We will not forget

I don't have a problem with old people- I am one myself.

No, I have known Biden has a speech impediment and has made gaffs for over 50 years.

It never concerned me, because I understood Biden and never saw how that affected his policies or decisions!

I just do not throw them under the bus just because they are old.

And I never threw Biden under any bus. I was hoping he would be my candidate and president again!

But, now that he is saying he is too old, and to support Kamala, I will do what he has asked me to do!
Good luck with that. Not sure why you want to make Kamala Harris the first female president of the United States before she wins the election in November, but I am sure you have your reasons.
November is going to be harsh on delusional dumbfucks on the left like you. :laugh:
So you have no good answer for why you continue to support an elderly asshole who obviously is in cognitive decline?

C'mon. You can come up with something.
He doesn't support Biden halfwit. Meanwhile, you supported the corrupt, senile. serial lying, divisive moron who just admitted he can't run for President, much less be President.

You're the definition of stupid. :palm:
she won't be able to use her one good line from the demmycrat primaries against Trump........you remember.....when she told Biden SHE was the little girl he tried to keep out of the white schools...........

I think Trump should insist she have to debate Vance instead of him........that would be classic.......

maybe they should invoke the primary debates rules.........she can't be on the stage until she polls more than 5%.........
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Trump Biden is one of the most disgusting humans ever to use up oxygen. He is pathetic...and only appeals to rich people, who know he will do lots for them...and fucking moron who would have supported Hitler when he was trying to Make Germany Great Again.

You are not a billionaire, are you?
I fixed your bullshit to be more truthful...
That is what you say before every election!

But the last couple of elections were not harsh at all!

In fact, they were a lot of fun!
The last couple? Dunce. :laugh:

I hope you have stocked up on your meds. Trumps landslide might throw you over the edge. But again, if stupid lying leftist dipshits like you committed suicide, it would be a good thing. ;)