We, the Amazonians....

While the vote is not complete, w/ 98% of the voted tallied it appears the board is fine w/ the Amazonians here, having earned their place in almost 2 years of posting..... :cheer:

W/ one exception, you know there always has to be an exception, & what better exception than the Masons. All 4, 6 10 or whatever there are of them......

There needs to be a sacrifice, a human or subhuman sacrifice to the board gods & the board almost unnamiously has made their choice....

Saturday afternoon central time, @ high noon Yurt has volunteered & will supply an old crusty wooden stake for the occasion..

In accordance w/ federal law Yurt has promised to make it as painless as possible, well as painless as it can be having a big O' piece a wood slowly hammered into your chest..:dunno:


Yurt and Mason made peace with each other.
your testimonies deny "I AM". correct your testimonies. embrace The Christ. Jesus is The Lord. Jesus is open armed waiting to embrace you. do not deny The Lord. why contempt Jesus anymore ? Jesus is the great I AM. confess your blasphemies. Jesus paid with His own blood to redeem you.

Went over your head!
While the vote is not complete, w/ 98% of the voted tallied it appears the board is fine w/ the Amazonians here, having earned their place in almost 2 years of posting..... :cheer:

W/ one exception, you know there always has to be an exception, & what better exception than the Masons. All 4, 6 10 or whatever there are of them......

There needs to be a sacrifice, a human or subhuman sacrifice to the board gods & the board almost unnamiously has made their choice....

Saturday afternoon central time, @ high noon Yurt has volunteered & will supply an old crusty wooden stake for the occasion..

In accordance w/ federal law Yurt has promised to make it as painless as possible, well as painless as it can be having a big O' piece a wood slowly hammered into your chest..:dunno:

We need an intervention and insist all Amazonians have a group hug and kiss and make-up. You would be the perfect mediator.
I have seen that you ceased to glorify "Apollyon". it is a good start. Melchizadek was/ is Jesus. prince of peace/ Prince of Jerusalem. I am relatively ignorant. The Lord will heal me soon. The Lord said He will heal the house of Jacob.

The Dead Sea Scrolls says Melchizedek is Michael the Arch Angel!
Apollyon is the Destroyer AKA the same Destroyer that is the Passover Angel.
Jesus came as the Passover Lamb.
Apollyon will come as the Passover Angel.
Only those who drink the Blood and eat the flesh of the Passover Lamb will be Passed Over at Judgement.The rest will be gathered in the pit and burned.
I have seen that you ceased to glorify "Apollyon". it is a good start. Melchizadek was/ is Jesus. prince of peace/ Prince of Jerusalem. I am relatively ignorant. The Lord will heal me soon. The Lord said He will heal the house of Jacob.

Don't be seduced by the demon, you have been warned..

The only thing that will fix this is a good O' wooden stake, & you know where it needs to go......
:rofl2: Mason & Top would be a miracle..

They were married in several of their past lives, this is eternal...........

I also think a few people have an issue with my disabilities and like to harp on me. As if I have it good living on disability anyway. That I don't even understand what their conniption truly is.