We need to do a few things like China

And Ass is an idiot. ;)

Absolutely on the idiot issue.
I am not really for the death penalty either. but some either need to be locked up forever or killed.

I do not presume to tell other countries how to run their business. We are not doing well enough right now to advise any other countries.....It appears we should be getting advise from somewhere else besides Israel.
Absolutely on the idiot issue.
I am not really for the death penalty either. but some either need to be locked up forever or killed.

I do not presume to tell other countries how to run their business. We are not doing well enough right now to advise any other countries.....It appears we should be getting advise from somewhere else besides Israel.

I don't care how our countries doing. I like to run things as an individual. But I do realize that our countries actions have weight in other parts of the world, something Bush and Guiliani does not.

BTW, Guiliani's never heard the "blowback" CIA theory on why 9/11 happened? WTF has he been smoking for the past 6 years?