He will leave in Jan. 2025.
Maybe, or maybe earlier. Even maybe later. There is a real question whether we can survive 4.5 more years of trump's incompetence.
He will leave in Jan. 2025.
Maybe, or maybe earlier. Even maybe later. There is a real question whether we can survive 4.5 more years of trump's incompetence.
We survived the prior 8 years...
It is easy to survive 8 years of growth, declining deaths in war, declining poverty, declining crimes, etc. Obviously, the first few months of Obama Era were EXTREMELY rocky as were the last few months of the Bush Era, but after that things started getting better.
We are currently in collapse, and the scary part is worse may well still be to come.
How would you know, you're only 13 (judging by your posts)?
He didn't fail at getting elected.
I think Trump's got a good chance of beating Biden. He seems rather senile at this point.
However, I do wonder if Biden will actually be the candidate. He's won enough votes in the primaries, but given his decline over the last few months, he may have to concede the candidacy to someone else in his party. I don't think the DNC would allow Sanders to be that person, so it's interesting to think about who it actually might be.
It will never matter to the Trumptards. They will blindly ignore the obvious to the bitter end. Just take a look at them on this forum alone.
I'm pretty sure the worst that will happen to Trump is that he would lose the election. That's about it. If he wins, then several Democrats should worry about investigations headed their way.
If your assumption is that Trump never intended to win, then he spent an awful lot of his own money to lose. It doesn't add up.
A minority of voters forced the rest of us to have a president who thinks Finland is part of Russia, and does not know Britain is a nuclear power.
Nice work, deplorables.
He spent $66 million of his own money on his campaign in 2016. Yes, that's not a huge amount for a billionaire, but it's not exactly chump change either.
When considering how much he's been investigated over the last few years yet still hasn't been charged with anything, that means 1 of 2 things:
1) The investigations were nothing burgers.
2) He's pretty good at avoiding charges.
Either way, he'll be fine if he wins or if he loses.
It was with Obama. I think the problem is different with Trump. He is the overbearing, my ideas are great, I'm in charge here sort that has a plan and doesn't want to hear any criticism of it. Obama was the sort that had some great idea and thought that it, and he, were so smart, so brilliant, and that the idea was so incredibly fantastic that people would automatically be onboard with it. That always ended in disaster for him, even before he was President.
Obama thought he was anointed by god and the like and always surprised when no one believed it. Trump is just a bulldozer and when he doesn't get his way he pushes forward through the wreckage anyway.
A great example of this is Trump is building a border wall. You can hate him for it but he's building it nonetheless. Obama talked about the Green economy and went nowhere with it. He wanted gun control and nothing happened. He gave flowery speeches with great eloquence but nothing came out of them.
This presents several questions, actually.
1) If Trump is so bad at business, why is he wealthy?
2) If this is really all about him maintaining the presidency to avoid charges, then what difference does it make if he wins or loses this next election? Presumably, he could still be charged after ending a second term. If it really is about him possibly going to jail after he exits office, then he's better off fleeing the country to one that doesn't extradite.
A majority of states elected him because the alternative was worse. My advice is for the Democrats to run better candidates.
Oh, hell no, she helped give us the Iraq War.Hello Dutch Uncle,
Biden and Condoleeza Rice. There's the winning ticket.
Hello T. A. Gardner,
A completely incorrect assessment of President Obama.
He accomplished what no one before him could do, what everyone thought no one could possibly do. He reformed health care. That was no small feat. He polled at 67% in mid 2009 for skillfully guiding us out of economic peril. Fully knowing that health care reform was the third rail of politics he forged ahead anyway. He knew his polling would fall but unlike DT that was not his main consideration in every decision. He made a goal and he accomplished it.
President Obama gathered a great team, and he listened to them. He didn't fire people just because they disagreed with him. He very carefully considered all the great advice and made careful decisions, often taking longer than people would like because he wanted to make sure he was making the best decision. He totally did not think he was always right on everything. Obama was a great president. He even picked a Republican Secty of Defense. And he reached out to Republicans, invited them to the WH. Obama said in his book "The Audacity of Hope" that he wanted to rekindle the friendly respectful rivalry politics of decades ago. Back in the day Republicans and Democrats would argue things on the floor during the day, then share dinners and drinks in the evening. They were friendly with one another. There was a mutual respect. Newt Gingrich killed all of that. D's and R's stopped talking, stopped socializing. Barack Obama tried very hard to resurrect the previous mutual respect. Republicans rejected his olive branch, were determined to make him fail. Their goal was to never give him a chance, try to make him a one-term president. So stated and attempt carried out but failed.
Maybe, or maybe earlier. Even maybe later. There is a real question whether we can survive 4.5 more years of trump's incompetence.
Oh, hell no, she helped give us the Iraq War.
Hardly a great accomplishment. He passed Obamacare on a near total party-line vote--a rarity for major legislation that is nationally popular--taking up nearly the first two years in office doing it singularly to the exclusion of almost everything else. When implemented, it was a disaster and the butt of national jokes. Since then most of its provisions have been gutted or rendered impotent even as the legislation still stands.
It also failed to accomplish any of the goals it was pitched as fixing. The percentage of Americans without health insurance remains about the same. The cost of health insurance and care rose, rather than fell in its wake.
It also caused him a major mid-term defeat and loss of both houses of Congress crippling entirely any further legislative success because Obama was utterly and completely unwilling to compromise with the now Republican majority in Congress. A more competent President would have seen that problem and overcome it, like Clinton did. He successfully compromised and got more done after losing Congress. Obama failed utterly and completely in the face of having to work with others. Instead, he turned to half-measures and work-arounds like executive orders most of which are now invalid.
You can claim that, but the record shows his administration was rife with incompetence and lethargy. I think the Benghazi debacle and subsequent botched and amateurish attempt to cover it up to save face say it all. Even Michelle Obama's initiative to "improve" school lunches was a massive disaster. It wasn't that the two parties stopped talking to each other, as much as it was Obama and his administration being Progressive and Leftist simply did what the Progressive Left always does. Their position on everything was What's ours is ours. What's yours is negotiable. That's a total fail position in a government where compromise is necessary.
Sure, Obama got reelected in part on the very large Black turnout for him, and in part on the Republicans running a 'tard of a candidate, Romney. Regardless, Obama was still ineffective domestically and internationally because of his inability to compromise, his lack of personal willpower to get things done, and I think a certain amount of messiah complex believing that his words alone were enough to move people to do what he wanted. All-in-all, a mediocre president at best.
Hello Cypress,
He shoulda picked Sarah Palin for VP.
Team clueless.