and I like to try to keep him a little bit honest.

82% don't explicitly want action in syria
What you originally said was that 91% were against action. You walked that back to 81%. But the reality is that 56% are against. Also, too, where's the support for the claim that "the rest want more proof that we're bombing the right guy and that there actually is an American interest for us to take action."

And, Darla, this matters to me because Damo does this kind of shit all the time and I like to try to keep him a little bit honest.

Man that is a full time job!
They don't want to be like bush bots

they fear they are being lied to again.

they are not

So there's no chance some people are just anti-war and don't want to see the U.S. get involved in more bombings and killings?
No, that's not being pedantic. Sorry, it's not pedantic to point out that Damo was counting "unsures' as against.

he corrected me as well even though what I said was accurate. 82% are not for explicit action in syria.