We will not forget

Excuse you? You equate agreeing with someone online with bending over for them to pound you on the furniture? Look man, I knew you were a mental case before but damn way to confirm it. Get some help, before you hurt yourself.
He's gay. You can tell by his fascination with the whole butt sex thing.
We will not forget the Democrat party's lies. They have been lying about Joe Biden's cognitive decline for years. There is literally no depth that they will not sink to for power. They don't deserve power. Republicans have been concerned by Joe's decline for years and the Democrats covered it up.
Wow, you are so deep in the closet you must be finding next years Christmas presents.
Typical leftist, i.e. using homosexual references as slurs and insults. Leftists HATE all LGBTQIAMPIPPSTUIVMPSWC+ because they see them as FREAKS, and so they all get lumped together as though they are the same.

This is an anonymous forum; your petty diversionary insults have no affect. Please keep them coming.
Typical leftist, i.e. using homosexual references as slurs and insults.
Are you fucking stupid? (rhetorical question)

That's what you did, I just threw it back at you.

You conservatards are no more self aware than the average cockroach.
We will not forget the Democrat party's lies. They have been lying about Joe Biden's cognitive decline for years. There is literally no depth that they will not sink to for power. They don't deserve power. Republicans have been concerned by Joe's decline for years and the Democrats covered it up.
Oh stop clutching the pearls, sweetpea. YOU AND YOUR MAGA/GOP BRETHREN HAD NO PROBLEM PROPPING UP RONNIE REAGAN FOR 4 F***ING YEARS! AND NARY A PEEP OUT OF YOU PUNKS WHEN MITCH (TURTLE) McConnell ZONED OUT TWICE MID ADDRESSING THE PRESS (he's allowed to hold onto his office until November). So spare us all your hypocritical BS!

FYI: Progressives (you know, the liberals you MAGA mooks love to mock) were voicing concern about Uncle Joe's capability about 1 year into his term. The main stream Dems ignored them too until recent events.

But UNLIKE THE MAGA/GOP with the aforementioned, the Dems did (finally) gave Joe the heave-ho.

Now the MAGA/GOP is having a hissy fit because all their campaign rhetoric and fodder just got thrown in the garbage ... and as Dump further unravels and Little Dump's (Vance) extreme/fringe right wing rhetoric comes back to bite him in the ass, Project 2025 doesn't look like it's gonna happen. ;):giggle:
Oh stop clutching the pearls, sweetpea. YOU AND YOUR MAGA/GOP BRETHREN HAD NO PROBLEM PROPPING UP RONNIE REAGAN FOR 4 F***ING YEARS! AND NARY A PEEP OUT OF YOU PUNKS WHEN MITCH (TURTLE) McConnell ZONED OUT TWICE MID ADDRESSING THE PRESS (he's allowed to hold onto his office until November). So spare us all your hypocritical BS!

FYI: Progressives (you know, the liberals you MAGA mooks love to mock) were voicing concern about Uncle Joe's capability about 1 year into his term. The main stream Dems ignored them too until recent events.

But UNLIKE THE MAGA/GOP with the aforementioned, the Dems did (finally) gave Joe the heave-ho.

Now the MAGA/GOP is having a hissy fit because all their campaign rhetoric and fodder just got thrown in the garbage ... and as Dump further unravels and Little Dump's (Vance) extreme/fringe right wing rhetoric comes back to bite him in the ass, Project 2025 doesn't look like it's gonna happen. ;):giggle:
Reagan was better when he left office at age 77 than Biden when he entered office at age 78.
Reagan was better when he left office at age 77 than Biden when he entered office at age 78.
Reagan did not get obliterated in a debate like Biden did. Reagan was not diagnosed with dementia until 13 years after he left office. Dementia rarely progresses that slowly. Biden won't live 13 more years.