Althea told me...........
Similar to the video of trump's declining faculties?It's not pure projection when there is a multitude of video evidence of Biden's decline.
Similar to the video of trump's declining faculties?It's not pure projection when there is a multitude of video evidence of Biden's decline.
Yes. This is typically true of every politician. I believe it's a job requirement. The psychopath issue, is not. It's a detriment.Psychopath is a stretch. Narcissist, yes. Granted, the only difference between Trump and the average politician is that Trump doesn't hide his narcissism. Anyone who runs for president has to be at least partially narcissistic to think they are worthy of the presidency.
The corporations might be right leaning on economics, but not on social issues. Most corporations today are "woke" on social issues. It's hard to find a corporation that is socially conservative.
This is because globalism and progressivism are natural allies. Identity politics keep the working class divided, and that is exactly what corporations want. Open borders fit right into that agenda, because that gives corporations easy access to cheap labor.
Agreed. IMO, delusional disorder is much more likely coupled with narcissism as you pointed out.Psychopath is a stretch. Narcissist, yes. Granted, the only difference between Trump and the average politician is that Trump doesn't hide his narcissism. Anyone who runs for president has to be at least partially narcissistic to think they are worthy of the presidency.
To a billionaire, $66 million isn't a "fortune", but it isn't insignificant either. Multiple people in this thread are erroneously claiming that Trump didn't intend to win the election. That's just an asinine claim when considering Trump's own finances in this, and also with the simple fact that running for president isn't a good investment if your actual goal is just to self-promote. Reality TV programs are a far better investment for that purpose, because they are cheaper to finance, while still providing a significant return (if they are successful).
It's not pure projection when there is a multitude of video evidence of Biden's decline.
Trump did not put his money in without recovery. When he started gathering Americans' money, he paid off his loans to the campaign. Yes, they were loans.
Similar to the video of trump's declining faculties?
Yes. This is typically true of every politician. I believe it's a job requirement. The psychopath issue, is not. It's a detriment.
Great! I'm "Socially Liberal, Fiscally Conservative" myself: "I don't give a shit what you do, just don't do it on my lawn or make me pay for it." Isn't that in line with the American ideal of "Live and Let live"? "Mind your own business"? "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness"? What kind of asshole seeks to dictate to others how to live, how to think and what to believe?
All you keep doing is show you have not watched or listened to Bidens speeches and interviews. He is not showing a decline. That is a right wing/Trumpian meme. You can look at what he says. it is online... It proves you are flat out wrong.
Woke isn't liberal. Woke is progressive.
Socially liberal is "live and let live." Socially progressive is statist in a lot of ways. It typically involves eroding gun rights, forcing people to do business with others, and using the state to pander to identity politics at the expense of the majority.
Slang changes. Fuck'em. You are free to bitch and moan about anyone to the Left of you and they are free to bitch and moan about anyone to the right of them. Unless I'm feeling ornery, I usually pass by the idiots.
Nope. He's a psychopath. If you don't believe me, just go visit his concentration camps.If you want to call him a sociopath, that's believable. Psychopath is something entirely different.
He gave loans to his campaign which he forgave. That's different from taking a loan out from a bank.
Conservative Washington Post columnist Max Boot appeared on CNN Thursday to address the allegations detailed by former national security adviser John Bolton in his soon-to-be-released book The Room Where it Happened.
Boot began by saying that he had to pick his jaw up off of the floor to be able to comment on the revelations.
“You have to understand how unprecedented this is,” he explained. “We’ve had tell-all memoirs in the past. Former White House aides like George Stephanopoulos have written books, sometimes while their president was still in office. We’ve never seen such a senior former official saying that the president they served was fundamentally unfit and unethical and ignorant and therefore incapable of doing the job.”
He noted that it doesn’t come out of the blue, rather it confirms past reports in books like Fear by Bob Woodward, A Very Stable Genius, by Phil Rucker and Carol Leonnig, and A Warning by the anonymous White House staffer.
Similarly, John Kelly, James Mattis and Anthony Scaramucci have said things about Trump that confirm the concerns that Bolton raises.
“The difference here is that Bolton has provided a fuller report of what he saw because he was a copious note-taker,” said Boot. “So, I think this is a very damning indictment and I think Trump and his defenders will have trouble running away from because Bolton is one of them. You can’t accuse him of being part of the ‘deep state’ because he’s as right-wing as they come.
Good post. I agree that the book is believable and damning for Trump.
I don't need one to say that. Everyone knew it and said it even before the great unwashed hoards of angry gun stroking bitter bible thumpers
with Putin's help ushered the Orange Twat in office.