Hello Rob,
Fallacy. Big rich powerful corporations have very expensive lawyers. Harmed individuals have no access to the kind of legal teams they would be up against if they sue. Fancy corporate lawyers can easily drag a case out for years, effectively starving out the claimant.
If your position were accurate, there would be no need for OSHA. Yet, rampant violations keep OSHA very busy. The people at OSHA can tell you they do not have enough resources to effectively regulate all they are supposed to do.
I am not arguing to have a purely socialist state, where the means of production is owned by government, so yours is a moot point.
I am championing a mixed economy where luxuries and wants are traded under well-regulated capitalism, and basic needs are managed through government-run operations.
Under the ideal system, government would own and run health care. The Federal Health Care Service would provide health care to all, and be funded through taxes. Doctors and workers would be directly employed by the government, just as people in the military currently are. They would be motivated to work efficiently because they serve their nation, which they are proud to support, just as our military members are. They would be paid a fair wage with good benefits, just as our military is. It would be a public service, and it would cost less than our current for-profit health care system, because the government doesn't have to generate profits for share-holders. Remove the profit margin, and the cost is lower. Each worker would have greater take-home pay after payroll deductions, because no part of those deductions would go to making the very rich even richer.
The government should operate basic mass transportation, because there is no good capitalist model for that, and the need exists. Just like health care.
If people want a private automobile, that is a luxury, so they should pay for that in the capitalist economy.
If people want luxury foods, jewelry, a speedboat, a camping trailer, an RV, a big screen TV or elaborate entertainment center, cruise ship vacations, etc, then they will need to work to earn the money for those things. If they want prime real estate, stocks, bonds, airplanes, yachts, fancy touring motorcycles, etc, they need to work and earn to pay for that. At least as long as there are actually enough good jobs to go around (becoming doubtful.) After automation displaces most workers (predicted with AI,) then the government will need to tax the very rich so much that the government issues a standard basic income to most people, whether they work or not.
We are going to have to accept more socialism, whether you like it or not.
We really have no choice.
There are just too many of us, and overpopulation is taking it's toll on our society.
The one step further I would go would be for the government to fund education for doctors, nurses, and health care aides...with a term service feature (at a very decent pay) for graduates. For-profit hospitals and nursing homes (and prisons) should become a thing of the past immediately.
Keep fighting the good fight, Poli.
This is going to be done eventually. I just hope enough people get the message so it doesn't have to come as the result of critical crisis.