We need to do a few things like China

Did I ever say it wouldn't be corrupt? I'm just saying it's better than your alternative. Than any realistic alternative.

A corrupt government is, in many ways, better than a corrupt multi-national corporation. That's because a corrupt government is more accountable and more transparent . . . even if that's like saying the flu is better than the clap.

globalizing governance or corporations makes them both more powerful and more corrupt, considering the corrupting nature of power.

I'm a firm believer in sticking with the "many sovereign nations" concept, despite the elite spin job to discredit the whole notion. Don't be such a idiotic dunce.
The alternative is NOT creating a new world order. Duh. Nations operating independantly and forming short or long term alliances on an issue by issue basis, with the welfare of their people in mind is working quite effectively.

Undoing national laws is how the multinationals are INCREASING their own power. That's the truth of the matter.
Bullshit. If you believe that you are more stupid than I thought. They want their opposition to remain fragmented and disunited. They can already work around any one nation's laws, and you know it. How many U.S. corporations are officially located in the Cayman Islands, for example? Thousands, and the number grows every year.

The problem is that there are always backward or unscrupulous governments willing to play along. Always.

I'm not talking about some monolithic, all-powerful government. That wouldn't work anyway: people are too cantankerous to be held together without the threat of some outside bogeyman. I *am* talking, though, about something like the U.N., but with teeth.
Bullshit. If you believe that you are more stupid than I thought. They want their opposition to remain fragmented and disunited. They can already work around any one nation's laws, and you know it. How many U.S. corporations are officially located in the Cayman Islands, for example? Thousands, and the number grows every year.

The problem is that there are always backward or unscrupulous governments willing to play along. Always.

I'm not talking about some monolithic, all-powerful government. That wouldn't work anyway: people are too cantankerous to be held together without the threat of some outside bogeyman. I *am* talking, though, about something like the U.N., but with teeth.

No. What they want is their bought and paid for goverment lackeys to be united and all powerful. They're tired of having to subvert each government separately. The unification of official power only makes their lives easier, and you're a dunce for believe otherwise.
globalizing governance or corporations makes them both more powerful and more corrupt, considering the corrupting nature of power.

I'm a firm belever in sticking with the "many sovereign nations" concept, despite the elite spin job to discredit the whole notion. Don't be such a idiotic dunce.
The only way that "many sovereign nations" could possibly continue to work is by means of a drastic, genocidal, worldwide population control program.

Societies evolve, Bubbi, and your King Canute act isn't going to slow that process by one second. There will be something after the nation-state, we just don't know for sure what it is yet.
The only way that "many sovereign nations" could possibly continue to work is by means of a drastic, genocidal, worldwide population control program.
WHy? Why do many sovereign nations necessitate population control? That's absurd.
Societies evolve, Bubbi, and your King Canute act isn't going to slow that process by one second. There will be something after the nation-state, we just don't know for sure what it is yet.

Many believe it will be an internationalist fascist order, run by an immoral elite.

THis what you seem to want. I'm against it.
WHy? Why do many sovereign nations necessitate population control? That's absurd.
Not at all. It's all about population density. Increasing population density is what drives the movement toward greater centralization and specialisation of labor.

In case you hadn't noticed, worldwide population density has increased more in the past 40 years than in all previous human history and pre-history combined. THAT is what will doom the nation-state.
Many believe it will be an internationalist fascist order, run by an immoral elite.

THis what you seem to want. I'm against it.
Many believe in elves and faeries: I assume you credit that too? :rolleyes:

You're the free-market corporativist, not me. Your world is far more likely to turn into some fascistic dystopia. Mine's more likely to go the Atlas Shrugged route . . . if the Atomists are right. Or the Moon really is made of green cheese, which is a bit more likely.
Ornot, what kind of shitty underpaying job does someone have who uses words like free-market corporatis. Your a fucking anti-establishment loser.

Duhla, people with real jobs seem to intimidate you. Has it been a while since you were published?:clink:
Not at all. It's all about population density. Increasing population density is what drives the movement toward greater centralization and specialisation of labor.
What does any of this have to do with national versus global governance?
In case you hadn't noticed, worldwide population density has increased more in the past 40 years than in all previous human history and pre-history combined. THAT is what will doom the nation-state.
Many believe in elves and faeries: I assume you credit that too? :rolleyes:
WHat does any of this have to do with national versus global governance?
You're the free-market corporativist, not me. Your world is far more likely to turn into some fascistic dystopia. Mine's more likely to go the Atlas Shrugged route . . . if the Atomists are right. Or the Moon really is made of green cheese, which is a bit more likely.

Im not a "free marketeer" in the modern sense. I don't believe slave labor should be allowed in the global market place. Free marketeers do. I believe in a modicum of worker protections and labor market protections against radical lifestyle displacement.

Nothing you have said justifies or makes a case for global governance.
density doesn't necessarily require specialization. Density doesn't necessitate global governance. Specialization doesn't require centralization.

All of these are unrelated.
That is right and we will invade a country and murder 100's of thousands over lies or mistakes as well....

You are belittling the punishment of a guy who was involved in the responsibility of the deaths of many people... How sad.

I don't care how many people he was accused of killing by the government of China. The organized murder of any individual by state power is wrong.
LOL, but in the meantime, bare shelves, largest reatilers going broke, etc. Can you say depression at worst, bad recession at the least.
And China owns a lot of our debt....
Plus we do sell quite a bit of stuff to china.

US, what I'm saying is that I seriously doubt this guy was responsible for anything he's accused of. China's doing this to polish up it's image. And as sick as it may sound, people like you, people of the mob, eat it up.
You enjoy it. You put up smilies at death and torture and murder of those you've been told not to like by the mob, people you don't even know, circumstances you rarely understand, mainly so that you can go the support of the society.
US, what I'm saying is that I seriously doubt this guy was responsible for anything he's accused of. China's doing this to polish up it's image. And as sick as it may sound, people like you, people of the mob, eat it up.

You have the facts in the case and can make that call ?
Wasn't this the FDA dude in China? He may hold some responsibility for the poison they sent over here they attempted to label as "gluten" by adding that poison to increase the protein content.
Wasn't this the FDA dude in China? He may hold some responsibility for the poison they sent over here they attempted to label as "gluten" by adding that poison to increase the protein content.

Yep the same guy. Read the link Damo it also links into the ethelyne glycol poisioned syrup to be mixed with mediciines that killed hundreds around the world. Hundreds of humans that is.
Yep the same guy. Read the link Damo it also links into the ethelyne glycol poisioned syrup to be mixed with mediciines that killed hundreds around the world. Hundreds of humans that is.
I did, I was attempting to point out that this effected the US as well using a more socratic rather than attack methodology.
Yep the same guy. Read the link Damo it also links into the ethelyne glycol poisioned syrup to be mixed with mediciines that killed hundreds around the world. Hundreds of humans that is.

I really don't care about this guy. Kill him, don't kill him, whatever. I think this issue highlights the larger flaw of importing so much from a totalitarian enemy which has at it's core a form of pschopathy as it's governing philosophy.