We will not forget

Except, of course, for that whole part where no mental health professionals -- just partisan Internet wonks -- have adjudicated Mr. Biden mentally incompetent. Until that happens, he is as free to manage his own affairs, his job, his daily life as you and I are.
Oh Dementia Joe is just like you are for sure.
You better worry about your own candidate, and let us worry about ours!
What candidate isn't everybody's candidate? Are you saying that we shouldn't vote for your candidate?

Personally, we think your candidate is in mental decline and way too old to run for president!
Our candidate (yours and mine) is going to make America great again, not smoke pot while America burns.

What a hypocrite!
How will you celebrate Trump's victory?
Loss of donors, loss of (D) backing and confidence, poor polling, his desire to do what is best for the country no matter how personally painful it must be for him. Why aren't you happy, Toxic? You've been obsessing over his alleged mental state now for months.
And just why did he lose backing and poll poorly what was the reason for that. He was doing OK prior to the debate when the old fraud showed that he is mentally incompetent.
Loss of donors, loss of (D) backing and confidence, poor polling,
The DNC found several broomsticks stashed in a closet that had better donor-appeal, better confidence and that polled better than Biden.

his desire to do what is best for the country no matter how personally painful it must be for him.
Nope. Biden's handlers are accompanying him on a sensitive international diplomatic mission ... from his basement. He probably isn't aware that someone used his X account to announce his withdrawal. In fact, Biden is probably enjoying Italy right now ... from his basement. Biden is being made comfortable before he is put to sleep bed.
We will not forget the Democrat party's lies. They have been lying about Joe Biden's cognitive decline for years. There is literally no depth that they will not sink to for power. They don't deserve power. Republicans have been concerned by Joe's decline for years and the Democrats covered it up.
And you can say all that shit with a straight face, can ya? Listen, Joe is gone, Hillary is gone, Obama is gone, its time for you nuts to either shit or get off the pot...in other words, move the fuck on.
What candidate isn't everybody's candidate? Are you saying that we shouldn't vote for your candidate?

Our candidate (yours and mine) is going to make America great again, not smoke pot while America burns.

How will you celebrate Trump's victory?
Sir, your candidate is not my candidate.

I just say, Good Luck- and may the best candidate win!

This is not about ourselves, it is about who will serve all of us and our country the best!
Soon you'll be able to really dig in and mock her fashion style, her speech patterns, her race, her alleged sluttiness, and all the other things you hate so hard about accomplished, intelligent, powerful women of color. This is your time, Toxic! Make the most of it! Let the envy and bitterness flow through you!
Always that crap about her so-called cackle but thinking about laughing... have you ever seen video of trump full-out laughing? Has anybody in the world seen this? Not his usual smirk, wink, pucker or side eye, but a hearty guffaw, the kind that makes your sides hurt.

I think not laughing is another symptom of his psychological issues.