We have never seen such a senior official say the President is unfit

It's a matter of degree.

Example, certainly most Presidents have said something prejudicial in their lives such as a negative racial, gender or sexual preference remark, but only Trump seems to be doing it at the podium.

Agreed that some of the complaints against Trump are blown out of proportion but the same applies to complaints against Obama, Biden, Pelosi, etc. It's just the times we live in.

Do you think Trump's misdeeds even compare with those of Obama that I listed out previously?
Do you think Trump's misdeeds even compare with those of Obama that I listed out previously?

Let's start easy. Obamas admin worked with 6 other actions to stop Iran from making a nuclear bomb. They made a deal with all to end Iran nukes. Everbody I know thought stopping another nation from creating a nuke was a good thing. Trump unilaterally pulled out from that agreement and now Iran is in the process of making a nuke. What did Trump achieve with that move? Unless you find making the world a more dangerous place and causing untold suffering in Iran is making us safer. To double up the problem, Trump's action means America does not honor its deals. Who will enter in a pact with the US when they can just walk away when they are bored with the deal?
Let's start easy. Obamas admin worked with 6 other actions to stop Iran from making a nuclear bomb. They made a deal with all to end Iran nukes. Everbody I know thought stopping another nation from creating a nuke was a good thing. Trump unilaterally pulled out from that agreement and now Iran is in the process of making a nuke. What did Trump achieve with that move? Unless you find making the world a more dangerous place and causing untold suffering in Iran is making us safer. To double up the problem, Trump's action means America does not honor its deals. Who will enter in a pact with the US when they can just walk away when they are bored with the deal?

I stopped here. It's beyond false. Even Obama's own people got caught in a H0t-Mic moment and said the only reason the deal passed was cos people were "Stupid">
Let's start easy. Obamas admin worked with 6 other actions to stop Iran from making a nuclear bomb. They made a deal with all to end Iran nukes. Everbody I know thought stopping another nation from creating a nuke was a good thing. Trump unilaterally pulled out from that agreement and now Iran is in the process of making a nuke. What did Trump achieve with that move? Unless you find making the world a more dangerous place and causing untold suffering in Iran is making us safer. To double up the problem, Trump's action means America does not honor its deals. Who will enter in a pact with the US when they can just walk away when they are bored with the deal?

That's not quite correct. Most people acknowledge all they did was kick the can down the road 10+ years.

Agreed, Trump is a moron. Only morons would eliminate something of strategic importance without a replacement plan.
I stopped here. It's beyond false. Even Obama's own people got caught in a H0t-Mic moment and said the only reason the deal passed was cos people were "Stupid">

Let's make it clear. The deal stopped Iran from making a nuke. They were watched by all the signatory countries. they were not making a nuke. Trump pulled out, because he is an asshole, and they are making them now. Trump made the world a more dangerous place because he is so childish and petty. The deal was excellent. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/08/us/politics/trump-fact-check.html
Let's make it clear. The deal stopped Iran from making a nuke. They were watched by all the signatory countries. they were not making a nuke. Trump pulled out, because he is an asshole, and they are making them now. Trump made the world a more dangerous place because he is so childish and petty. The deal was excellent. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/08/us/politics/trump-fact-check.html

From your link:
The very defective J.C.P.O.A. expires shortly anyway and gives Iran a clear and quick path to nuclear breakout.

This is exaggerated. The major provisions limiting Iran’s nuclear capabilities last a decade or longer. And the agreement increased the “breakout” period — the time it would take Iran to produce enough fuel for one weapon — to at least a year from an estimated two to three months. If the deal had been left in place and fully adhered to, Iran would not have been able to achieve nuclear breakout until 2030.

From the link within your link: https://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/15/...-deal-is-reached-after-long-negotiations.html
Pressed on that point, an American official who briefed reporters on Tuesday said that Iran’s long-term plans to expand its enrichment capability would be shared with the International Atomic Energy Agency and other parties to the accord.

“It is going to be a gradual decline,” the official said. “At the end of, say, 15 years, we are not going to know what that is.” But clearly there are intelligence agency estimates, and one diplomat involved in the talks said that internal estimates suggested Iran’s breakout time could shrink to about five months in year 14 of the plan.

Secretary of State John Kerry, who led the negotiations for the United States in the final rounds, sought in his remarks Tuesday to blunt criticism on this point. “Iran will not produce or acquire highly enriched uranium” or plutonium for at least 15 years, he said. Verification measures, he added, will “stay in place permanently.”
Let's make it clear. The deal stopped Iran from making a nuke. They were watched by all the signatory countries. they were not making a nuke. Trump pulled out, because he is an asshole, and they are making them now. Trump made the world a more dangerous place because he is so childish and petty. The deal was excellent. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/08/us/politics/trump-fact-check.html

Ah the Iran deal that's an interesting one. Gave them billions of dollars, including cash and they were still working on nukes. Trump did pull out and imposed sanctions which I think was a better move instead of feeding them money and allowing them to finance the terrorist actions they are involved in.
OK, you do not know how it worked. I figured that anyway. . https://www.vox.com/2015/8/26/9207215/iran-deal-10-15-years

Do you feel better now? Do you feel properly righteous?

Thanks for the link: "That said, it is true that there will be more restrictions during those first 10 and 15 years than after. The provisions that end after 10 years include the number of centrifuges Iran is allowed to have and the restriction barring it from researching more advanced centrifuges. The most important provision that lasts for 15 years is probably the cap on the amount of low-enriched (energy-grade) uranium that Iran is allowed to have."
Do you feel better now? Do you feel properly righteous?

Thanks for the link: "That said, it is true that there will be more restrictions during those first 10 and 15 years than after. The provisions that end after 10 years include the number of centrifuges Iran is allowed to have and the restriction barring it from researching more advanced centrifuges. The most important provision that lasts for 15 years is probably the cap on the amount of low-enriched (energy-grade) uranium that Iran is allowed to have."

That is not enough centrifuges to make a nuke. However, it takes a lot more than that. They would have to restart the construction of the buildings and manufacture to start after 15 years. Assuming that is what they want to do. yes, they have nukes for medicine. That is not bomb making. Trump's brilliant idea has them hot into making a bomb now. How does that make you feel better?
Conservative Washington Post columnist Max Boot appeared on CNN Thursday to address the allegations detailed by former national security adviser John Bolton in his soon-to-be-released book The Room Where it Happened.

Boot began by saying that he had to pick his jaw up off of the floor to be able to comment on the revelations.

“You have to understand how unprecedented this is,” he explained. “We’ve had tell-all memoirs in the past. Former White House aides like George Stephanopoulos have written books, sometimes while their president was still in office. We’ve never seen such a senior former official saying that the president they served was fundamentally unfit and unethical and ignorant and therefore incapable of doing the job.”

He noted that it doesn’t come out of the blue, rather it confirms past reports in books like Fear by Bob Woodward, A Very Stable Genius, by Phil Rucker and Carol Leonnig, and A Warning by the anonymous White House staffer.
Similarly, John Kelly, James Mattis and Anthony Scaramucci have said things about Trump that confirm the concerns that Bolton raises.

“The difference here is that Bolton has provided a fuller report of what he saw because he was a copious note-taker,” said Boot. “So, I think this is a very damning indictment and I think Trump and his defenders will have trouble running away from because Bolton is one of them. You can’t accuse him of being part of the ‘deep state’ because he’s as right-wing as they come.

Max Boot is a senior official? You sad, pathetic dumbass. :laugh:

Boot has been a dumb anti-Trumper from the beginning you dumbass. Yeah, in dumbfuck land, Bolton is a credible source. :palm:
That is not enough centrifuges to make a nuke. However, it takes a lot more than that. They would have to restart the construction of the buildings and manufacture to start after 15 years. Assuming that is what they want to do. yes, they have nukes for medicine. That is not bomb making. Trump's brilliant idea has them hot into making a bomb now. How does that make you feel better?

The ONLY "Brilliant" ideas tRump has ever had were actually someone elses ideas.
That is not enough centrifuges to make a nuke. However, it takes a lot more than that. They would have to restart the construction of the buildings and manufacture to start after 15 years. Assuming that is what they want to do. yes, they have nukes for medicine. That is not bomb making. Trump's brilliant idea has them hot into making a bomb now. How does that make you feel better?

I'm not defending Trump nor his leaving the treaty. That's a mistaken assumption on your part. I'm just saying the treaty wasn't ending then and forever Iran's desires and abilities to acquire nuclear weapons, it only slowed down the process.
Since DT has no actual leadership skills in his toolbox, he uses the only one he has: media manipulation.

One of the first things Biden should do if elected would be to re-establish the Iran nuke deal. Redo what DT undid. That should be a piece of cake. Everybody already agreed to it once after a lot of negotiating work.

Then, let the dust settle for years. The deal buys lots of time. Later, when this all becomes the past, begin negotiating the next deal.

It's not rocket science. It's diplomacy.