Weekend Plans?

So you decided to go forward in spite of the neighbors! Good for you. :clink:
Heck yeah. They won't even notice an increase in the bees in the area. Shoot, I was sitting about 14 feet from 4 living hives and if I didn't know they were there I may have missed them.
Heck yeah. They won't even notice an increase in the bees in the area. Shoot, I was sitting about 14 feet from 4 living hives and if I didn't know they were there I may have missed them.

Wait a minute,

I may be on team neighbors.

How far is their house from where the hive is going to be?
Heck yeah. They won't even notice an increase in the bees in the area. Shoot, I was sitting about 14 feet from 4 living hives and if I didn't know they were there I may have missed them.

I'd be out there with my can of poison in one hand and the epipen in the other.
I'd be out there with my can of poison in one hand and the epipen in the other.
LOL. Poor bees.

I have two epi pens now. And will be getting a couple for the kids very soon.

Best to be prepared, nobody knows if you might become allergic.

Did you know you can be cured of that particular allergy?
LOL. Poor bees.

I have two epi pens now. And will be getting a couple for the kids very soon.

Best to be prepared, nobody knows if you might become allergic.

Did you know you can be cured of that particular allergy?

No I didn't know that! How?
No I didn't know that! How?
My allergist says that they do it through minimal exposure in a set environment, increasing the amounts until you are able to withstand the venom amounts in stings.

The German doctors who tested it were able to use actual bees to sting people who had allergies previous with no ill effects after treatment.
My allergist says that they do it through minimal exposure in a set environment, increasing the amounts until you are able to withstand the venom amounts in stings.

The German doctors who tested it were able to use actual bees to sting people who had allergies previous with no ill effects after treatment.

Interesting! That's the same premise they use for other allergies, but I wasn't aware they could do it with bees. Now they just need to develop something for my severe nut allergy.
I need to get some transmission work done.

I'm going to Fire Island with my bf, today actually. I'm leaving at 2, I'm trying to get everything done so I was working hard all morning. But I finished. Dark rum pina coladas and frozen cosmopolitans here...I...come!
Interesting! That's the same premise they use for other allergies, but I wasn't aware they could do it with bees. Now they just need to develop something for my severe nut allergy.

Meg, don't tell him it's interesting ok? It's not interesting. And you'll only encourage him.
Meg, don't tell him it's interesting ok? It's not interesting. And you'll only encourage him.

LOL well I'm always looking for a cure to my allergies, but what you're doing is MUCH more interesting. You can keep the pina coladas though.
Please.... Miss "I'm getting transmission work done!"
I'll regale you about doing it while drunk. I'll be making stuff up, but I can make it funny.

Hey, I need the rest. I have three straight weekends of bbq's and birthday parties coming up.
Hey, I need the rest. I have three straight weekends of bbq's and birthday parties coming up.
The cure? Bring slide shows of your last trip to the petting zoo... (If you don't have any, you can just take some pictures of surrounding areas and use those...)
The cure? Bring slide shows of your last trip to the petting zoo... (If you don't have any, you can just take some pictures of surrounding areas and use those...)


you really aren't funny. it was a nice try though. all though you did have a good one liner this week. I can't remember what it was.
Going to a grad party on Saturday, my fiancee's little sister. Golfing before that though. Then I'll prbably have sex sometime, I like it spontaneous though so I don't know when. Might involve the clothes washer and spin cycle, or might just be the same old missionary. Ehh, I'll keep you updated.

Then we are going to call the church and tell them we abstained from sex before the marraige. On sunday we might decide to care about or Dad's. But, we might just go have sex all day and tell them we were busy, and send them a check.

you really aren't funny. it was a nice try though. all though you did have a good one liner this week. I can't remember what it was.
Funny? I wasn't trying to be funny. I was just giving you the cure to being invited to sacrificial animal burnings and annual celebrations of emergence.
