We will not forget

Exactly. I was looking at this 2016 article about him and apparently he did out-and-out laugh once.

"Thanks to the power of the internet, there is proof that our president has indeed laughed at least once. This was during a campaign rally in January, when Mr. Trump’s speech was interrupted by a barking dog.

“It’s Hillary!” an audience member shouted. And the candidate tilted his head back, opened his mouth wide and laughed without reservation, quite possibly for the first time in his political life."

Why am I not in the least surprised by what caused a genuine laugh from the Gropingfuehrer?
I'm not a "Trumpper" whatever that is, and yes, I am complaining about the gibberish--often minutes long gibberish--that Kamel Toe spews. She's an idiot. In fact, she's a bigger idiot than Biden ever was. I can forgive that Biden in the last say, 6 to 8 years has become senile due to age. That happens.

Kamel Toe has no excuse. She's just stupid.
Have you never seen Trump off the teleprompter?
Are you lying about her being extremely unpopular?
Absolutely not...very few actually like her-what's to like? Gardner just gave the perfect explanation of just a few reasons why...and of course, add the cackling...which is totally cringeworthy...
Some just dislike Trump enough to maybe vote for her...if she gets the nod...
I'm not a "Trumpper" whatever that is, and yes, I am complaining about the gibberish--often minutes long gibberish--that Kamel Toe spews. She's an idiot. In fact, she's a bigger idiot than Biden ever was. I can forgive that Biden in the last say, 6 to 8 years has become senile due to age. That happens.

Kamel Toe has no excuse. She's just stupid.
She is worse than Joe...much worse...
Absolutely not...very few actually like her-what's to like? Gardner just gave the perfect explanation of just a few reasons why...and of course, add the cackling...which is totally cringeworthy...
Some just dislike Trump enough to maybe vote for her...if she gets the nod...
You have some evidence very few like her?
Have you never seen Trump off the teleprompter?
No, I don't go to his rallies, and rarely watch television. After all, if you get your news from television (and cable), you aren't getting the news.

But if you have a particular clip in mind do post it.
She is worse than Joe...much worse...
“They want you to say what they want you, what they want to have you say. And we’re not gonna let that happen. You’re going to say as you want and you’re going to believe, and you’re going to believe in God. You’re gonna believe in God because God is here and God is watching.”
I'm not a "Trumpper" whatever that is, and yes, I am complaining about the gibberish--often minutes long gibberish--that Kamel Toe spews. She's an idiot. In fact, she's a bigger idiot than Biden ever was. I can forgive that Biden in the last say, 6 to 8 years has become senile due to age. That happens.

Kamel Toe has no excuse. She's just stupid.
Just a friendly forum tip: You'd sound a lot more credible and a lot less unhinged and angry if you'd critique Harris without using a misogynist slur.
You have some evidence very few like her?
Check out her numbers...listen to people...
Watch her run/campaign...
how did she do in the 2020 campaign?
She can't relate to anyone real....not a single delegate and was horrible in the debates...
What's to like?