We will not forget

No Sir! Trump has been rejected by the Voting Majority because he was a disgraced and failed president that abused his office and privileged position.
Nope. We'll see that the record majority who gave him a record landslide in 2020 will be joined by the rest of Americans who felt that stealing the 2020 election really crossed the line. In short, all of America will affirm that Trump is the (much) better candidate, and is America's candidate.

Our candidate Trump is going to get Congress to cut our taxes. We will be winners in more ways than one.

The American voters will never allow Donald Trump to ever get near the White House again!
The American voters demanded Trump return to the White House in 2020, but a criminal DNC disenfranchised the entire country.

So, I do not know whatever drug you are on, but have a nice HIGH while it lasts.!
How will you celebrate Trump and us winning in just over three months?
Nope. We'll see that the record majority who gave him a record landslide in 2020 will be joined by the rest of Americans who felt that stealing the 2020 election really crossed the line. In short, all of America will affirm that Trump is the (much) better candidate, and is America's candidate.

Our candidate Trump is going to get Congress to cut our taxes. We will be winners in more ways than one.

The American voters demanded Trump return to the White House in 2020, but a criminal DNC disenfranchised the entire country.

How will you celebrate Trump and us winning in just over three months?
No one is impressed with your hatefulness, megalomania, and ostentatiousness.

You are only driving people away from you and your cause- not winning concensus!
No one is impressed with your hatefulness,
What hatefulness? I'm asking to celebrate with you. I've been nothing but inclusive. Good things are three months away, unless the election is stolen, of course.

megalomania, and ostentatiousness.
Whatever. You obviously don't know what those words mean.

You are only driving people away from you and your cause- not winning concensus!
No way. Come over here and let me give you a big, celebratory hug for our inclusive candidate's November victory, who is going to see to it that our taxes are reduced [opens arms wide] ....

Let's celebrate together.
We will not forget the Democrat party's lies. They have been lying about Joe Biden's cognitive decline for years. There is literally no depth that they will not sink to for power. They don't deserve power. Republicans have been concerned by Joe's decline for years and the Democrats covered it up.
We will not forget that the Republican party lies. They claim they are the party of "law and order" and then nominate a candidate that is a felon with 34 felony convictions. They claim they are the party of family values and then nominate a candidate that has cheated on all 3 of his wives. They claim they are the party that "supports the blue" and then nominate a candidate that says he will pardon over 100 people that attacked police officers.
No need to lie...that would be silly...
It is what it is...
Kam covered up for Joe (along with so many others)....and that will come out eventually...
It might take a while, but it will...
She stuck up/covered up for Jussie, too...remember? :)
“They want you to say what they want you, what they want to have you say. And we’re not gonna let that happen. You’re going to say as you want and you’re going to believe, and you’re going to believe in God. You’re gonna believe in God because God is here and God is watching.”
Isn't it odd that someone who claims to have a mixed race child is so critical of a mixed race woman whose father is Afro-Jamaican?
Nope. It isn't odd. Anyone has every right to be critical of anyone.

Somebody who claims to be a teacher criticizing a woman whose Afro-Jamaican father is a Stanford professor of economics?
Nope. It isn't odd. Anyone has every right to be critical of anyone.

You leftists gullibly believe that equality means that some people are more equal than others, and that some people are off-limits to criticism while others are to only be HATED. Leftists are stupid in that way.
Nope. We were laughing yesterday, too, about how the MAGATs' favorite anti-Harris slur is about her alleged fucking-her-way-to-fame schtick ain't gonna work for Trump,
Since when do you speak for people who want to make America great again? I thought my favorite anti-Harris slur was supposed to be that she is Hitler? Trump hasn't made mention of this ... ever.

You're terrified and don't know what to say/write. Too funny!

Can anyone say Adjudicated Sexual Offender? lol
Can anyone say "Not legitimately" and "Let's overturn it."
The only laughter I've ever seen him do, although in fairness I've tried for over 30 years to avoid any gossip/news about the sleazebag, is a snicker that sounds more like something you'd hear in a boys' locker room when they're speculating in nasty fashion about one of the cheerleaders.
So you have been in a lot of boys locker rooms listening to nasty talk. I'm calling bullshit.

Absolutely not...very few actually like her-what's to like? Gardner just gave the perfect explanation of just a few reasons why...and of course, add the cackling...which is totally cringeworthy...
Some just dislike Trump enough to maybe vote for her...if she gets the nod...
Kamala is the least popular VP in the modern era. I'm sure the Democrat machine will try to rehabilitate her.