We need to do a few things like China

Wasn't this the FDA dude in China? He may hold some responsibility for the poison they sent over here they attempted to label as "gluten" by adding that poison to increase the protein content.

He likely had little responsibility other than someone for the government of CHina to murder if it feels it will get them some PR points with idiots like US.
You have the facts in the case and can make that call ?

I know that I'm not going to trust a source like the government of China. You obviously will. You'll celebrate death. You're a sick little man.

The death penality is murder. It's funny how people change words to suit their purposes - like the murder of someone by a government becomes a "casualty" or an "execution". Ever heard of "newspeak"?
Yep the same guy. Read the link Damo it also links into the ethelyne glycol poisioned syrup to be mixed with mediciines that killed hundreds around the world. Hundreds of humans that is.

This is the problem of centralization. WHen the Czar of Sweetener gets corrupted, people around the world die.
Break free from the matrix!

Grow your own food!


There is no act more gratifying, more basic, more liberating, than to coax food from the Earth. Time and the rhythms of nature become the ultimate template by which to live. Do it just to know that you can do it, or do it just to live or do it to save money or for whatever reason.
You want to talk about a truly useful skill-set?

Learn how to grow some or most of your own food or teach others how to do the same.

This is not as complicated as you might think. If you have access to a deck, a roof, a patch of ground no larger than a flower bed or far more space, you can, with just a few of the resources listed on this page learn to feed yourself and others. Any reasonably intelligent person can learn as much about soil and gardening as the most experienced farmer knew a hundred years ago--putting it into practice takes time however, today is the day to begin a garden.

Visualize going out and picking dozens of different kinds of vegetables that grow with no maintenance and re-seed themselves year after year just like native plants in an uncultivated meadow. Or visualize a small plot of intensely rich soil that feeds your family with less than an hour of labor per day-far less time and energy than many Americans waste on maintaining cosmetic lawns. Imagine hundreds of pounds of different fruits coming from trees in your backyard. It can be done but you will need to learn some of the basics. That is what this page is about.
Frankly, the very fact that the PRC government even cares about its image is an improvement.

Well, I just find it suspicious that the Chinese government releases a bunch of bad pharmaceuticals, and just as soon as everyone gets pissed and boycotts are considered LO AND BEHOLD - it wasn't the reult of gross negligence! We have an evil capitalist over here who sat in his evil lair all day, cackling and doing things that were obviously evil and wrong! It's none of our fault at all!
I know that I'm not going to trust a source like the government of China. You obviously will. You'll celebrate death. You're a sick little man.

The death penality is murder. It's funny how people change words to suit their purposes - like the murder of someone by a government becomes a "casualty" or an "execution". Ever heard of "newspeak"?

good point , I trust the government of China about as well as I do my own government.
So Is your point WM. China is a sovern nation whether you like it or not. Just as we are (with some Israeli guidance).
Whether you trust them or not is irrelivant.
The facts appear to be that the head of their "FDA" was taking bribes to allow food and medicine to be poisioned.
Nice to hear you support this type of activity. How republican of you :)
So Is your point WM. China is a sovern nation whether you like it or not. Just as we are (with some Israeli guidance).
Whether you trust them or not is irrelivant.
The facts appear to be that the head of their "FDA" was taking bribes to allow food and medicine to be poisioned.
Nice to hear you support this type of activity. How republican of you :)

US, I'm sorry for being such an ass about this.

But the fact about it are:

1. I don't belive in the death penatly. No matter how many deaths he may have been responsible for. I especially don't agree with anyone taking the death of another person lightly, and putting a smily beside it.

2. I doubt the man was fully guilty of all that he was accused of. Maybe negligence. But bribery just seems to be something that was thrust upon him by the government. At most, he didn't think the bribes would lead to the kind of negligence that happened in this case. We just don't know, US. We weren't there. As the French say, to understand everything, is to forgive everything.

3. I disagree with you saying that our reps are given slaps on the wrist for bribery. Duke Cunningham was given 10 years for something that may have cost the US a few thousand in the long run. I don't understand how that's a "slap on the wrist" (also, I never said that this sentence was innapropriate and that he should've been let free, in case you'd like to claim that in later threads). There aren't many other US bribery cases to go on. So I wouldn't know.
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So Is your point WM. China is a sovern nation whether you like it or not. Just as we are (with some Israeli guidance).
Whether you trust them or not is irrelivant.
The facts appear to be that the head of their "FDA" was taking bribes to allow food and medicine to be poisioned.
Nice to hear you support this type of activity. How republican of you :)

There are other solutions though. I prefer not trusting communists with our food supply. IF you think some capital punishment helps this situation, I disagre.
I am not going to dictate to china that they cannot do capital punishment when we still do it......
Nor do I get upset that other cultures perform capital punishment by means we consider barbaric.
I personally think all killing is barbaric, but then we are human animals.

I have killed humans and will kill again if necessary. I am a human animal after all ;)
I do however hope to never kill again.
I am not going to dictate to china that they cannot do capital punishment when we still do it......
Nor do I get upset that other cultures perform capital punishment by means we consider barbaric.
I personally think all killing is barbaric, but then we are human animals.

But the implication of this entire thread is that this action "fixes things". It doesn't. The grand design of trusting them with our food supply is what needs to be fixed.
Umm that is what the chinese want us to believe AHZ. However I do not believe them any more than I believe my profit driven government.

Perhaps we can at least get labelling of nation of origion for food products out of this.
But the republicans do not want an informed citizenry so we can decide. They are our deciders for us. and we have seen how well that works.
Umm that is what the chinese want us to believe AHZ. However I do not believe them any more than I believe my profit driven government.

Perhaps we can at least get labelling of nation of origion for food products out of this.
But the republicans do not want an informed citizenry so we can decide. They are our deciders for us. and we have seen how well that works.

So why should we emulate meaningless tokens of improvement, as you suggest?

Which dem is up in arms regarding any aspect of china?
I am not going to dictate to china that they cannot do capital punishment when we still do it......
Nor do I get upset that other cultures perform capital punishment by means we consider barbaric.
I personally think all killing is barbaric, but then we are human animals.

I have killed humans and will kill again if necessary. I am a human animal after all ;)
I do however hope to never kill again.

I am a human who does not believe in capital punishment. I condemn it everywhere.