Wealth Inequality Is A National Emergency

I noticed a glaring omission in your version of factors involved in success. Being born into a wealthy family is a tremendous advantage in acquiring wealth. Donald Trump was raised to do one thing: acquire wealth through the failed win/lose philosophy. He mostly failed at business, but his outrageous character was a big hit on Reality TV, where shock factor sells advertising.

:lolup:Another low IQ dullard with his head stuck up his asshole. :laugh:
Over the past few years in "debating" the right wing I am constantly amazed at just how ignorant of the Bible, and the history of the country they really are. And because of that ignorance they then rely on lies, and distortions, to make their point. Trump does the same thing so he then becomes their idol.

Because of this weakness, and I get tired of correcting them, in this post I am going to ignore all of the lies told by GFM, and his demonstration of ignorance, and address just one sentence that clearly shows what I am speaking of, and then they will lie some more to cover up for their ignorance. If they had any integrity they would try to educate themselves, and thus end the ignorance. However, that would actually require working their brain cells, and they cannot do that anymore then they can admit to their abject stupidity.

Originally Posted by Old Trapper
So, while Christ taught against concentrated wealth, and the Founding Fathers did the same,

Neither one taught against such a thing...

Christ taught in Matthew 6:19-24:

"Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. . . . No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."

That is accumulation. Later in Mark 10:17–25 Jesus dealt with a rich young ruler who wanted eternal life—so long as he isn’t asked to sacrifice his great wealth. When Jesus tells him to sell all he has and give it to the poor, he’s disheartened. He goes away sorrowful, for he has great possessions. Don't accumulate, but use your wealth to help others.

Jesus then warns the wealthy “How difficult it will be for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God! It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.”

As to the Founding Fathers, they came from a country that support the aristocracy, and wanted no part of it in the New country. And even though most were Deists they also understood the dangers of the accumulation of great wealth by the few:


Just a tad bit more the inform the useful idiots who can only fantasize about what I would do:

"But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself. A dependence on the people is, no doubt, the primary control on the government; but experience has taught mankind the necessity of auxiliary precautions." The Federalist No. 51, James Madison.

"The balance of power in a society, accompanies the balance of property in land. The only possible way, then, of preserving the balance of power on the side of equal liberty and public virtue,is to make the acquisition of land easy to every member of society; to make the division of the land into small quantities, so that the multitude may be possessed of landed estates." John Adams From a letter to James Sullivan, 1776.
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Old Trapper believes:

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"

And we all saw how that worked out. Need I say more?

So did Christ you dumb f**k. It is called the "social contract", and used to be the way of life for Americans.
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Originally Posted by CFM
The aggregate wealth of the country could be divided equally among every adult and in 5 years people like Old Trapper would be complaining about inequality.

Originally Posted by CFM
He incorrectly blames the system while ignoring the failures on the part of individuals unwilling or incapable of working within it.

Correct. I would venture to say even sooner than that.


I think he also misses the fact that we are all individuals with wide varying levels of ability/talent/intelligence/work ethic, etc... He's trying to make a CEO equal to a blue collar worker, and he's trying to make a 70 IQ person who doesn't handle stress very well able to be a successful CEO...

Since neither one of you has that 70 IQ, let me explain something to your more foolish nature.

Not all men are created equal with abilities, intellect, or desires.

ALL men are created equal with certain rights given to them by God in whatever form you envision him/her as.

But tell me, of all the people of working age how many are not working?

Now answer this if you dare. Of all those who are working how many are paid a salary that allows them to live without government assistance?
So dod Christ you dumb f**k. It is called the "social contract", and used to be the way of life for Americans.

You stupid cock sucker that was a direct quote from Karl Marx the father of communism. That was never an American idea. Isn't time for your sponge bath? You senile old bastard.
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post #11......granted you seriously fucked up the quote button....but I pasted what appears to be your statement.....not my fault, yours......

Ah, so you were mistaken. Apology accepted.

So like I said, the Founding Fathers wanted the rich to pay much higher taxes at a similar rate to what AOC wants. I say we Make America Great Again by doing what the founders wanted!
Hello gfm7175,

Corporate executives often get their jobs not strictly because of their qualifications, but who they know. Contacts are everything in that process. There are thousands of people with very good grades and high GPA who graduate with MBA, but if they don't graduate from an Ivy League School, if they don't have the background and family contacts, they are frequently overlooked for top corporate leadership positions. They are well qualified to do the work, but they don't get the job because they don't have the contacts, don't rub shoulders at the right country club. People are groomed from birth for those select few positions. Some outsiders get in occasionally, but the norm is to take those with connections.

Those higher echelons are definitely country club territory. Check out sometime how many CEOs serve on the boards of other corporations if anyone doubts this.
You admitted you got the wrong quote.
I have no idea if it was wrong.......it was under your name.....you'll have to prove you don't believe the founding fathers promoted wealth equality........

Actually, the first income tax was created in 1861.

3% of all incomes over US $800......so that was AOC's proposal?.......by the way, which of the founding fathers voted for it in 1861?.......(that's okay......you don't have to answer.....we all know you were just being stupid when you made that claim).......
I have no idea if it was wrong.......it was under your name.....you'll have to prove you don't believe the founding fathers promoted wealth equality........

Alright, so you made a mistake. No biggie.

I'm telling you now I don't think the Founding Fathers promoted wealth equality.

3% of all incomes over US $800......so that was AOC's proposal?.......by the way, which of the founding fathers voted for it in 1861?.......(that's okay......you don't have to answer.....we all know you were just being stupid when you made that claim).......

Come back here with those goal posts!
prove it.....

odd then there was no income tax until the 20th Century........

There were a couple of times taxes were collected to pay for wars. Then the tax was rescinded. The right to collect taxes is in the constitution. However a tax system like we have now come in 1913.
You stupid cock sucker that was a direct quote from Karl Marx the father of communism. That was never an American idea. Isn't time for your sponge bath? You senile old bastard.

Oh, I am so sorry. I did not know that you were too fucking stupid to understand the meaning "so did". I realize I should have though considering how many times in the past you have shown what a dumb fuck you are.

Now tell me where Christ said not to help those in need. Then you can explain just how it was never an American idea since the Founding Fathers say your a stupid fucking liar.

Of course, if it is left up to you, and other POS like Trump, it will not be that way for much longer:

Hello gfm7175,

I would consider 'redistributing wealth' to be punishing success, as it is the most successful people who run their own businesses and such who become the most wealthy. If those people have to give up that money they made, simply because they are wealthy, then I would consider that to be punishing success. Why be successful if you are only allowed to partially reap what you sow? Bottom line: Other people own that wealth. To take it away from them (whether taxing or redistributing or otherwise) is stealing from them, which is immoral.

What you have done is make the case that all taxation is theft. That's ridiculous. Government has to be funded. Taxes must be levied. It doesn't really matter what you want to call it, 'punishing success,' whatever. That's just words. The purpose of taxation has nothing to do with treatment of success. It is to run the government. If running the government is immoral then that probably fits nicely with the view that government itself is immoral. And that is incorrect because without government we would not even have a nation to have an economy IN.

You must accept taxation as proper and correct. It is actually a good thing. You should be proud to pay your taxes. You can feel good when you pay your taxes because you then are pulling your weight, pulling your share of the load. You are a part of things. You make America function. You are investing in America, and ensuring that America will be there for you and your descendants. Paying your taxes makes you a good man. You are part of the producers. You can be a proud member of society when you pay your taxes.

Taxing never made a rich man poor.

Will Bernie give two of his three residences to a less fortunate family.
Will he give his millions to others less fortunate.
Bernie is willing to share the wealth as long as it’s not his wealth.

What will all these Hollywood elites say if the liberals take 70% to 90% of their earnings over 10 million.
Why wait for a liberal to be elected, why not give it to the government now. Hypocrites
Hello gfm7175,

What you have done is make the case that all taxation is theft. That's ridiculous. Government has to be funded. Taxes must be levied. It doesn't really matter what you want to call it, 'punishing success,' whatever. That's just words. The purpose of taxation has nothing to do with treatment of success. It is to run the government. If running the government is immoral then that probably fits nicely with the view that government itself is immoral. And that is incorrect because without government we would not even have a nation to have an economy IN.

You must accept taxation as proper and correct. It is actually a good thing. You should be proud to pay your taxes. You can feel good when you pay your taxes because you then are pulling your weight, pulling your share of the load. You are a part of things. You make America function. You are investing in America, and ensuring that America will be there for you and your descendants. Paying your taxes makes you a good man. You are part of the producers. You can be a proud member of society when you pay your taxes.

Taxing never made a rich man poor.

The burden of taxation is not just. I’m in favor of some type of flat tax.
Over 44% of people pay no federal tax.
That means that 56% of the hard working people have to support the others.
No I don’t feel good about paying my taxes because of where my tax dollars are going. The politicians have no problem wasting taxpayer dollars.