T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
Do you really think that's not a problem with Trump?
It was with Obama. I think the problem is different with Trump. He is the overbearing, my ideas are great, I'm in charge here sort that has a plan and doesn't want to hear any criticism of it. Obama was the sort that had some great idea and thought that it, and he, were so smart, so brilliant, and that the idea was so incredibly fantastic that people would automatically be onboard with it. That always ended in disaster for him, even before he was President.
Obama thought he was anointed by god and the like and always surprised when no one believed it. Trump is just a bulldozer and when he doesn't get his way he pushes forward through the wreckage anyway.
A great example of this is Trump is building a border wall. You can hate him for it but he's building it nonetheless. Obama talked about the Green economy and went nowhere with it. He wanted gun control and nothing happened. He gave flowery speeches with great eloquence but nothing came out of them.