We will not forget

He's talking about the crazy man in the Bible. Matthew 5:9

9 Then Jesus asked him, “What is your name?”

“My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many.” 10 And he begged Jesus again and again not to send them out of the area.
Live feed of Express thinking Legion has returned to JPP:

@ThatOwlWoman who or what was legion and should we care?
Haven't read back through the thread since ere I was last here, so don't have context, but here goes. Legion far pre-dates me on this forum. He is a troll, an attention whore, a gadfly, a RWer when he isn't playing a LWer. I never saw his LWer schtick, only the RWer one. He bragged in his sig line about not "breaking the rules" but then got banned. :laugh:

He had diarrhea of the keyboard and often posted a dozen new threads per day. He spammed other discussions with stupid memes and the rare comments. Then he'd vanish for weeks at a time (in rehab?) and there was peace in the JPP valley again.

He was extremely fond of posting memes in lieu of actual discussion. He made up pet names for everyone. Archives was "anchovies." I was "Bowelwoman." Toxic was beloved (only because he knew that irritated those who despise her) by Legion. He called her "Topsy" and always made sure to post in her special ̶p̶l̶a̶c̶e̶ thread but not because she means anything. He's just some low-level troll who used to sometimes be funny and clever. Something bad happened to him.
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