What image does philosophy suggest for every ancestor to fit into a reality?
think outside one of these daily so your brain can mind suggestions genetics cannot be the single source of your time living eternally separated daily here now.
Now here is my scale image Image for the psychological class warfare of 6 degrees of separation around each 7th position of life living eternally separate now. this also represents 3 axioms of gaseous, liquid, mineral periodic characteristics that sustain universal perpetual balancing universe and 3 generation gaps of lifetimes sharing space since relative time conceived on specific rotation conceptions happened inception to extinction of current ancestral lineages alive today.
Multitasking reference image.
here is my chart for any ancestral lineage 5 generations deep daily 4 parallel vertical axises to center mom and dad adding each great great grandchild in the center. 16 great great grandparents to 8 great grandparent positions on 8 corners, and the horizontal plane of 4 grandparent generation gap.
see context is used to communicate between brains occupying time in series parallel positions as ancestrally present each rotation forward from here. Evolving changes everything here daily changing total sum life alive next rotation. Evolution studies the changes daily then factualizes it by charting by calendar and journalizing each rotation like a reader's digest of everyone adapting in series parallel positions never same results twice as specifically here in plain sight.