We must make philosophy classes mandatory in high school and college.

The goal is not to teach students how to craft their lives, but to enable them to think through what that entails and then make their own choices.

Serious thinking is not a natural attribute even in thinking beings. It needs to be learned. We would catch people in their late teens and early twenties as they move out of the parental home, facing big decisions that will define the shape of their personal and social lives: about education, work, love, relationships, family, politics, culture, and religion.
Citizens also need to learn the skills of reasoned debate.

That is why method is important: mastering techniques of argumentation — logical and semantic tools that allow us to clarify our views and give reasons for our claims. Our students must be taught the virtues of discussion — valuing the truth more than winning an argument and trying one’s best to understand the viewpoint of the opponent.
Spot on ... except the answer is not to teach them philosophy, but to provide solid bases in math and logic, and then teach science and economics.
Mantra 1a.
The irony here is you insult anyone discussing another ideology than yours is better than yours when all ideologies to stay in character assumed after birth combined ignore how evolving happens in plain sight daily, eternally separating reproductions living forward now.

Humanity's psychological class warfare circle jerk worked flawlessly last 350 generation gaps so far. Always done from within the species of each ancestral lineage lived and alive all mastered from within rule of law typecasting those willing to die serving their social consensus cradle to grave and invest their added reproductions left alive to continue the masquerade all 5 generation gaps living each rotation of the planet.

the world is but a stage is a philosophy about not evolving in plain sight.