We need to do a few things like China

LOL, but in the meantime, bare shelves, largest reatilers going broke, etc. Can you say depression at worst, bad recession at the least.
And China owns a lot of our debt....
Plus we do sell quite a bit of stuff to china.
LOL, but in the meantime, bare shelves, largest reatilers going broke, etc. Can you say depression at worst, bad recession at the least.
And China owns a lot of our debt....
Plus we do sell quite a bit of stuff to china.

Sky is falling, eh chicken little? Such pathetic alarmism.

Getting off our china addiction is worth the short term pain.
You didn't vote ? Well shut your poop hole then and take your medicine that you let others prescribe.
Unless you are too young to vote ? If that is the case I am certain you don't have you head out of your ass yet enough to make good decisions.
You didn't vote ? Well shut your poop hole then and take your medicine that you let others prescribe.

Both parties are corrupt globalist, anti-american sellouts. And you switch allegiances issue by issue depending on which party is most effectively destroying america. You're a soulless internationalist fascist.
I don't switch allegiances. I try to follow the truth which, does not follow either party line.
I know you cannot understand this concept of true independent thinking, but that is the way it is.
I don't switch allegiances. I try to follow the truth which, does not follow either party line.
I know you cannot understand this concept of true independent thinking, but that is the way it is.

yet you want to criticize me for not choosing between the two sellouts offered. Classic false dichotomy.

You're not independant, you follow the globalist line. The "two parties" are a charade to confuse the sheeple.
LOL, yep I lobve globalization and such, lost a very good job with good bennies to outsourching, yes of course I would love it.

Stupido assahola.
LOL, yep I lobve globalization and such, lost a very good job with good bennies to outsourching, yes of course I would love it.

Stupido assahola.

Like I said, your position on it now is it that because it hurt you, you want it to hurt others. This is how generational abuse infects society and all our relationships. Get centered, brother. God loves you.
LOL, You cannot understand that the truth does not follow party lines..so sad. And if God loves me why does he tell me I will suffer in hell for eternity if I don't do as he says ?
God loves for me to love him, not the other way around.
LOL, You cannot understand that the truth does not follow party lines..so sad. And if God loves me why does he tell me I will suffer in hell for eternity if I don't do as he says ?
God loves for me to love him, not the other way around.

Work on your reading comprehension. Just a couple posts ago I said the two parties are a false dichotomy. Did you forget?

You want to say you can't be a globalist because you lost a job due to it. I say you are obviously a globalist because of your presentation of their agenda as an inevitability. then you just pull some stock line out of your ass, which makes no sense. What's wrong with you?

And god is not the vicious elitist god as presented by the judeo-christians, not in my view.
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You will never understand AHZ, I follow no leader. I just work at co-existing in this world.

The global thing, well it has been well under way for many years. You seem to think it is a new thing we can just turn off. You seem to have a tense problem.
I was with Ross against the big sucking sound of NAFTA, and have been against all other similiar arrangements.

but to simply turn off China at this point would be catastrophic to our economy.

this is my final post to you on my statements about globilazation and such.

all you can understand is this or that and many problems do not offer that simple of a soloution.

Have a nice paranoid life.
Work on your reading comprehension. Just a couple posts ago I said the two parties are a false dichotomy. Did you forget?

You want to say you can't be a globalist because you lost a job due to it. I say you are obviously a globalist because of your presentation of their agenda as an inevitability. then you just pull some stock line out of your ass, which makes no sense. What's wrong with you?

And god is not the vicious elitist god as presented by the judeo-christians, not in my view.
You are too wrapped up in this conspiracy theory nonsense. There is no "agenda" as such, there are a myriad of agendas, the sum of which make for a trend.

Some of what you incorrectly call an agenda is indeed inevitable. National sovereignty is slowly disolving, worldwide. What comes after the nation-state? We're going to find out, someday, assuming we don't kill ourselves off in the process. This is both a good thing and a bad. Mostly, it's going to be interesting.

It is NOT necessarily inevitable, however, that multi-national corporations will seize unfettered control of the post-national world. They are more efficient than supra-national governments and less open to public scrutiny, but there are limits to what they can do.

Make no mistake, though: the only conceivable force that might counter that of the multi-national corporations is the supra-national government. It's that way or some Soylent Green dystopia for us all, Bubbi.
You are too wrapped up in this conspiracy theory nonsense. There is no "agenda" as such, there are a myriad of agendas, the sum of which make for a trend.

Some of what you incorrectly call an agenda is indeed inevitable. National sovereignty is slowly disolving, worldwide. What comes after the nation-state? We're going to find out, someday, assuming we don't kill ourselves off in the process. This is both a good thing and a bad. Mostly, it's going to be interesting.

It is NOT necessarily inevitable, however, that multi-national corporations will seize unfettered control of the post-national world. They are more efficient than supra-national governments and less open to public scrutiny, but there are limits to what they can do.

Make no mistake, though: the only conceivable force that might counter that of the multi-national corporations is the supra-national government. It's that way or some Soylent Green dystopia for us all, Bubbi.

There IS an agenda. And it's not just "inevitabilities of life".

The supranational government is a tool of the internationalist fascists, to extend their control. they're creating it to help their agenda. Nations as they exist now should pass trade laws to control the morality of the new world order as it develops. Globalism could be good, if we put it inside a moral framework. The problem is that the people creating it are creating it specifically to institute world totalitarianism.

This isn't a theory. It the open stated goal of the government and corporate elites.

go get educated.

You will never understand AHZ, I follow no leader. I just work at co-existing in this world.

The global thing, well it has been well under way for many years. You seem to think it is a new thing we can just turn off. You seem to have a tense problem.
I was with Ross against the big sucking sound of NAFTA, and have been against all other similiar arrangements.

but to simply turn off China at this point would be catastrophic to our economy.

this is my final post to you on my statements about globilazation and such.

all you can understand is this or that and many problems do not offer that simple of a soloution.

Have a nice paranoid life.

You are follower. You're not an individualist. You are brainwashed sellout with a malicious streak. There is nothing inevitable about any of this. the pattern with china can be reversed. There are simple solutions, but most are too brainwashed or afraid to speak of them for fear of being called a "nationalist", or a "populist". You're a sellout and you make me ill.
Well suggest some of your simple soloutions and watch them evaporate before your very eyes....

You won't even stop buying chinese stuff....What a hyopocrite, quit your whining and walk your own talk.

American consumers stopping buying Chinese stuff is THE simple soloution.
Not without it's costs though....
No soloutions will be though.

Darn I made another post...BAD FINGERS, BAD FINGERS "smak"
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Well suggest some of your simple soloutions and watch them evaporate before your very eyes....

You won't even stop buying chinese stuff....What a hyopocrite, quit your whining and walk your own talk.

American consumers stopping buying Chinese stuff is THE simple soloution.
Not without it's costs though....
No soloutions will be though.

Darn I made another post...BAD FINGERS, BAD FINGERS "smak"

That would be cool. It will be easier when out government formulates a trade policy which which allows non slave produced goods to succeed. you can't just blame the people. Our leaders are culpable in this. I thought you were done with this topic. What gives, Gina?
There IS an agenda. And it's not just "inevitabilities of life".

The supranational government is a tool of the internationalist fascists, to extend their control. they're creating it to help their agenda. Nations as they exist now should pass trade laws to control the morality of the new world order as it develops. Globalism could be good, if we put it inside a moral framework. The problem is that the people creating it are creating it specifically to institute world totalitarianism.

This isn't a theory. It the open stated goal of the government and corporate elites.

go get educated.

The scary thing about your insanity is that it almost makes sense . . . to those who know nothing about human behavior or real history.
The scary thing about your insanity is that it almost makes sense . . . to those who know nothing about human behavior or real history.

I make sense because I'm right.

And your understanding of history probably needs to be revised.

Two Views of History
There are two fundamental ways to view history: We call one the catastrophic or accidental view of history, the other we call the conspiratorial view of history.

Accidental History
In the catastrophic or accidental view of history we are led to believe that historical events, such as wars and revolutions were the direct result of some sudden or surprising event. While the catastrophic view is accurate for weather, volcanoes and earthquakes, it does not always provide a realistic view of humanity and events influenced by man.

Young, malleable American and other Western minds are sadly taught the Accidental view of history in the government school systems. This view is reinforced throughout their lives by the controlled mass media. As a result, when most discover the Conspiratorial View of History, the immediate reaction is shock, disbelief and a refusal to accept something other than they've been taught to believe.

Conspiratorial History
Conspiratorial history studies that part of history that is a product of man's planning. In conspiratorial history we are led to believe that events, such as wars and revolutions, are the result of planned events. While the conspiratorial view is not accurate for weather, volcanoes and earthquakes, it is a realistic and accurate view of the interrelationship of man and nations. Since the planning for most of these events was done in secret, we use the term conspiratorial history. That is; this history is the result of plans constructed in secret, which by definition is a conspiracy.

Interestingly enough, the Conspiratorial View of History is also the Biblical View of History. Try Psalms 2 for starters.*

We believe that current world events are not simply circumstantial, but the result of an organized campaign by an elite group of unseen and widely unknown world leaders. Their goal is to exercise absolute dictatorial control over the world, to establish a New World Order.

The Cause of War
Wars start when one nation moves into the territory of another; depressions occur when markets take unexpected downturns; inflations occur when prices are driven up by shortages; revolutions start when the people, always spontaneously, rise up to overthrow the existing government.

These are the traditional explanations of historical events. Events happen by accident; there do not seem to be any causes.

But this explanation of history leaves gnawing questions in the minds of serious students. Is it possible that government leaders and others planned these events and then orchestrated them to their desired conclusions? Is it possible that even the great catastrophes of history were part of this plan?