Weekend Plans?

We should give damo a couple of glow sticks and then let the bees out.
that would be entertaining.
Hey Tia if you pause that video at 11 seconds you get a great picture of DD.

Hes a cute kid.

Alas for me thought I need mature eye candy.
Hey Tia if you pause that video at 11 seconds you get a great picture of DD.

Hes a cute kid.

Alas for me thought I need mature eye candy.

I could always pluck a few hairs out of my head and paste them on my back and in my nose if you want mature.
Desh, I'm sorry about your father in law, and Sol, too. My husband's and my fathers died the same year, his of lymphoma, mine of leukemia, years before we met, so we don't celebrate Father's Day. My husband is becoming less resistant to "doggy Daddy" references, but I don't push it. :p

We're opening the pool this weekend -- yay! Plus I have a couple more jumps to build and have to make a sturdy permanent base for the teeter. The board on a pipe across car jacks no longer cuts it for that obstacle. The dogs and I will practice what we learned this week in their classes, and my hubby and I will go out to the dragstrip to see if the new surface has cured any more. We won't be taking the car out there any time soon, after last year!

I'll also try to make some headway on a few projects that are sort of in limbo.
This is the Free Market at work Tiana, sometime you just gotta go with what's selling. I'll leave my hair on my head for now but if that's what the demand is, I'm gonna have to do what I gotta do!

This is why hoe's shouldn't try to think.
Desh, I'm sorry about your father in law, and Sol, too. My husband's and my fathers died the same year, his of lymphoma, mine of leukemia, years before we met, so we don't celebrate Father's Day. My husband is becoming less resistant to "doggy Daddy" references, but I don't push it. :p

We're opening the pool this weekend -- yay! Plus I have a couple more jumps to build and have to make a sturdy permanent base for the teeter. The board on a pipe across car jacks no longer cuts it for that obstacle. The dogs and I will practice what we learned this week in their classes, and my hubby and I will go out to the dragstrip to see if the new surface has cured any more. We won't be taking the car out there any time soon, after last year!

I'll also try to make some headway on a few projects that are sort of in limbo.

Thanks Thorn,

I still call my hubby daddy because of the silly old dog is his little girl.

I talked to my Father in law about an hour ago and begged him to move in with us during his ordeal. I think he is going to take us up on it.

Dang you sound like you have some fun stuff coming up? What happened last year?
Thanks Thorn,

I still call my hubby daddy because of the silly old dog is his little girl.

I talked to my Father in law about an hour ago and begged him to move in with us during his ordeal. I think he is going to take us up on it.

Dang you sound like you have some fun stuff coming up? What happened last year?

Desh, great move on your part. It's not easy, I did so with both my mom and dad. While there were days I wanted to pull my hair out, I'm left with peace now. My parents illness helped to forge a friendship with my sister-in-law, something that the previous 18 years had failed to do. For lots of reasons she is not the 'deepest' soul around, but her care for my mom and later my dad, well let's just say it removed all the barriers.

Thank god, because what has happened immediately after my father's death, with my nephew, has allowed all of us to support one another.

You're a very good daughter-in-law. Kudos.
Thanks Thorn,

I still call my hubby daddy because of the silly old dog is his little girl.

I talked to my Father in law about an hour ago and begged him to move in with us during his ordeal. I think he is going to take us up on it.

Dang you sound like you have some fun stuff coming up? What happened last year?

The second time out at the dragstrip with this car, poorly prepared track, he got out to the eighth mile point and fishtailed wildly, got that under control and the car just overturned and slid a ways down the track on its roof. This was a new vehicle for him, much faster (mid-7s in the quarter mile) than he was used to (8.99 was his best time with the other car). I was very glad to have a good friend there, didn't know that either of us could run so fast, though!

Thankfully, with the conscientious enforcement of the NHRA safety rules at that track (and my hubby is a stickler for those as well), he emerged without a scratch. Had to get a new body for the car, though. He took it to San Antonio last weekend and did well enough on a good track.