We will not forget

Just answer the phones.

Leave the deep thinking to those who can post honestly.

Heels Up Harris said that the turnip was “sharp as a tack.” She and the Democrats colluded with the media to cover up Biden’s loss of mental acuity.

She and they all lied to the American people.

Lose the dumb trolling.
He seems sharp, that’s a normal comment. This is the big scandal year screaming about? She said her boss is sharp?

You are out of control.

You lie about this, and you lie about her being the border tsar.

You are desperate!
Reagan did not get obliterated in a debate like Biden did. Reagan was not diagnosed with dementia until 13 years after he left office. Dementia rarely progresses that slowly. Biden won't live 13 more years.
When running for his 2nd term, Reagan's first debate was a complete disaster ... his vague, rhetorical answers coming off like he was in some movie reading a script. The MSM essentially came to his rescue, framing things as such so that all Ronnie had to do was be coherent in the second debate to win it ... which he did (not based on content). https://slate.com/news-and-politics...te-and-dropped-seven-points-in-the-polls.html
When running for his 2nd term, Reagan's first debate was a complete disaster ... his vague, rhetorical answers coming off like he was in some movie reading a script. The MSM essentially came to his rescue, framing things as such so that all Ronnie had to do was be coherent in the second debate to win it ... which he did (not based on content). https://slate.com/news-and-politics...te-and-dropped-seven-points-in-the-polls.html
Reagan was coherent Biden was not.
Reagan was coherent Biden was not.
repeating that ad nausea won't change the FACT of Ronnie Raygun's deterioration during his 2nd term, as I previously demonstrated with 2 articles. His staff tried to hide it with him always running to the helicopter during an open press conference so he "couldn't hear" any questions, or the famous stage address when the mike picks up Nancy Reagan feeding him answers soto voce.

I am NOT defending Uncle Joe's health status and his "better late than never" decision to step down from the re-election stage. I'm just pointing out the sheer hypocrisy and insipidly stubborn denial of MAGA mooks such as yourself regarding your sainted Reagan. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/...hen-did-reagans-first-signs-alzheimers-appear