We will not forget

so presidential...;)
This really happened in the first 10 minutes of the Republican presidential debate – Donald Trump told America about his penis size.

In response to Sen. Marco Rubio's claims that Trump has small hands, the billionaire referenced the size of his penis.

"He referred to my hands as they're small, something else must be small. I guarantee you, there's no problem," Trump said.

You may have to explain what you mean by abuse!

Can you give us an example?
As the Demented Child-like Brain of Biden would speak he'd get lost in the weeds and tell us all how much trouble he'd be in. "I'd better not talk about that, I'll get in trouble." Then leftists would laugh and pretend it is a joke ignoring the reality, the man couldn't think, couldn't remember what he was saying seconds ago, and he feared "getting in trouble" with the folks that were running the Puppet Show.

That's elder abuse. If we did that to my MIL we could spend time in prison.
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As the Demented Child-like Brain of Biden would speak he'd get lost in the weeds and tell us all how much trouble he'd be in. "I'd better not talk about that, I'll get in trouble." Then leftists would laugh and pretend it is a joke ignoring the reality, the man couldn't think, couldn't remember what he was saying seconds ago, and he feared "getting in trouble" with the folks that were running the Puppet Show.

That's elder abuse. If we did that to my MIL we could spend time in prison.
You are making assumptions, jokes, exaggerations, insults, and your own unprofessional opinions about Biden's mental status.

Here is my opinion of you and your opinions- YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT!

ExpressTroll's gone off the rails. You're a nurse and you're more familiar with HIPAA and PHI than he is. Fake doc is giving a bad name to his fake profession.
You pegged that fraudster exactly. What is it with these fake professionals who use their made-up careers to mock people for supposed mental and physical defects anyways? They're disgusting. I think ExpressivelyLame is a female. I have never had a male poster PM me and try to schmooze me into being buddies in order to convince me that they are what they claim like she has. That's an insecure chick thing.
Soon you'll be able to really dig in and mock her fashion style, her speech patterns, her race, her alleged sluttiness, and all the other things you hate so hard about accomplished, intelligent, powerful women of color. This is your time, Toxic! Make the most of it! Let the envy and bitterness flow through you!
Soon you'll be able to really dig in and mock her fashion style, her speech patterns, her race, her alleged sluttiness, and all the other things you hate so hard about accomplished, intelligent, powerful women of color. This is your time, Toxic! Make the most of it! Let the envy and bitterness flow through you!
You forgot her utter incompetence. She failed to fix the border, her one job
You have been indoctrinated to suppose your party is for the average American.

Your party...the MAGA GOP...does not give a shit about the average American. All the GOP wants from the average American is that they buy the products the elite make and sell...and that they work for as low a wage as possible.

I have trouble understanding that you are this gullible...this stupid. But you are.
The individual you replied to once upon a time pretended to be a physician on this board in order to promote quack COVID cures and false information about the pandemic in service of her #TangerineTyrant and his corrupt agenda. As Christiefan pointed out, the idiot doesn't even understand what HIPAA and PHI are. She is gullible to an extreme and as you correctly pointed out, stupid enough to believe that the GOP and its #MaliciousMessiah give a single rat's ass about the average American.

Social Media Explodes After Donald Trump Talks About His Penis Size During GOP Debate​

  • NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- This really happened in the first 10 minutes of the Republican presidential debate – Donald Trump told America about his penis size.
In response to Sen. Marco Rubio's claims that Trump has small hands, the billionaire referenced the size of his penis.

"He referred to my hands as they're small, something else must be small. I guarantee you, there's no problem," Trump said.
Stormy, on the other hand, reports otherwise. :laugh:
As the Demented Child-like Brain of Biden would speak he'd get lost in the weeds and tell us all how much trouble he'd be in. "I'd better not talk about that, I'll get in trouble." Then leftists would laugh and pretend it is a joke ignoring the reality, the man couldn't think, couldn't remember what he was saying seconds ago, and he feared "getting in trouble" with the folks that were running the Puppet Show.

That's elder abuse. If we did that to my MIL we could spend time in prison.
Except, of course, for that whole part where no mental health professionals -- just partisan Internet wonks -- have adjudicated Mr. Biden mentally incompetent. Until that happens, he is as free to manage his own affairs, his job, his daily life as you and I are.
You pegged that fraudster exactly. What is it with these fake professionals who use their made-up careers to mock people for supposed mental and physical defects anyways? They're disgusting. I think ExpressivelyLame is a female. I have never had a male poster PM me and try to schmooze me into being buddies in order to convince me that they are what they claim like she has. That's an insecure chick thing.
Stop sending me nudes your fat body is disgusting. EWWW. :barf:
So if he's "fine" why did Joe step down?
Loss of donors, loss of (D) backing and confidence, poor polling, his desire to do what is best for the country no matter how personally painful it must be for him. Why aren't you happy, Toxic? You've been obsessing over his alleged mental state now for months.