'We have broken speed of light'

He is confusing "speed of light" with "light year" and getting it wrong in either case. A light year is not a measure of time, but of distance. And the speed of light is the actual speed it travels in vacuum, just like your car 35 MPH means that in one hour you can travel 35 miles, Light is just a bit faster at slightly over 186,000 Miles per second.
He is confusing "speed of light" with "light year" and getting it wrong in either case. A light year is not a measure of time, but of distance. And the speed of light is the actual speed it travels, just like your car 35 MPH means that in one hour you can travel 35 miles, Light is just a bit faster at slightly over 186,000 Miles per second.

Yes. Thank you, damo.
He is confusing "speed of light" with "light year" and getting it wrong in either case. A light year is not a measure of time, but of distance. And the speed of light is the actual speed it travels in vacuum, just like your car 35 MPH means that in one hour you can travel 35 miles, Light is just a bit faster at slightly over 186,000 Miles per second.

the light year thing was a joke....sigh.

however it is both a measure of the speed of light and time.
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In the words of another poster "I CALL "BS"

Doniston, you can look up the physics formulas if you want to. I promise you, I know far more than your ignorant ass in this area. If you want an in depth explanation of why traveling faster than light is impossible, read Einstein.
light and time are somehow intertwined according to einstein as best as I can figure out.

Light and time aren't "intertwined" at all. It's true, however, that the speed you're going at affects time. This is usually described in literature using lightspeed, because that's whenever the effect is most apparent. But it happens at basically any speed, also. In fact, whenever you take a plan flight across the nation, you've "jumped" a second or two into the future.
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Umm you fuck einstein if you want, I KNOW the dude was much smarter than I am.
Obvoiusly if two people disagree with him, they are definitely having a sexual encounter That stands to reason RIGHT?:rolleyes: HEH HEH
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Obvoiusly of two people disagree with him, they are definitely having a sexual encounter That stands to reason RIGHT?:rolleyes: HEH HEH

Einstein was wrong on several points, however, concerning general relativity, he was right on almost everything. You, however, have no inkling of an idea what general relativity is, if you think that light is related to time.
einsteins stuff is largely theory as well.


n common usage, people often use the word theory to signify a conjecture, an opinion, or a speculation. In this usage, a theory is not necessarily based on facts; in other words, it is not required to be consistent with true descriptions of reality. True descriptions of reality are more reflectively understood as statements which would be true independently of what people think about them. In this usage, the word is synonymous with hypothesis.

In science, a theory is a mathematical or logical explanation, or a testable model of the manner of interaction of a set of natural phenomena, capable of predicting future occurrences or observations of the same kind, and capable of being tested through experiment or otherwise falsified through empirical observation. It follows from this that for scientists "theory" and "fact" do not necessarily stand in opposition. For example, it is a fact that an apple dropped on earth has been observed to fall towards the center of the planet, and the theories commonly used to describe and explain this behaviour are Newton's theory of universal gravitation (see also gravitation), and general relativity.

If it's theory it's pretty damn correct then.
wrong. not owned it is still a theory and scientific theories have been proven wrong before.

If owned please send support check :)

Or do you have no personal responsibility for what you own ?

also you will be responsible for any future dumbass things I do ;)
He is confusing "speed of light" with "light year" and getting it wrong in either case. A light year is not a measure of time, but of distance. And the speed of light is the actual speed it travels in vacuum, just like your car 35 MPH means that in one hour you can travel 35 miles, Light is just a bit faster at slightly over 186,000 Miles per second.
No, I'm not confused at all, I simply disagree with the whole concept.
Doniston, you can look up the physics formulas if you want to. I promise you, I know far more than your ignorant ass in this area. If you want an in depth explanation of why traveling faster than light is impossible, read Einstein.
I have --enough to know I disagree. You can beleive anything you want, including that you know more about it than I, but that doesn't make you right. just arrogant.
Light and time aren't "intertwined" at all. It's true, however, that the speed you're going at affects time. This is usually described in literature using lightspeed, because that's whenever the effect is most apparent. But it happens at basically any speed, also. In fact, whenever you take a plan flight across the nation, you've "jumped" a second or two into the future.
OH BS. I'm sorry to say this, but you belong with ASSHAT, on this issue. You've read to much and understood to little, and he just understands too little. Everything you postulate is theoretical and definitely includes Einstein's theories. Note: Einstein's THEORIES -(not facts)
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