We have never seen such a senior official say the President is unfit

The American people are the deciders, and if you want to talk about unprecedented let's talk about "NOT MY PRESIDENT!" demonstrations starting the day after the election and DOJ spying on a Presidential campaign and threats issued that working for the administration in a appointed position will be considered a career ender by the Elite Class...the ongoing strike against America.....all of which is unprecedented.

Bolton is pissed that Trump would not let him bomb Iran, and now he is looking for vengence....that is the story here.....this is about Bolton and his moral problems.

This is beautiful, "Bolton is pissed that Trump would not let him bomb Iran, and now he is looking for vengence....that is the story here.....this is about Bolton and his moral problems."

Bolton confirms what many previously in the Trump inner circle have already warned, that Trump is incompetent, and he is doing it cause he couldn't bomb Iran and he has moral problems, almost an instant classic
Hello Althea,

Agree 100%. Although,he's GOT to have someone who tells him that once Barr isn't running interference, he's screwed.

Oh, I think he knows that.

That's his motivation for wanting reelection so bad he's willing to cheat for it.
The American people are the deciders, and if you want to talk about unprecedented let's talk about "NOT MY PRESIDENT!" demonstrations starting the day after the election and DOJ spying on a Presidential campaign and threats issued that working for the administration in a appointed position will be considered a career ender by the Elite Class...the ongoing strike against America.....all of which is unprecedented.

Bolton is pissed that Trump would not let him bomb Iran, and now he is looking for vengence....that is the story here.....this is about Bolton and his moral problems.

Do you think by now trump knows that GB is a nuclear power?
"Similarly, John Kelly, James Mattis and Anthony Scaramucci have said things about Trump that confirm the concerns that Bolton raises.

“The difference here is that Bolton has provided a fuller report of what he saw because he was a copious note-taker,” said Boot. “So, I think this is a very damning indictment and I think Trump and his defenders will have trouble running away from because Bolton is one of them. You can’t accuse him of being part of the ‘deep state’ because he’s as right-wing as they come."

Regardless if Trump wins or loses the election, his life is going to be very "interesting".

I really want to steal this book. (I'm not about to put a nickel in Bolton's pocket)
Agree 100%. Although,he's GOT to have someone who tells him that once Barr isn't running interference, he's screwed.

Like Michael Jackson, Trump will fire or ban anyone who disagrees with him. Yes, some will certainly tell him, but as more of these reports come out of the WH, Trump doesn't like hearing things which contradict his world view.
I really want to steal this book. (I'm not about to put a nickel in Bolton's pocket)

No need to risk being charged with theft, just visit your local library.....or wait a month for a used copy on Amazon. The profit goes to the seller, not Bolton.
Like Michael Jackson, Trump will fire or ban anyone who disagrees with him. Yes, some will certainly tell him, but as more of these reports come out of the WH, Trump doesn't like hearing things which contradict his world view.
He got away with that in the private sector. He struggles mightily with that as POTUS
Conservative Washington Post columnist Max Boot appeared on CNN Thursday to address the allegations detailed by former national security adviser John Bolton in his soon-to-be-released book The Room Where it Happened.

Boot began by saying that he had to pick his jaw up off of the floor to be able to comment on the revelations.

“You have to understand how unprecedented this is,” he explained. “We’ve had tell-all memoirs in the past. Former White House aides like George Stephanopoulos have written books, sometimes while their president was still in office. We’ve never seen such a senior former official saying that the president they served was fundamentally unfit and unethical and ignorant and therefore incapable of doing the job.”

He noted that it doesn’t come out of the blue, rather it confirms past reports in books like Fear by Bob Woodward, A Very Stable Genius, by Phil Rucker and Carol Leonnig, and A Warning by the anonymous White House staffer.
Similarly, John Kelly, James Mattis and Anthony Scaramucci have said things about Trump that confirm the concerns that Bolton raises.

“The difference here is that Bolton has provided a fuller report of what he saw because he was a copious note-taker,” said Boot. “So, I think this is a very damning indictment and I think Trump and his defenders will have trouble running away from because Bolton is one of them. You can’t accuse him of being part of the ‘deep state’ because he’s as right-wing as they come.

“fundamentally unfit and unethical and ignorant and therefore incapable of doing the job.”


I don’t need to read Bolton’s book to know that. It’s been obvious since day one.
He got away with that in the private sector. He struggles mightily with that as POTUS

Yes, he does. General Kelly warned Trump he'd be impeached for his actions. I have no doubt that one reason so many people have left the Trump administration is because Trump kept pushing them to do illegal shit.
“fundamentally unfit and unethical and ignorant and therefore incapable of doing the job.”


I don’t need to read Bolton’s book to know that. It’s been obvious since day one.

The more of the "best people" who say it, the better. Trump can call it sour grapes or call them incompetent losers, but the more people who've left make it look like it's Trump who's at fault not them.
Yes, he does. General Kelly warned Trump he'd be impeached for his actions. I have no doubt that one reason so many people have left the Trump administration is because Trump kept pushing them to do illegal shit.
In the early years, we were amused, and curious about an administration that kept shedding career public servants. If you remember the 'give him a chance' mantra right after the election, we saw him putting run of the mill Republicans (and Wall St. whores) in his cabinet. The purge started, and what we didn't realize at the time was that he would keep shopping until he had nothing but 'yes' men/women, and those who would protect him from his criminal activity by bringing the justice system to a screeching halt.

There will be libraries full of books about this administration.
In the early years, we were amused, and curious about an administration that kept shedding career public servants. If you remember the 'give him a chance' mantra right after the election, we saw him putting run of the mill Republicans (and Wall St. whores) in his cabinet. The purge started, and what we didn't realize at the time was that he would keep shopping until he had nothing but 'yes' men/women, and those who would protect him from his criminal activity by bringing the justice system to a screeching halt.

There will be libraries full of books about this administration.
WHich goes to prove that's exactly how he'd run his businesses for decades.
WHich goes to prove that's exactly how he'd run his businesses for decades.
Well, in the private sector, he was 'The Man' and he attracted ass kissers. His business practices didn't matter, because Daddy spent hundreds of millions of dollars bailing him out.

Again...that's why he struggles so much now. He thought that was normal. And as you stated, his perception is what he believes to be reality.
Max Boot is as much of a war monger as the Dali Lama. You should be able to do better than this

Uh... Max Boot was one of the main cheerleaders of the Iraq War. You might as well have quoted Bill Kristol's opinion of Trump.

I do find it interesting how many of the same people that hated the neocons are more than willing to side with them as long as they hate Trump, however.