Wealth Inequality Is A National Emergency

No, you could not prove it to be false if your wasted pathetic life depended on it:

Originally Posted by Truth Detector
Wealth inequality is a moronic left wing meme.[/quote

In your limited intellectual view the Founding Fathers, Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Madison, Hamilton, etc., were "moronic left wingers". But you hsave been shown where that truth is at many times, and still cannot grasp it.


Now that we are once again done with showing what a dumb f**k you are, and the rest of your supporters, lets just show how deep the trash goes in your fantasy world.

No one has said you could save for the right wing mindless like yourself with their inability to get over their adoration of wealth. The idea is to make it more equal so all can enjoy life, not just the few.

2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving[/quote

Repeating this tripe like a parrot does not make it any more realistic. When you give additional tax breaks, and subsidies, to the wealthy who is it that must make up the difference?

Argumentive since the government could just spend less. However, in order for the country to survive giving trillions to the 1% they have some other options the right wing prefers, add to the national debt, cut spending on such programs as medicaid, medicare, social security, food stamps, the FDA, etc. Anything that allows them to give to their gawds the wealthy.

No, but you can make it more equal giving others the chance to become more wealthy. Will all succeed? Of course not. But is that justification for allowing them to live in poverty?

Like I said before, I do not expect the country to last because of the stranglehold the 1-20% have on the politics of the country, and its economy. In the low IQ status you live in, or I should say survive in since whatever kind of pathetic life you have it can only be one of misery, and deservedly so, it is impossible for you to grasp several truths.

1. The 47% that Romney bragged about included the disabled, the elderly, the retired, the working poor (who work 1-3 jobs, and still are not paid enough to be required to pay federal taxes), and the 9% of the people who for various reasons do not have a job.

2. The CEO does not manufacture anything, nothing, ziltch. He is an overseer while the working man is the one that does the hard labor, and sweats.

3. In this country that one in the fine suits, the fancy car, the big house, he is the one that receives 500 times what that working stiff receives plus benefits. And he doesn't even dirty his hands.

So, while Christ taught against concentrated wealth, and the Founding Fathers did the same, today's "conservatives" worship at the foot of greed, and self indulgence. They know nothing of the history of the country, the idealism of the Founders, or the teachings of Christ.

Stop blaming the system because you're a failure.
Grow up.. If you want guarantees buy a toaster at WalMart.

Dishonest hack; Is Venezuela better off today than before the Marxist Chavez took over?

This is a very simple answer; but I know why a leftist moron like you refuses to answer it.
Wealth inequality is a moronic left wing meme.

1. You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.

2. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving

3. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.

4. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!

5. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.

Old Trapper believes:

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"

And we all saw how that worked out. Need I say more?
Old Trapper believes:
"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"
And we all saw how that worked out. Need I say more?

Old Frapper only knows how to parrot asinine Marxist dogma without engaging his tiny little brain. Flapping their jaws is what leftists do best.
Its only a problem if you are a proponent of COMMUNISM. But look on the bright side......You have the nation of Venezuela to hold up as an object example to the other side of the coin known as capitalism. Go for it....lets all be equally impoverished. :thinking:

Just wondering dumb f**k, why not use China as an example of communism? Got a clue? Of course not. You would rather use the actions of a tyrant to express your abject ignorance.

BTW, you do know that capitalism leads to tyranny, right, especially the corrupt form we now have in America thanks to the Repugnant Party?

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Old Trapper believes:

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"

And we all saw how that worked out. Need I say more?

More like take from those you think have too much and give to those that want someone else to take care of them.
How do you propose to make wealth equal for everyone, and to keep it equal for everyone?

How would that proposal avoid a civil war?

The aggregate wealth of the country could be divided equally among every adult and in 5 years people like Old Trapper would be complaining about inequality. He incorrectly blames the system while ignoring the failures on the part of individuals unwilling or incapable of working within it.
No one has said you could save for the right wing mindless like yourself
Ignoring your hateful bigotry.

with their inability to get over their adoration of wealth.
You don't like wealth? Maybe donate your own wealth to the less fortunate, putting it at an equal level with some of the less fortunate, like you are telling others to do...

The idea is to make it more equal so all can enjoy life, not just the few.
Wealth is necessary to enjoy life?? I am not one of "the wealthy" (whatever that means), and I thoroughly enjoy life (in a general sense), even with soon having to shell out nearly $4,000 to get my vehicle in operational order again. Money isn't everything...

Just face it, all of us are different, and have different levels of talent and intelligence. That leads to some people having lots of money, and others having much less money. There's no feasible way to keep it "equal"...

Repeating this tripe like a parrot does not make it any more realistic. When you give additional tax breaks, and subsidies, to the wealthy who is it that must make up the difference?
You realize how much more they pay in to begin with, right? Even WITH various "loopholes"? Those people you want to punish [for working their asses off] are the ones who feed you, who clothe you, who give you a job, etc. etc...

Argumentive since the government could just spend less.
??? You want them to spend more though...

However, in order for the country to survive giving trillions to the 1%
It's not "giving them" trillions... You realize that it is THEIR money to begin with, right??

they have some other options the right wing prefers, add to the national debt, cut spending on such programs as medicaid, medicare, social security, food stamps, the FDA, etc. Anything that allows them to give to their gawds the wealthy.
Define "the wealthy"... The national debt is an issue, is it not? Entitlement programs are unconstitutional, are they not? The FDA is unconstitutional, is it not?

No, but you can make it more equal giving others the chance to become more wealthy. Will all succeed? Of course not. But is that justification for allowing them to live in poverty?
Different people have different levels of talent and intelligence; that's just the way it is. A person with a 70 IQ is never going to be a successful CEO of a company, no matter how much "chance" you give them...

Like I said before, I do not expect the country to last because of the stranglehold the 1-20% have on the politics of the country,
Quite a large range there... also, random made-up numbers on your part... meaningless...

and its economy. In the low IQ status you live in, or I should say survive in since whatever kind of pathetic life you have it can only be one of misery, and deservedly so, it is impossible for you to grasp several truths.
Insult Fallacy. Not an argument...

1. The 47% that Romney bragged about included the disabled, the elderly, the retired, the working poor (who work 1-3 jobs, and still are not paid enough to be required to pay federal taxes), and the 9% of the people who for various reasons do not have a job.
Made-up numbers and undefined 'groupings' ignored on sight. Not a valid argument...

2. The CEO does not manufacture anything, nothing, ziltch. He is an overseer while the working man is the one that does the hard labor, and sweats.
Correct. They both have different tasks that they perform. The "working man" (usually requiring little intelligence) makes the product, while the CEO oversees everything and makes sure the company continues to remain profitable. The CEO takes on enormous amounts of stress, and puts in many more hours than the "working man" does. The CEO is also much more intelligent and much better at business deals than the "working man" is. A LOT more goes into being a CEO than a "working man", (much more responsibility too), and only a very select few people are able AND willing to be one, while pretty much anyone can be a "working man". You're trying to equate things that are nowhere near being equal...

3. In this country that one in the fine suits, the fancy car, the big house, he is the one that receives 500 times what that working stiff receives plus benefits. And he doesn't even dirty his hands.
See above.

So, while Christ taught against concentrated wealth, and the Founding Fathers did the same,
Neither one taught against such a thing...

today's "conservatives" worship at the foot of greed,
You don't do actions to get some kind of "satisfaction/reward" out of it? The actions of any person are inherently selfish.

and self indulgence. They know nothing of the history of the country, the idealism of the Founders, or the teachings of Christ.
Inversion Fallacy. YOU don't know these things...
Wealth inequality is much due to government policy. As an example all the Repub tax cuts that keep giving money to the top 1 percent. Of course, the armies of paid lobbyists by wealthy and corporations also impact the laws in their favor. Lobbyists actually write lots of laws. Then the politician slips it into a huge bill. It goes unread. The defense bills are good for hiding legislation.
The wealth gap is not natural to capitalism, it is designed by systemic flaws. The last 40 years wages have stagnated while profits went up to new levels.All the profits created by workers was confiscated by the wealthy and owners.
We have to shake up the system. We need higher minimum wages and a fairer tax structure. We should be backing unions so workers will have power again.
Hello Heff,

No it isn't. It's a lie socialists tell to gain followers.

With 18 Billion Dollars amassed through investing in capitalism, Ray Dalio is hardly a socialist.

Ray Dalio has joined Warren Buffet and Bill Gates in pledging to give more than half of his fortune to charitable causes within his lifetime.

People like that are the reason I do not hate the rich. He says the super-rich should be taxed more, and that there should be better regulation of the market. He is very wise. He correctly predicted the Great Recession.

It should be realized that a very small tax of less than 1% could be placed on all large trades of the stock exchanges and it would completely pay for every program Bernie Sanders wants to implement.
Hello guno,

Thanks for that link:

"The 400 richest Americans own more than the 150 million adults in the bottom 60% of the wealth distribution. According to the World Inequality Database maintained by Zucman and others, the bottom 60% saw their share of the nation’s wealth fall from 5.7% in 1987 to 2.1% in 2014."

Much of this profiteering came as a result of reducing labor costs. Conservatives will claim they are creating jobs, but most of the jobs created are dead-end jobs with no future. That is why the rich are getting richer and the majority are getting poorer.

It is now harder to 'make it' in the USA than it was during the GW Bush administration. And it wasn't like it was great then.
The aggregate wealth of the country could be divided equally among every adult and in 5 years people like Old Trapper would be complaining about inequality.
Correct. I would venture to say even sooner than that.

He incorrectly blames the system while ignoring the failures on the part of individuals unwilling or incapable of working within it.

I think he also misses the fact that we are all individuals with wide varying levels of ability/talent/intelligence/work ethic, etc... He's trying to make a CEO equal to a blue collar worker, and he's trying to make a 70 IQ person who doesn't handle stress very well able to be a successful CEO...
Wealth inequality is much due to government policy. As an example all the Repub tax cuts that keep giving money to the top 1 percent. Of course, the armies of paid lobbyists by wealthy and corporations also impact the laws in their favor. Lobbyists actually write lots of laws. Then the politician slips it into a huge bill. It goes unread. The defense bills are good for hiding legislation.
The wealth gap is not natural to capitalism, it is designed by systemic flaws. The last 40 years wages have stagnated while profits went up to new levels.All the profits created by workers was confiscated by the wealthy and owners.
We have to shake up the system. We need higher minimum wages and a fairer tax structure. We should be backing unions so workers will have power again.
No. It is mostly due to our individual differences in ability/intelligence/work ethic/personalities/etc... We are all different people capable of different things. Some of us are very intelligent, while others of us are not. Some of us are capable of being CEOs, while most of us are not. That's why incomes vary so much; because our natural abilities vary a lot...
Correct. I would venture to say even sooner than that.


I think he also misses the fact that we are all individuals with wide varying levels of ability/talent/intelligence/work ethic, etc... He's trying to make a CEO equal to a blue collar worker, and he's trying to make a 70 IQ person who doesn't handle stress very well able to be a successful CEO...

The problem is he wants to take from those with higher abilities to try and offset the poor results of those with low level abilities.
No. It is mostly due to our individual differences in ability/intelligence/work ethic/personalities/etc... We are all different people capable of different things. Some of us are very intelligent, while others of us are not. Some of us are capable of being CEOs, while most of us are not. That's why incomes vary so much; because our natural abilities vary a lot...

Wrong. CEOs get continuous raised because they control the process. Their wages are determined by a compensation board that is peopled by similar execs, some stockholders and people who owe their jobs to the execs. They never get cuts. After the bank crash 2008, those genius execs kept their jobs and even got their bonuses.
It is a myth that they are getting rich because of ability. John K. Galbraith called execs ratifiers. He said when they had to make a decision, the data was all collected and determined by the workers who wrote up the information. Others claim top execs are usually the guy who was head of a fraternity in college. Great schmoozers and glad hands.,but not the best students. Not the most competent either. The incredible explosion in exec compensation was not accompanied by a change in ability.
If an exec gets killed in a plane accident, he is rapidly replaced and nothing changes.
Let the workers go on strike and you will see how fast profits drop.