We will not forget

Mushroom? :LOL:
:laugh: The Mario Kart one even. :laugh:

And you can say all that shit with a straight face, can ya? Listen, Joe is gone, Hillary is gone, Obama is gone, its time for you nuts to either shit or get off the pot...in other words, move the fuck on.
Joe isn't "gone" he is still pResident. The Dems are saying he is too senile to run but he is OK to run the country. :rofl2:
Our candidate took a bullet for democracy. Ours won his primary by voters voting for him.
Your mind is a thousand miles away from the things you really need to be focused on Sir!

Do you want to know why the Tortoise won the race instead of the Hare?

It is because the Rabbit went down every rabbit hole he could find, thinking it was a shortcut to the finish line, and the turtle just plodded along on the straight and narrow path, and stayed out of all the rabbit holes along the way.
Always that crap about her so-called cackle but thinking about laughing... have you ever seen video of trump full-out laughing? Has anybody in the world seen this? Not his usual smirk, wink, pucker or side eye, but a hearty guffaw, the kind that makes your sides hurt.

I think not laughing is another symptom of his psychological issues.
The only laughter I've ever seen him do, although in fairness I've tried for over 30 years to avoid any gossip/news about the sleazebag, is a snicker that sounds more like something you'd hear in a boys' locker room when they're speculating in nasty fashion about one of the cheerleaders.

Kamel Toe has two serious speaking flaws that top the list of why people don't like or listen to her:

First are the obvious word salads she serves up. She spews insane gibberish on a regular basis. You know, "We have been doing what we need to be doing, all the time doing it, and have done it..." and other nonsense.

The second one, and this is less obvious but probably more serious. She is CONDESENDING. She talks to everyone as if they are small children in say, fourth grade. No adult--NO ADULT--wants to be talked to like they're a little kid. But Harris does this all the time.

Neither problem is something she can readily fix because that's just how she talks all the time. It's not like a lisp or stutter were where the speaker knows they are doing it and can consciously try and work to avoid doing it. The word salad issue is one of Harris being unable to think on her feet. Hit with a question she didn't prep for or expect, she instantly blunders off into word salad.

The second is even harder for her to deal with as she doesn't even know she's doing it. Someone pointing it out afterwards does nothing to fix the problem because she isn't particularly conscious of being condescending when she speaks. But it's there and it grates hard on people listening. No one likes being talked down to and that's in essence, what she is doing.
Kamel Toe has two serious speaking flaws that top the list of why people don't like or listen to her:

First are the obvious word salads she serves up. She spews insane gibberish on a regular basis. You know, "We have been doing what we need to be doing, all the time doing it, and have done it..." and other nonsense.

The second one, and this is less obvious but probably more serious. She is CONDESENDING. She talks to everyone as if they are small children in say, fourth grade. No adult--NO ADULT--wants to be talked to like they're a little kid. But Harris does this all the time.

Neither problem is something she can readily fix because that's just how she talks all the time. It's not like a lisp or stutter were where the speaker knows they are doing it and can consciously try and work to avoid doing it. The word salad issue is one of Harris being unable to think on her feet. Hit with a question she didn't prep for or expect, she instantly blunders off into word salad.

The second is even harder for her to deal with as she doesn't even know she's doing it. Someone pointing it out afterwards does nothing to fix the problem because she isn't particularly conscious of being condescending when she speaks. But it's there and it grates hard on people listening. No one likes being talked down to and that's in essence, what she is doing.
A Trumpper is complaining about gibberish?
The only laughter I've ever seen him do, although in fairness I've tried for over 30 years to avoid any gossip/news about the sleazebag, is a snicker that sounds more like something you'd hear in a boys' locker room when they're speculating in nasty fashion about one of the cheerleaders.
Exactly. I was looking at this 2016 article about him and apparently he did out-and-out laugh once.

"Thanks to the power of the internet, there is proof that our president has indeed laughed at least once. This was during a campaign rally in January, when Mr. Trump’s speech was interrupted by a barking dog.

“It’s Hillary!” an audience member shouted. And the candidate tilted his head back, opened his mouth wide and laughed without reservation, quite possibly for the first time in his political life."

Sir, your candidate is not my candidate.
How is our candidate not our candidate? Explain.

I just say, Good Luck- and may the best candidate win!
Since Trump is going to win, we can declare our candidate to be the best candidate.

This is not about ourselves, it is about who will serve all of us and our country [great again]
I get it. Based on everything we know, and going on only official duties as President, neither of us know of any reason Trump is not the best President in American history.

So let me congratulate you in advance of our candidate winning and making America great again.
Kamel Toe has two serious speaking flaws that top the list of why people don't like or listen to her:

First are the obvious word salads she serves up. She spews insane gibberish on a regular basis. You know, "We have been doing what we need to be doing, all the time doing it, and have done it..." and other nonsense.

The second one, and this is less obvious but probably more serious. She is CONDESENDING. She talks to everyone as if they are small children in say, fourth grade. No adult--NO ADULT--wants to be talked to like they're a little kid. But Harris does this all the time.

Neither problem is something she can readily fix because that's just how she talks all the time. It's not like a lisp or stutter were where the speaker knows they are doing it and can consciously try and work to avoid doing it. The word salad issue is one of Harris being unable to think on her feet. Hit with a question she didn't prep for or expect, she instantly blunders off into word salad.

The second is even harder for her to deal with as she doesn't even know she's doing it. Someone pointing it out afterwards does nothing to fix the problem because she isn't particularly conscious of being condescending when she speaks. But it's there and it grates hard on people listening. No one likes being talked down to and that's in essence, what she is doing.

Kamel Toe has two serious speaking flaws that top the list of why people don't like or listen to her:

First are the obvious word salads she serves up. She spews insane gibberish on a regular basis. You know, "We have been doing what we need to be doing, all the time doing it, and have done it..." and other nonsense.

The second one, and this is less obvious but probably more serious. She is CONDESCENDING. She talks to everyone as if they are small children in say, fourth grade. No adult--NO ADULT--wants to be talked to like they're a little kid. But Harris does this all the time.

Neither problem is something she can readily fix because that's just how she talks all the time. It's not like a lisp or stutter were where the speaker knows they are doing it and can consciously try and work to avoid doing it. The word salad issue is one of Harris being unable to think on her feet. Hit with a question she didn't prep for or expect, she instantly blunders off into word salad.

The second is even harder for her to deal with as she doesn't even know she's doing it. Someone pointing it out afterwards does nothing to fix the problem because she isn't particularly conscious of being condescending when she speaks. But it's there and it grates hard on people listening. No one likes being talked down to and that's in essence, what she is doing.
Excellent post... The most important part of it being Nothing that she can fix... That extreme unpopularity is never going to get any better....Not enough money in the world is going to help..
A Trumpper is complaining about gibberish?
I'm not a "Trumpper" whatever that is, and yes, I am complaining about the gibberish--often minutes long gibberish--that Kamel Toe spews. She's an idiot. In fact, she's a bigger idiot than Biden ever was. I can forgive that Biden in the last say, 6 to 8 years has become senile due to age. That happens.

Kamel Toe has no excuse. She's just stupid.
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