No accusation to be made against Trump which cannot be made many-times-over against a whole host of previous Presidents.
Trump is yet to sell the family Silver for a pittance to Iran, Russia or China, yet he's been basically investigated on all 3 counts.
Obama let the Russians off soft, sold the Iranians a pregnant cow and told the US people it was bully beef. He didn't drink the Kool Aid but he did drink the Flint Water and smile.
He also eviscerated the Democratic Party, abandoned ALL semblance of traditionalism, preferring to gin up minority grievances as a one-size-fits-ONE bulwark against true blue-collar working concerns, allowed the Student Debt crisis to manifest itself because it suited his agenda to have literally millions of pissed off broke-ass gender-studies on the street
But Trump!!! But Trump!! But Trump!!!
Yeah? Trump what? Refused to make nice? Told the Reps AND the Dems to go fuck themselves?
How about Obama? Jeremiah Wright, Clingers, Acorn, Weaponizing IRS, Weaponizing FBI, You didn't Make That, etc etc.
Obama destroyed the limits on campaign financing as it was in his own best narrow interests to do so- future elections be damned. Obama did it. Not Trump.
Trump is disliked out of all proportion to his misdeeds and is disliked out of all proportion to the criticism which is heaped on his predecessors many of whom behaved worse.