We will not forget

Oh stop clutching the pearls, darlin'. NARY A PEEP OF SUPPORT OR ENCOURAGEMENT OR EVEN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FROM YOU OR ANY OF YOUR ILK when we were bashing on McConnel and demanding his ouster.
WOW. Do you think there is something wrong with being gay? How very woke of you.
All leftists HATE what they consider to be the LGBTQIAMIPPSPZUINDFCTP+ FREAKS, including the LGBTQIAMIPPSPZUINDFCTP+ leftists who are self-loathers, which is why they are leftists and why they commit suicide at the rate they do.
she won't be able to use her one good line from the demmycrat primaries against Trump........you remember.....when she told Biden SHE was the little girl he tried to keep out of the white schools...........

I think Trump should insist she have to debate Vance instead of him........that would be classic.......

maybe they should invoke the primary debates rules.........she can't be on the stage until she polls more than 5%.........
You are the only sick fuck who attempts to send your nudes to people. Careful I am in a state where unwanted nudes can be prosecuted.
Yep, someone is extremely terrified at the prospect of Trump's imminent victory and of America being made great again.

Just curse MAGA over and over and over ... and eventually you'll feel better ... at least temporarily.
Yep, someone is extremely terrified at the prospect of Trump's imminent victory and of America being made great again.

Just curse MAGA over and over and over ... and eventually you'll feel better ... at least temporarily.
Won't happen. Next
OK, we get it. Crepitus HATES 'fags' and all LGBTQIAMIPPSPZUINDFCTP+ freaks
Wow, you are so deep in the closet you must be finding next years Christmas presents.
He's gay. You can tell by his fascination with the whole butt sex thing.
You said it faggot, I just read it.

... but since he is extremely proud of his stance, he shouldn't try to then dial it back.

He said it, not me.
About what?>
Just answer the phones.

Leave the deep thinking to those who can post honestly.

Heels Up Harris said that the turnip was “sharp as a tack.” She and the Democrats colluded with the media to cover up Biden’s loss of mental acuity.

She and they all lied to the American people.

Lose the dumb trolling.