Hello gfm7175,
"Defending the nation is a Constitutional duty of the federal government... The rest of it??? ehhhhhh..." - Is what separates us from President Trump's 'S-hole countries.'
He doesn't have any S-hole countries.
That is not true. No current federal government agencies have been ruled unconstitutional.
Of course not... but that doesn't mean that they aren't... I even referenced the relevant sections of it.
Again, not true. We don't wear masks to walk about in public like the Chinese do. Our rivers no longer catch on fire... The EPA keeps our skies and waters clean.
The EPA doesn't do any of that... Private industry does...
Nobody has ever been convicted of stealing for simply collecting taxes.
I've stolen before, and didn't get convicted for it. Does that mean that I didn't steal?
The shutdown hurt the economy.
Sure, there was a little affect on it. Nothing catastrophic though...
False. The minimum wage has never been ruled unconstitutional. Without it, dependence upon social programs would quickly overwhelm them. Such programs would have to be greatly increased. It would be absurd. It would virtually make the case for a Universal Basic Income.
Of course not, but that doesn't mean that it isn't unconstitutional... Where in Article 1 Section 8 do you see the power for Congress to legislate a minimum wage? Minimum Wage is a price control. Price controls never work...
If Warren Buffett voluntarily paid extra would you then voluntarily pay extra as well?
If the answer is no then that quickly explains why it doesn't work voluntarily.
My opinion on the matter doesn't affect Buffet's opinion on the matter. If he thinks people ought to pay more, then he ought to pay more himself. He can even do so right now... Nothing is stopping him.
It has to be law for enough revenue to be collected to accomplish the goal of bringing the federal budget under control.
Again, it is NOT a revenue problem; it is a spending problem. We spend WAY too much money.
Incorrect. The federal government spends $4.3 Trillion per year, and nearly a trillion of it is borrowed because we are not collecting enough revenue.
Yes, that's A LOT of spending, ain't it? And it is not borrowed because there isn't enough revenue; it is borrowed because we spend WAY TOO DAMN MUCH money...
If taxes for the rich had not been decreased by Trump, the deficit would be smaller.
Okay, so it might be $500B instead of $1T if you were to tax "the wealthy" at 100%?? whoopity doo... Still rapidly increasing... The problem is spending, NOT revenue...
What spending cuts would you make?
Everything that is unconstitutional for the federal government to spend money on, per Article 1 Section 8 of the US Constitution. That would include, but not be limited to, the EPA, FDA, various other federal agencies, Social Security, Medicare, various other social welfare programs, PBS, NPR, the Federal Reserve, and on and on...
IOW, Please identify how many million people you believe should lose their job in order to reduce the spending, and which people?
Well, obviously anyone who currently works for those federal agencies is going to lose their jobs. They will have to find a job in the private sector, or within State governments, which would likely add positions if these things were switched over to State control as opposed to federal control.
Also discuss how the economy can absorb so many laid off workers.
Between currently available jobs, and new positions within States that would be created, it shouldn't be too bad.
Please reference how the real estate market, for instance, would be impacted by millions of foreclosures, or how the value of real estate would be impacted by all these millions of people trying to sell their homes at once because they can no longer make the payments without paychecks from the Federal Government.
They'll have to get a job in the private sector, like everybody else. They might even have to make a sacrifice or two...
Housing values could be expected to plummet if you got your way, which is one of the reasons we don't do that.
Good. Maybe I could actually afford one then...
Fortunately there are not enough people who share your view to make that happen, for if it did, the economy would surely crash hard.
No, it wouldn't.
Your personal anecdotes are just one person among millions.
Yeah, that's why I qualified it as such, as I realize that all experiences aren't the same. I'm just sharing my own.
I disagree that private business would replace government business. Lockheed Martin gets 85% of their income from the federal government. Cutting them off from government contracts would destroy that company.
They would still have their government contracts. Defense spending is Constitutional, and is a duty of federal government.
We are going to do exactly that in 2020, but I don't think the newly elected officials are going to do what you want.
No, we aren't...
I'm glad we are in agreement on that. And since you have also acknowledged the FairTax has zero chance of being instituted, that leaves us with a progressive income tax as the only realistic way to fund the government we have. I know you'd like to drastically cut the government, but since you don't have enough company in that view, not enough people are being elected to Congress to do that. Which means we are stuck with the current level of spending, which is up since President Trump took office.
I don't think there is ANY way to realistically fund the government we have, even progressive taxation... There simply isn't enough money to place taxes on since we spend too much and government is too large. That is ignoring affects of people "making adjustments" to increased taxation rates, such as them simply stopping working after a certain point during the year.
The reality is that Democrats are tax and spend. Republicans are cut taxes and spend more. At least one of those methods comes closer to balancing the budget, which makes that one preferable. We are now at a point where we have to vote Democrat to control the debt.
Neither one is making any advances towards reducing the national debt, so neither one is "preferable" in that regard. They are both significantly increasing the national debt.
Incorrect. Nobody has proposed a 100% tax.
I realize that. I'm saying that even a 100% rate wouldn't be enough to solve the national debt crisis.
A top effective rate of around 55% would be sufficient to shore up the federal budget.
What do you mean by "shore up"? And you are speaking of the federal budget, not the national debt.
We should also levy a new tax on all stock trades above a certain size.
People will just trade multiple times at smaller sizes...
That and remove the cap on payroll taxes and we could fix the deficit and pay for all the programs Democrats want, including universal health care and free college tuition.
Not even close. Do you know how much "free" college tuition (aka public college) would cost?? Again, here you reference the deficit instead of the national debt... Fixing the deficit does NOTHING to fix the national debt...
Raise the minimum wage and many of them would be paying into the system.
Nope. This is a price control. Price controls don't work. EVER.
Incorrect. Just vote in some Dems in 2020 and watch the deficit get fixed,
Wouldn't fix the national debt... The national debt would still increase rapidly due to interest alone...
along with a lot of other badly needed things. President Clinton handed over a budget surplus -
You do realize that during that time, there was a REPUBLICAN controlled House, right?
which was promptly squandered on tax cuts by W. The GWB Presidency ended in a financial crisis call the Great Recession. Maybe those tax cuts didn't work so well after all.
GWB (and the Dem/Repub houses of that time) spent too much money. Devaluation of the dollar was also (and still is) a big problem. Banks being irresponsible with their loans was also a problem...
Big numbers tend to scare people. But that's only money going out. There is lots coming in,
Not as much as what's going out, though... It doesn't take an accountant such as myself to know that there is a problem if expenses are always higher than revenue...
The GDP for two years is bigger than both of those combined,
Thank you Trump??
and our credit is stellar,
so we service the debt and let it ride. Our economy is strong.
Incorrect. Walmart and Amazon didn't get to be the biggest retailers by pushing high quality. It was by offering cheap prices. The way those cheap prices are achieved is not by high quality manufacturing. It is by using the cheapest possible materials and the least number of semi-skilled labor hours possible.
The way you make anything such as high quality products more affordable is to mass produce them. The only way you are going to get production numbers high enough for that is to regulate minimum quality standards. When everyone is making products to the same high standards, then high production can also mean high quality. We could reduce planned obsolescence with regulation, and thus reduce the number of products which have to be replaced prematurely. Since high quality products would last longer, they would actually be cheaper in the long run to consumers. Since consumers would be paying more initially, they would also tend to take better care of their possessions, thus lengthening their useful life.
I agree with the last bit.