

My worst phobia just played itself out. We are having really severe storms here, and the power went out at work, and I, was in the elevator, alone. And it stopped, and it was pitch black. Then the lights went back on it, but it was still stuck. By the time the maintenence men came, whom, by the way, I actually kissed, I was sitting on the floor rocking back and forth and just saying over and over "oh no oh no oh no".

I am going to go have a drink, totally seriously, my boss feels bad that she was the one who asked me to come up, and doesn't care if I leave for a while, so I will see you guys later!
My worst phobia just played itself out. We are having really severe storms here, and the power went out at work, and I, was in the elevator, alone. And it stopped, and it was pitch black. Then the lights went back on it, but it was still stuck. By the time the maintenence men came, whom, by the way, I actually kissed, I was sitting on the floor rocking back and forth and just saying over and over "oh no oh no oh no".

I am going to go have a drink, totally seriously, my boss feels bad that she was the one who asked me to come up, and doesn't care if I leave for a while, so I will see you guys later!
Enjoy the break.
My worst phobia just played itself out. We are having really severe storms here, and the power went out at work, and I, was in the elevator, alone. And it stopped, and it was pitch black. Then the lights went back on it, but it was still stuck. By the time the maintenence men came, whom, by the way, I actually kissed, I was sitting on the floor rocking back and forth and just saying over and over "oh no oh no oh no".

I am going to go have a drink, totally seriously, my boss feels bad that she was the one who asked me to come up, and doesn't care if I leave for a while, so I will see you guys later!
How are you going to get back down? Taking the stairs?
We've had a weird event at our work too today, chap decided he wanted to kill himself by jumping off the multistory carpark next to my office, the area is cordoned off by the fuzz and a huge crowd has gathered.

Last thing I knew he was still up there, police trying to coax him down with a KFC...

Will nip for a smoke in a while and see if he's still there....
We've had a weird event at our work too today, chap decided he wanted to kill himself by jumping off the multistory carpark next to my office, the area is cordoned off by the fuzz and a huge crowd has gathered.

Last thing I knew he was still up there, police trying to coax him down with a KFC...

Will nip for a smoke in a while and see if he's still there....

Oh gosh that is terrible. I hope they get him down.
If he has not jumped yet he really does not want to jump. But he might who knows...
The ones that really want to jump do not wait for the crowds and cops, they just jump.
My worst phobia just played itself out. We are having really severe storms here, and the power went out at work, and I, was in the elevator, alone. And it stopped, and it was pitch black. Then the lights went back on it, but it was still stuck. By the time the maintenence men came, whom, by the way, I actually kissed, I was sitting on the floor rocking back and forth and just saying over and over "oh no oh no oh no".

I am going to go have a drink, totally seriously, my boss feels bad that she was the one who asked me to come up, and doesn't care if I leave for a while, so I will see you guys later!

HaHa! I get it! That's a GREAT excuse to use on the Boss, if you want to split work to go drinking! Brilliant!
Oh gosh that is terrible. I hope they get him down.

Just been for a smoke and he is still there...

They should put a net under him and push him.
Just pull up the fire truck and ambulance to haul the body away and hose down the mess. Net ? If he wants to kill himself he will probably do it sooner or later.
If he has not jumped yet he really does not want to jump.

That is the general consensus, more likely a cry for help, but I think he has a weapon of some sort and isn't letting the police near him, hence my net suggestion.
If he wants to kill himself he will probably do it sooner or later.

I doubt it is a serious bid, else he would have jumped hours ago. If they can get him down, he'll probably be 'sectioned' and taken to a mental health hospital...
In my building we have an old elevator. On the most recent inspection report posted inside it says "connect emergency phone to monitored number ASAP!". That's disconcerting.
Latest news is that the carpark has re-opened, so it looks like they've got the fella down..

Hopefully they'll be filling him with lithium and hot cups of tea as we speak...

Nothing like a bit of drama to perk up a boring day at the oriface....
Latest news is that the carpark has re-opened, so it looks like they've got the fella down..

Hopefully they'll be filling him with lithium and hot cups of tea as we speak...

Nothing like a bit of drama to perk up a boring day at the oriface....
Lithium takes too long, they'll give him halidol first.