We will not forget

He is in panic mode now!

You can tell he is scared of Kamala- that is for sure!

He doesn't want to see a Black Woman Bar-B-Que Trump in a debate or at the polls in November!
she won't be able to use her one good line from the demmycrat primaries against Trump........you remember.....when she told Biden SHE was the little girl he tried to keep out of the white schools...........

I think Trump should insist she have to debate Vance instead of him........that would be classic.......

maybe they should invoke the primary debates rules.........she can't be on the stage until she polls more than 5%.........
Trump has taken and passed a cognitive test
Trump is one of the most disgusting humans ever to use up oxygen. He is pathetic...and only appeals to rich people, who know he will do lots for them...and fucking moron who would have supported Hitler when he was trying to Make Germany Great Again.

You are not a billionaire, are you?
Trump is one of the most disgusting humans ever to use up oxygen. He is pathetic...and only appeals to rich people, who know he will do lots for them...and fucking moron who would have supported Hitler when he was trying to Make Germany Great Again.

You are not a billionaire, are you?
and yet, he's a better president than Biden was on Biden's best day in office.........and of course, Kamela has never spent a day in office......
Nope we have a candidate and he is ahead

You have a candidate...and he is a disgusting, classless, clueless, ignorant boor. YOU and his other supporters are just too stupid to realize that.

No problem. I, and others, are here to remind you.
You have a candidate...and he is a disgusting, classless, clueless, ignorant boor. YOU and his other supporters are just too stupid to realize that.

No problem. I, and others, are here to remind you.
We are for the average American. We aren't interested in the warped opinions of a party that has been lying about Biden's cognitive health for years. It has just gotten so bad the Dems can no longer hide it. I bet Biden regretted saying this:

Frankly, Scarlett, we don't give a damn about your pathetic and fearful whining. You weren't going to vote for Jesus Himself if He came down from the clouds and ran on the (D) ticket. Your extreme terror at the loss of your corrupt painted old criminal despot is, on the other hand, delightful. Please do continue!
You better worry about your own candidate, and let us worry about ours!

Personally, we think your candidate is in mental decline and way too old to run for president!

Why do you support an OLD FART who is in obvious cognitive decline?

Now let's hear you sink low and deny that- and try to cover that up! You know- like you just accused us of doing!

What a hypocrite!
blah blah blah sink low....
Is that a medical diagnosis? What's the ICD-10 code for it? Or is it an IT thing? :laugh:

Anyone concerned about presidential candidate cognitive decline would do well to watch a few videos of Trump trying to express his thoughts. Even with a teleprompter, he wanders off into the bleacher seats constantly.

"Physician," heal thyself. :laugh:
We will not forget the Democrat party's lies. They have been lying about Joe Biden's cognitive decline for years. There is literally no depth that they will not sink to for power. They don't deserve power. Republicans have been concerned by Joe's decline for years and the Democrats covered it up.
Who lied? What was the lie? What is his condition?

So far, all I have seen is that Biden feels that he is not up for another 4 year term?