We will not forget

How did the Democrats rig their own primary?
The DNC plans out its Presidential candidacy roughly twelve years in advance (three election cycles). They then release fabricated "poll results" to make gullible Democrat voters believe that they selected/wanted/demanded the candidates that had been preselected for the better part of a decade.

Notice how Democrats and other leftists (you are a great example) cling to anything that is referred to as a "poll" as long as you like the results. You never question anything about the "poll" and you never demand to see the underlying data. The same holds for Global Warming, Climate Change, gun statistics, or any other religious belief system. You leftists OBEY and believe as you are told.

Biden was not kicked to the curb because he was losing any particular demographic. Biden is a laughing stock around the world and only a negligible flake of a small fraction of a tiny percentage of voters will ever vote for Biden ... and only if you put guns to their heads. The DNC has nobody that stands a chance against Trump, but the DNC has to try anyway. To that end, the DNC needs someone who can garner somewhere above zero votes.
I do not agree with anything you just wrote.
It's not a question of agreeing. You are confused about many things and many other things you simply have backwards.

So, we are not going to agree here!
I feel sorry for you.

You think you can just say things that are not true,
You just deny things that are true.

and if you say them enough, you think people are so foolish they will believe anything you say.
If you deny things enough, you can delude yourself into believing anything, e.g. to support the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime.


The main difference between you and me is that I will never allow others to do my thinking for me, whereas you depend on the DNC to do your thinking for you. You cling to polls, need I say more.

Trump uses this technique as a way of life,
The technique that Trump uses, which is so alien to Democrats, is that Trump serves We the People, and not the other way around as the DNC demands. Democrats are obedient slaves to the DNC, who orders them to believe that We the People are simply obedient slaves to Trump, and the Democrat slaves OBEY their slave-masters and believe as ordered.

When the DNC orders you and the other slaves to support their program of killing living humans who have not committed any crime, you don't dare call booooolsch't. There is no line which, if crossed, will cause you to disobey. If they tell you to believe that we need to prohibit hydrocarbons, you OBEY without question.

Democrats no longer know how to think for themselves, and are always confused as you are over the plainly obvious. I feel sorry for you.

so that is why the MENTAL ILLNESS of believing everything he says,
Donald Trump listens to, and believes, everything We the People have to say, and repeats it back to us to make sure he has it right. Donald Trump represents Us. That's why We the People are going to elect him by a landslide, and why no Democrat candidate has any hope whatsoever.

The fact that you are even confused about this makes me pity you all the more.

and then repeating it, is named after him- TRUMPTARDATION!
Say it with me: "Get that snowflake a safe-space on the double!"
So you have been in a lot of boys locker rooms listening to nasty talk. I'm calling bullshit.
I have two older brothers (one is gone now). I know exactly what and how adolescent boys snicker and talk about girls. Just like your glorious Gropingfuehrer whose favorite movie was "Porky's." :laugh: