We were all female

You're making an artificial distinction Dixie. In biology any life form that can react to stimuli, reproduce (including replication), grow and maintain homeostasis, is classified an organism. Though I am willing to make an exception for Skidmark being classified as an organism as he has shown little growth, rarely reacts to stimuli, has questionable ability to maintain homeostasis and I seriously doubt that he will ever reproduce.

But are ALL cells, organisms? Yes or no? Also, you are supposed to tell us the difference, in your words, between skin cells growing in a petri dish, and something like the complex organism known as a 'fetus' found in pregnant mammals. Are both of these processes "synonymous" with each other? Is 'replication' exactly the same thing as 'reproduction' when speaking of organism function?
But are ALL cells, organisms? Yes or no? Also, you are supposed to tell us the difference, in your words, between skin cells growing in a petri dish, and something like the complex organism known as a 'fetus' found in pregnant mammals. Are both of these processes "synonymous" with each other? Is 'replication' exactly the same thing as 'reproduction' when speaking of organism function?
Well....no.....I think I pretty succinctly brought Skidmarks status as an organism into question. So I guess you may have a point.
Cells don't reproduce. They replicate, maybe. Reproduction is the continued independent process of replication, and cells don't do this unless they are organisms. We can revert back to Apple's skin cells in a petri dish example, the cells do replicate and grow, but this is not because of their individual ability to do so, it is because of another organism using chemistry and environment to force replication. A philosophical argument may be that any cell is an organism because it can be forced to replicate, but this is a false argument because the cell did not carry on the process of life independently. As much as you may wish science supported you on this, our bodies are simply not comprised of billions of unicellular organisms.

And what the hell do you think a woman's body does? It not only supplies nutrition and an environment it sends signals to the genes of the fetus. Watch the damn video and learn something instead of jumping on any scientific crumb you think supports your twisted beliefs.

We've had enough nonsense down through history concerning pregnancy. Science is just starting to touch on the connection between the fetus and the woman. Science is just barely scratching the surface but they're discovering the woman is not simply an incubator for the fetus. To classify it as an independent human being is the height of absurdity.
when arguing with dixie now I imagine I have a sword, and the entire sword is made of out truth. Rather than getting into a mele I just periodically jab his gut and let his ignorance flow out. Sadly though he has a lot of gauze. But all I really care about is for everyone else to see the blood caking up on the floor. Everyone else can see him bleeding out and he's just oxygen deprived. It's really so much more of a simpler method of engaging him.
I said when I made the statement, there are SOME single cell organisms.

No, they're not, Grind. You can do like Apple and keep repeating this over and over, but that's simply not true. In biology, an organism is any contiguous living system. A cell (unless it's a unicellular organism) is NOT an organism.

No, it is clearly YOU who doesn't know.

Which is 100% EXACTLY what I have said.


Also, 100% EXACTLY what I said!

No one has moved anything. Cells don't reproduce, unless they are unicellular organisms. Cells are not organisms unless they are unicellular organisms. Cells replicating are not cells carrying on the complex reproductive process of life. The long paragraph full of links above, clearly states this fact. We are clearly discussing the human body, human beings, and the difference between cells and organisms. We are clearly NOT discussing unicellular organisms. Is a bucket a hat? Well, it CAN be, but if we are having a discussion about proper attire, a bucket is NOT a hat, it never will be... all buckets are not hats... some buckets can be hats, but again, when discussing proper attire, that is not the case. YOU are the fucker who is trying to move goal posts, so that you can jut your chest out and claim you've bested Dixie. That's a sad life to be leading, if you ask me.

Does a liver reproduce cells? Yes. Does it live inside an organism? Yes.

Does a zygote reproduce cells? Yes. Does it live inside an organism? Yes.

If one removes the liver does it continue reproducing cells or does it die? It dies.

If one removes the zygote does it continue reproducing cells or does it die? It dies.

Call them what you want. Believe what you want. I really don't care anymore. All I can say is thank God people like you don't rule others.
I understand that. What I'm trying to tell you is that the video is wrong on that count. That there is no gender direction at all during this phase. Either male or female, phenotypically speaking. They are assigning femaleness by default. The assertion that we are all born female and some of us become male due to the Y chromosome "interfering" is just plain silly and reeks of personal bias.

Exactly. The default position is female as there is a possibility of two "X" chromosomes or one "X" and one "Y". There is no possibility of two "Y" chromosomes. If the "Y" chromosome does not express itself then the default position is female and as far as I know everything starts out in what is termed a default position. Is that not so? :)
And what the hell do you think a woman's body does?

I know what it doesn't do. It doesn't force replication of cells in the fetus.

Does a liver reproduce cells? Yes. Does it live inside an organism? Yes.

The liver doesn't reproduce its own cells, whatever organism the liver resides in, reproduces cells. The liver is incapable of carrying on the process of life, and is not an organism. It is an ORGAN living inside an organism.

Does a zygote reproduce cells? Yes. Does it live inside an organism? Yes.

Unlike a liver, the fetus does reproduce its own cells. Like the liver, it does live inside another organism. The fetus IS capable of carrying on the process of life, and is an organism.

If one removes the liver does it continue reproducing cells or does it die? It dies.

And so does the organism dependent upon the organ. However, the liver never reproduced its own cells, it's not an organism.

If one removes the zygote does it continue reproducing cells or does it die? It dies.

Proving once again that it MUST be alive and living. Something can not die if it isn't alive yet. Thanks for admitting again that the fetus is a living human organism which will die if removed from the host organism prematurely.
Exactly. The default position is female as there is a possibility of two "X" chromosomes or one "X" and one "Y". There is no possibility of two "Y" chromosomes. If the "Y" chromosome does not express itself then the default position is female and as far as I know everything starts out in what is termed a default position. Is that not so? :)

How can something which is not a living organism (according to you) have a 'default' sexuality? How can chromosomes effect the gender of something that (according to you) doesn't yet exist? Thanks again for proving even more conclusively, the fetus IS a living human organism in the state of being. You continue to do an outstanding job of refuting your own points to the contrary.
when arguing with dixie now I imagine I have a sword, and the entire sword is made of out truth. Rather than getting into a mele I just periodically jab his gut and let his ignorance flow out. Sadly though he has a lot of gauze. But all I really care about is for everyone else to see the blood caking up on the floor. Everyone else can see him bleeding out and he's just oxygen deprived. It's really so much more of a simpler method of engaging him.

Well, at least you have an imagination where the truth resides.
when arguing with dixie now I imagine I have a sword, and the entire sword is made of out truth. Rather than getting into a mele I just periodically jab his gut and let his ignorance flow out. Sadly though he has a lot of gauze. But all I really care about is for everyone else to see the blood caking up on the floor. Everyone else can see him bleeding out and he's just oxygen deprived. It's really so much more of a simpler method of engaging him.
but not nearly as much fun. :)
Exactly. The default position is female as there is a possibility of two "X" chromosomes or one "X" and one "Y". There is no possibility of two "Y" chromosomes. If the "Y" chromosome does not express itself then the default position is female and as far as I know everything starts out in what is termed a default position. Is that not so? :)
No. It's a false equivalency. That is to say, it's a bias. I don't agree that lack of male attributes, by default, makes you a female. Excepting PiMP.....he's such a cunt.
I know what it doesn't do. It doesn't force replication of cells in the fetus.

The liver doesn't reproduce its own cells, whatever organism the liver resides in, reproduces cells. The liver is incapable of carrying on the process of life, and is not an organism. It is an ORGAN living inside an organism.

Unlike a liver, the fetus does reproduce its own cells. Like the liver, it does live inside another organism. The fetus IS capable of carrying on the process of life, and is an organism.

And so does the organism dependent upon the organ. However, the liver never reproduced its own cells, it's not an organism.

Proving once again that it MUST be alive and living. Something can not die if it isn't alive yet. Thanks for admitting again that the fetus is a living human organism which will die if removed from the host organism prematurely.

Just like the liver is alive. And the woman sends instructions to the fetus's cells. Watch the damn video!

What is your problem with watching the video? If you don't like that video Google epigenetics and pick a video.

You're worse than a kid. You're determined not to watch a video I present so choose your own video. I don't care what you do. Just LEARN!
How can something which is not a living organism (according to you) have a 'default' sexuality? How can chromosomes effect the gender of something that (according to you) doesn't yet exist? Thanks again for proving even more conclusively, the fetus IS a living human organism in the state of being. You continue to do an outstanding job of refuting your own points to the contrary.

Hellooooo. A liver from a female will have (in most cases, chimeras excluded) female DNA so is the liver female? As Mott explained genitals have not formed so it's gender neutral, however, if the "Y" chromosome does not express itself the cells will develop female.

It's a half serious explanation. Don't get all wound up about it. It's just like we don't say a liver is male or female although it can be determined from which sex it came.

Lighten up.
No. It's a false equivalency. That is to say, it's a bias. I don't agree that lack of male attributes, by default, makes you a female. Excepting PiMP.....he's such a cunt.

If one lacks sufficient male attributes what are they? Besides a PiMP? :)

On that note I'm out of here. Have a good day.
Just like the liver is alive.

No, not just like the liver is alive. If the liver is removed from the organism, the organism will stop functioning, (hence the name.) What happens to the liver, is the cells immediately begin to die, and no longer reproduce, because there is no more organism. With a fetus, it can be removed from the host organism, but the fetus will continue for some time, to reproduce cells and try to sustain the process of life it has been carrying on since before it was a fetus. It will eventually not be able to continue the process and will expire, at which time, it will be like the liver we removed from the host organism, and it's cells will decay. One is an organ inside an organism which grew it, the other is an organism which was procreated by the organism it resides in, and a male sperm cell.
No. It's a false equivalency. That is to say, it's a bias. I don't agree that lack of male attributes, by default, makes you a female. Excepting PiMP.....he's such a cunt.

you would be more fun to play with if you had your wits about you.....

They're neutral.....except PiMP....he'd still be a cunt. :)

what, you thought it was funny enough to repeat?......what is the square root of dumbfuckery?.......

do realize how badly agreeing with apple on any issue of science makes you look?........
No, not just like the liver is alive. If the liver is removed from the organism, the organism will stop functioning, (hence the name.) What happens to the liver, is the cells immediately begin to die, and no longer reproduce, because there is no more organism. With a fetus, it can be removed from the host organism, but the fetus will continue for some time, to reproduce cells and try to sustain the process of life it has been carrying on since before it was a fetus. It will eventually not be able to continue the process and will expire, at which time, it will be like the liver we removed from the host organism, and it's cells will decay. One is an organ inside an organism which grew it, the other is an organism which was procreated by the organism it resides in, and a male sperm cell.

So what's with Mott's neutral clump of cells. Are you now going to say a human being can be neutral?