Wealth Inequality Is A National Emergency

Argumentive since the government could just spend less. However, in order for the country to survive giving trillions to the 1% they have some other options the right wing prefers, add to the national debt, cut spending on such programs as medicaid, medicare, social security, food stamps, the FDA, etc. Anything that allows them to give to their gawds the wealthy.

You fucking low IQ moron; no one is GIVING the wealthy anything. They EARN it. Tell me something brainless wonder dunce, do you think the economy is FINITE?

No, but you can make it more equal giving others the chance to become more wealthy. Will all succeed? Of course not. But is that justification for allowing them to live in poverty?

How does ANYONE in this country not have an equal chance at wealth you ignorant old fuck? Dumbest fucking argument on the planet.

Like I said before, I do not expect the country to last because of the stranglehold the 1-20% have on the politics of the country, and its economy. In the low IQ status you live in, or I should say survive in since whatever kind of pathetic life you have it can only be one of misery, and deservedly so, it is impossible for you to grasp several truths.

You take low IQ moron to a new level with this screed. My life is great; you're the one whose life apparently sucks and smells to high heaven. :laugh:

You couldn't afford my zip code dumbfuck.

1. The 47% that Romney bragged about included the disabled, the elderly, the retired, the working poor (who work 1-3 jobs, and still are not paid enough to be required to pay federal taxes), and the 9% of the people who for various reasons do not have a job.

The 47% Romney was talking about are the low IQ clueless dullards who vote for the "D" no matter what absurd and asinine platform they promote. They weren't poor or disabled; they are just stupid and would never choose anyone BUT someone with a "D" next to their name.

If you had a brain, which you obviously don't, you could comprehend the OBVIOUS in Romney's remarks.

2. The CEO does not manufacture anything, nothing, ziltch. He is an overseer while the working man is the one that does the hard labor, and sweats.

Without the Owners of capital and CEOs, the workers would have no jobs you ignoramus. How many businesses have you started up asshat? I am going to guess ZERO. You don't have the IQ or brains to start up anything but your BIG mouth.

3. In this country that one in the fine suits, the fancy car, the big house, he is the one that receives 500 times what that working stiff receives plus benefits. And he doesn't even dirty his hands.

They don't RECEIVE anything you dumb fuck; they EARN it. And without them, low IQ Marxist dumbfucks like you wouldn't have a fucking job.

So, while Christ taught against concentrated wealth, and the Founding Fathers did the same, today's "conservatives" worship at the foot of greed, and self indulgence. They know nothing of the history of the country, the idealism of the Founders, or the teachings of Christ.

This one makes me laugh the loudest; when abortion on demand murderers preach from the bible or quote Christ. Again, all you have here is a bunch of whiny Marxist meme's and strawmen.

It's illiterate, low IQ dunces like you that the founders feared the most. They feared morons like you the most because once you figured out that you could elect dishonest Liberals who promised you something for nothing using a class envy canard, it would be the beginning of the end of this great Republic they founded.
They're not facts, they're low IQ claims.

Yes, yours usually are. This is a prime example. Now, once you extract that dense head from your asshole, maybe you can argue how those are NOT factual. I won't hold my breath. You lack the inte4llectual capacity to do anything more than prattle off left wing talking points like a moron.
U.S. sees biggest wealth gap since the Roaring '20s

Gosh; I guess those who are doing nothing to improve their wealth need to get off their lazy asses and do something about it. Tell me something, you race hustling dunce; how does one create or gain more wealth?
Wealth inequality is a moronic left wing meme.

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.

2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving

3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!

5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.

Venezuela had an ever shrinking middle class before they chose Chavez.
Many getting the benefit of the ridiculous breaks being given to the wealthy are recognizing the danger that goes with serious inequality. Some very wealthy can think and understand. Others are like Trump and want everything they can get their hands on. Redistribution of the wealth the working class creates is often violent.

Again, the wealthy aren't GIVEN anything you low IQ, uneducated dullard. They are EARNING it. No one in this great country is prevented from doing the same. But it isn't going to happen to you while sitting on your dumb lard filled asses whining on an internet blog.

Tell me something shit-for-brains; is the economy finite or infinite? That will be your first clue of why you are an illiterate uneducated moron.
Venezuela had an ever shrinking middle class before they chose Chavez.

Is Venezuela better off now, or before Marxist Chavez flushed their economy down the toilet with progressive policies that morons in this country profess are great (while enriching himself I might add, funny how that works with, tyrants, liberals and Marxists)?
Is Venezuela better off now, or before Marxist Chavez flushed their economy down the toilet with progressive policies that morons in this country profess are great (while enriching himself I might add, funny how that works with, tyrants, liberals and Marxists)?

Chavez moved VZ forward in healthcare and education after decades of stagnation until the ppb collapsed. Be careful not to gloat.
They're not facts, they're low IQ claims.

He is one of those who believes Trump is god, and anything he says must be true even when facts prove he is lying. Have you noticed that the Liar who calls him self "Truth Detector" never has any facts, just lies. From what I have seen none of those low IQ dumb f**ks posted anything to prove me wrong. They just automatically jumped into Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals", and used his tactics.
He is one of those who believes Trump is god, and anything he says must be true even when facts prove he is lying. Have you noticed that the Liar who calls him self "Truth Detector" never has any facts, just lies. From what I have seen none of those low IQ dumb f**ks posted anything to prove me wrong. They just automatically jumped into Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals", and used his tactics.

Another incoherent rant from a lying, liberal dumb fuck. You wouldn't know a FACT if it walked up to you and slapped you on your thick low IQ skull.
There is not enough opportunity.

There is not enough upward mobility.

Our current system is a recipe for disaster.