We, the Amazonians....

No such miracles here-sorry--;)
(Make sure there's Multiple wooden stakes.-I'll bring snacks;)....this should be good practice for the "Big One"...:)
I do love this song;) Enjoy;)
^^^Obviously, a blatant lie.

You clearly make it a point to read almost everything I post, and relentlessly write to me hoping to get my attention.

My writing is obviously extremely interesting to you.
Tom was looking in a mirror when he typed that post. It’s projection.
What a stultifyingly boring cunt!!

Have you seen Mr. Wonderful's thread ban list?

Cypress ban list: AssHatZombie, The Anonymous, I<3Possums, USFREEDOM911, Havana Moon, PostmodernProphet, Legion, Truth Detector, Legion Troll, Boris The Animal, Cornelius, Teflon Don, J Craft, Dark Soul, Darth Omar, CFM, DBCooper, chink, Superfreak, PraiseKek, TOP, excommunicated, AnnieOakley, Tommatthews, Q-Tip, volsrock, Grugore, Rob Larrikin, BodyDouble, ptif219, Loving91390, fandango, United76America, Yurt, Into the Night, Tkaffen, gfm7175, Enlightened One, Anarchon, Proud Boy, Earl and Nate Higgers

The guy must think he's a member of MENSA, here to enlighten the poor unwashed masses. LOL
Have you seen Mr. Wonderful's thread ban list?

The guy must think he's a member of MENSA, here to enlighten the poor unwashed masses. LOL

Actually, most on his list are trolls or complete jackasses, many of which aren't needed since they were already banned from this site. He could get rid of a quarter to half his list.
Actually, most on his list are trolls or complete jackasses, many of which aren't needed since they were already banned from this site. He could get rid of a quarter to half his list.

True, but at the same time it shows what a pompous ass he is.