Weekend Plans?

Funny? I wasn't trying to be funny. I was just giving you the cure to being invited to sacrificial animal burnings and annual celebrations of emergence.


I wasn't trying to be funny either. You can tell because I ws serious about going to the Grad party...
Going to a grad party on Saturday, my fiancee's little sister. Golfing before that though. Then I'll prbably have *&^^% sometime, I like it spontaneous though so I don't know when. Might involve the clothes washer and spin cycle, or might just be the same old missionary. Ehh, I'll keep you updated.

Then we are going to call the church and tell them we abstained from s*& before the marraige. On sunday we might decide to care about or Dad's. But, we might just go have se *x all day and tell them we were busy, and send them a check.

Whoah! who said you could be givingit up for free? where's my cut?
Funny? I wasn't trying to be funny. I was just giving you the cure to being invited to sacrificial animal burnings and annual celebrations of emergence.


More proof that you aren't fun! Most people like social gathering! :p
hmm this weekend have my son all weekend so probably gonna put new rims and tires on my truck sat morning then buy a kayak then go kayaking with son and dog. Then Sunday will prob do stuff outside maybe a atv ride and transplant some of my ehhem vegetable plants to a more suitable location then chill in the afternoon before game 5.
Besides, other chicks like married men anyways. Makes them feel naughty. So this investment will come back to us ten-fold.

You could use some work. You're hand and feet movements are completely out of sync, you've need to broaden your hand motions, I'm not particularly happy about the outfit and the hair is not bad. You need a lot more gel though. I don't like what this relationship is doing to our business. get our money back, sell the house and I want you in the clubs non stop. You are going to have live, eat and breath, techno, electronic, and house music non stop. You better know every lyric Armand Van Helden has ever written.
You could use some work. You're hand and feet movements are completely out of sync, you've need to broaden your hand motions, I'm not particularly happy about the outfit and the hair is not bad. You need a lot more gel though. I don't like what this relationship is doing to our business. get our money back, sell the house and I want you in the clubs non stop. You are going to have live, eat and breath, techno, electronic, and house music non stop. You better know every lyric Armand Van Helden has ever written.

My, My, My... that's about it..
Wait till you see the film. It's at least as exiting as glow-stick dancing! I'll make a slide show and show up to family events.

Yeah it could be an interesting film with damo having a couple of bees down his collar.

That boy will have some moves for sure.