We will not forget

Check out her numbers...listen to people...
Watch her run/campaign...
how did she do in the 2020 campaign?
She can't relate to anyone real....not a single delegate and was horrible in the debates...
What's to like?
Tulsi Gabbert DESTROYED HER.
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We will not forget the Democrat party's lies. They have been lying about Joe Biden's cognitive decline for years. There is literally no depth that they will not sink to for power. They don't deserve power. Republicans have been concerned by Joe's decline for years and the Democrats covered it up.
Maybe you should learn the real reason he was convinced to leave

Black women's approval of the ticket went down 30%

Joe is fine
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I don't have a problem with old people- I am one myself.

No, I have known Biden has a speech impediment and has made gaffs for over 50 years.

It never concerned me, because I understood Biden and never saw how that affected his policies or decisions!

I just do not throw them under the bus just because they are old.

And I never threw Biden under any bus. I was hoping he would be my candidate and president again!

But, now that he is saying he is too old, and to support Kamala, I will do what he has asked me to do!
It was base support drop of 30% amoung female black voters that made this happen

The party had some internal numbers that we were not privy to yet

It wasn’t really his age

But it does help to strip the republicans of that talking point
What hatefulness? I'm asking to celebrate with you. I've been nothing but inclusive. Good things are three months away, unless the election is stolen, of course.

Whatever. You obviously don't know what those words mean.

No way. Come over here and let me give you a big, celebratory hug for our inclusive candidate's November victory, who is going to see to it that our taxes are reduced [opens arms wide] ....

Let's celebrate together.
Sorry Mann, I get you confused with that PostProphet Nut sometimes. I don't like him, because he is a total ass.

It's not hatefulness with you. We just grew up on different sides of the tracks. I grew up on a small little horse ranch and farm where we worked hard for a living, grew our own food, and learned to live without all the luxuries of life.

It was a time when I went to school when my community didn't even allow minorities to even go to white schools, and minorities had to ride in the back of the bus, and sit only in the balconies of theaters, and were not allowed to eat in public restaurants or even shop in White owned retail shops.

But my family hired minorities, and I was friends with their kids, and they were always welcomed into my home, and at our dinner table,. and all of our family celebrations and entertainment events.

My family raised me to treat all men and women as equals, regardless to their color or money status.

So you may have not experienced all of the same things I did, and saw all of the horrible ways minorities were treated in the days when I grew up.

So I have been a human rights advocate since I was a kid. I have been a Democrat all of my life.
It was base support drop of 30% amoung female black voters that made this happen

The party had some internal numbers that we were not privy to yet

It wasn’t really his age

But it does help to strip the republicans of that talking point
I go along with the Super Delegates that I have admired and respected all of my life, because they were the ones that have led our party and kept me in this party. The Super Delegates have never let me down, and I have the utmost faith in their decisions!

I knew they would work this out, and I never had a doubt, that they would quickly resolve this and do what was right for this party, the people, and this country!
Sorry Mann, I get you confused with that PostProphet Nut sometimes. I don't like him, because he is a total ass.
Apology accepted.

I grew up on a small little horse ranch and farm where we worked hard for a living, grew our own food, and learned to live without all the luxuries of life.
Yep, so did my family and I live without any sort of luxuries; my family couldn't afford a farm.

It was a time when I went to school when my community didn't even allow minorities to even go to white schools, and minorities had to ride in the back of the bus, and sit only in the balconies of theaters, and were not allowed to eat in public restaurants or even shop in White owned retail shops.
... and then I'm going to tell you that everything has changed since that time, and then I'm going to ask you why you are making such an irrelevant reference.

But my family hired minorities, and I was friends with their kids, and they were always welcomed into my home, and at our dinner table,. and all of our family celebrations and entertainment events.
Yes, yes, but aside from virtue-signaling, what does this have to do with anything today?

My family raised me to treat all men and women as equals, regardless to their color or money status.
Yep, I'm familiar with that kind of raising.

So you may have not experienced all of the same things I did,
Yep. Assume I did.

So I have been a human rights advocate since I was a kid. I have been a Democrat all of my life.
I have been a human rights advocate since I was a kid. That's why I could never be a Democrat.

You advocate the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime, right? That doesn't sound very much like advocacy for human rights to me.

You advocate placing 6'+ men who are serial rapists into women's prisons with women cell-mates. That doesn't sound very much like advocacy for human rights to me.

Why don't you instead abandon the human rights-violating DNC and come over and join me on the human rights advocacy side of the fence? I'll make a much better human rights advocate out of you.
Apology accepted.

Yep, so did my family and I live without any sort of luxuries; my family couldn't afford a farm.

... and then I'm going to tell you that everything has changed since that time, and then I'm going to ask you why you are making such an irrelevant reference.

Yes, yes, but aside from virtue-signaling, what does this have to do with anything today?

Yep, I'm familiar with that kind of raising.

Yep. Assume I did.

I have been a human rights advocate since I was a kid. That's why I could never be a Democrat.

You advocate the killing of living humans who have not committed any crime, right? That doesn't sound very much like advocacy for human rights to me.

You advocate placing 6'+ men who are serial rapists into women's prisons with women cell-mates. That doesn't sound very much like advocacy for human rights to me.

Why don't you instead abandon the human rights-violating DNC and come over and join me on the human rights advocacy side of the fence? I'll make a much better human rights advocate out of you.
I have always found myself in the center of politics and conflicts between the two parties, and I have watched the right go extreme, and now drifting out on the lunatic fringe today, since Trump came on the scene and became the leader of the Republican party.

So no thank you! I find it easier to vote within my own party and select the candidates that best represent my own party!

My family would have horse-whipped me if they found me ever becoming someone like Donald Trump or his Cult followers.
I have always found myself in the center of politics and conflicts between the two parties, and I have watched the right go extreme, and now drifting out on the lunatic fringe today, since Trump came on the scene and became the leader of the Republican party.
This is why you are so totally confused. You equate Trump with the lunatic RINO fringe. Trump represents We the People, and the rights of We the People, not the DNC's weaponized Injustice Department that violates individual human rights.

So no thank you! I find it easier to vote within my own party and select the candidates that best represent my own party!
Your party quashes individual human rights. You can't be an ardent Democrat and call yourself a fighter for human rights.

My family would have horse-whipped me if they found me ever becoming someone like Donald Trump or his Cult followers.
Donald Trump doesn't have a cult. Donald Trump serves We the People, and that's why We the People elect him as President, and why no human rights-quashing Democrat has any chance against We the People in any free and fair election, because We hold all the power, and We reward those who serve us instead of those who oppress us.
I have always found myself in the center of politics and conflicts between the two parties, and I have watched the right go extreme, and now drifting out on the lunatic fringe today, since Trump came on the scene and became the leader of the Republican party.

So no thank you! I find it easier to vote within my own party and select the candidates that best represent my own party!

My family would have horse-whipped me if they found me ever becoming someone like Donald Trump or his Cult followers.
Your party had a seismic shift to the left and that makes it look like Trump has moved to the right to you. Come on do you think JFK would have ever tolerated a tranny flashing his boobs at the White House????
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I go along with the Super Delegates that I have admired and respected all of my life, because they were the ones that have led our party and kept me in this party. The Super Delegates have never let me down, and I have the utmost faith in their decisions!

I knew they would work this out, and I never had a doubt, that they would quickly resolve this and do what was right for this party, the people, and this country!
So you don't believe in one man one vote. Sad.
This is why you are so totally confused. You equate Trump with the lunatic RINO fringe. Trump represents We the People, and the rights of We the People, not the DNC's weaponized Injustice Department that violates individual human rights.

Your party quashes individual human rights. You can't be an ardent Democrat and call yourself a fighter for human rights.

Donald Trump doesn't have a cult. Donald Trump serves We the People, and that's why We the People elect him as President, and why no human rights-quashing Democrat has any chance against We the People in any free and fair election, because We hold all the power, and We reward those who serve us instead of those who oppress us.
I do not agree with anything you just wrote.

So, we are not going to agree here!

You think you can just say things that are not true, and if you say them enough, you think people are so foolish they will believe anything you say.


Trump uses this technique as a way of life, so that is why the MENTAL ILLNESS of believing everything he says, and then repeating it, is named after him- TRUMPTARDATION!
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