If Bush acted like Trump back then, there's no way he would have been elected.
So you say.
If Bush acted like Trump back then, there's no way he would have been elected.
Hello StoneByStone,
The problem with discussion boards is they tend to attract the anti-social types who can't get along with people in real life. The logical solution is to maintain a large Ignore List. Once the trolls are filtered out, more intellectual discussion remains.
You’re saying income inequality is a “national emergency”. Clearly, there will always be inequality when it comes to wealth.
I’m simply asking, since you insist it’s a national emergency, what degree of inequality is tolerable? The CEO making 23X what his employees made…is that acceptable to you? What if today’s CEO only made 46 times (twice the 1950/1960 rate)? Would that be tolerable?
As for losing control of the government? We elected every person in elected office today. We have full control of the government or at least those who staff it.
One of the things I dislike the most about these forums is that they are filled with children who cannot think through a topic with any form of common sense. If you had read the article I posed with any form of comprehension you would have noticed that the Founders considered income inequality to be "evil" in the words of Madison. To prevent that "evil" the Founders supported legal remedies to moderate income accumulation, or as Madison said "the silent operation of laws which, without violating the rights of property, reduce extreme wealth towards a state of mediocrity, and raise extreme indigents towards a state of comfort."
In any event, your comprehension of what is occurring is extremely limited. We have hyper-partisanship supported by lobbiests, and other forms of propaganda, in a country where less then 50% of the population bothers to vote, and a President who was elected by a small group of electors who did not represent the average person, or even a majority of the population.
Now, go learn what mediocrity is, or profit sharing, and any number of issues the Founders supported as could be applicable to today.
Originally Posted by tinfoil
If I started a gofundme or kickstarter to build a donation hub to serve the underprivileged do you think liberals would donate?
I doubt it.
The federal reserve pushes policies that punish savers and promote pushing people into riskier asset classes which exacerbates wealth inequality. The Fed has been the biggest driver of this extreme inequality. For those who are serious about addressing the issue we have to start with the Fed. But how often (hint: rarely to never) do we hear politicians discuss the Fed?
That's totally true. But even Righties in the real world weren't this bad. If Bush acted like Trump back then, there's no way he would have been elected.
Hello StoneByStone,
Well think about it. People who can't get along with others in real life can always turn to the internet and find a chat board. The only requirements are a pulse and an internet connection. We are the place where social rejects try to have their version of conversations.
Yeah, I agree with you there. I think that's why there are so many trolls here. But the mainstream Conservatives and Republicans never used to be like this. Maybe the internet has made it worse. Perhaps it has showed them that they can be rude and insane, and get away with it.
Hello cawacko,
Follow the money and you'll learn where the power and control lie.
The Fed has the power. But most of us know very little about it. Go do random interviews on the street and ask who Jerome Powell is. I’d be shocked if 2 in 10 know. Yet he has more control of the economy than anyone.
If you don't think so then watch this:
Hello StoneByStone,
The problem with discussion boards is they tend to attract the anti-social types who can't get along with people in real life. The logical solution is to maintain a large Ignore List. Once the trolls are filtered out, more intellectual discussion remains.
The federal reserve pushes policies that punish savers and promote pushing people into riskier asset classes which exacerbates wealth inequality. The Fed has been the biggest driver of this extreme inequality. For those who are serious about addressing the issue we have to start with the Fed. But how often (hint: rarely to never) do we hear politicians discuss the Fed?
That's totally true. But even Righties in the real world weren't this bad. If Bush acted like Trump back then, there's no way he would have been elected.
Yeah, I agree with you there. I think that's why there are so many trolls here. But the mainstream Conservatives and Republicans never used to be like this. Maybe the internet has made it worse. Perhaps it has showed them that they can be rude and insane, and get away with it.
Hello cawacko,
How rich is he?
Who does his policy favor?
Maybe they should have some liberal economics professor instead.
Richard Wolff.
I bet he would do a good job.
The Fed has the power. But most of us know very little about it. Go do random interviews on the street and ask who Jerome Powell is. I’d be shocked if 2 in 10 know. Yet he has more control of the economy than anyone.
Hello StoneByStone,
No. TRUMP! Trump has made it worse.
That's the problem. He's the leader. He's the one who gets all the attention. He says something, everybody listens. The media carries it. He has the bully pulpit. Nobody told him that doesn't mean act like a bully.
President Trump puts this hateful energy out there and people pick up on it, think that makes it OK just because the President did it.
Just like the little elementary school boy who had to be reprimanded because he grabbed a little girl between her legs. And you know he said if the President can do it then so can he.
President Trump is just wrong as a leader. He is a bad leader.
And he is making wealth inequality more extreme, a bad thing for America.
Making wealth inequality more extreme does not make us great. It makes us a plutocracy.
Make Plutocracy Great Again!