
The full story on yesterday's rooftop suicide drama...

Police negotiators spent more than two-and-half hours talking a woman out of throwing herself from the top of a multi-storey car park.

Officers were called to Lucy Tower Street car park in Lincoln at about 1.15pm yesterday.

They found a 62-year-old woman sitting on the railings at the top of the six-storey building.

She was threatening to throw herself off the edge and officers cordoned off the area and closed the car park.

From the ground, shoppers could see the woman's back as she was sitting facing inwards. She was rocking back and forth.

Occasionally she turned to look to the ground before looking back again.

At about 3.30pm she moved down from the railings to a kerb just inside the car park surface.

Twenty minutes later she ran to the centre of the roof.

Officers took her down from the roof and drove her away in the back of a police car just before 4pm.

Hmm was she really thinking about jumping or just senile or something ?

I'd say it was a cry for help. If she was serious about jumping, she would have just done it, or done it at night when no-one was about to stop her. Doing it when the Brayford area (lots of offices, a university, lots of bars and restaurants) was at its busiest at lunchtime seems to me to mean she wanted to cause a fuss, get a bit of attention.

We have a good mental health section attached to our local hospital, right now she'll be up there getting help...

Mental health problems seem to certainly be a growing problem.
I expect mental health issues are being amplified in the USA as well right now. After all we have had republicans screaming fearmongering for years now....

I might be in that category as well this morning... worked all night, was supposed to take 2 hours....darned offshoring....
about this time I am wondering if it is worth $75/hour....
I expect mental health issues are being amplified in the USA as well right now. After all we have had republicans screaming fearmongering for years now....

Mental health is a growing problem across the developed world, largely due, IMO, to our consumer lifestyles...

It may be a good time to invest in lithium at the minute...
I expect mental health issues are being amplified in the USA as well right now. After all we have had republicans screaming fearmongering for years now....

Mental health is a growing problem across the developed world, largely due, IMO, to our consumer lifestyles...

It may be a good time to invest in lithium at the minute...

Yep the chase for money and the rush to spend it.
That is why my retirement only lasted 2 days and they conned me into coming back for nice money....for a while anyway. Too many 24hr deals and I will give it up again. The money is nice but I am getting too old for this.
A 2 hour job screwed up by offshore in India....I wonder how much money the company really saved....
I expect mental health issues are being amplified in the USA as well right now. After all we have had republicans screaming fearmongering for years now....

Mental health is a growing problem across the developed world, largely due, IMO, to our consumer lifestyles...

It may be a good time to invest in lithium at the minute...

Yeah. Plus we've had years of bipartisan noahides telling white people they have no right to exist, and yes, some of them are even white, but their primary identity is "jew underling". That causes esteem issues actually.
Yep the chase for money and the rush to spend it.

Exactly. It seems our role in life these days is to take a position in the economy..

We seem to live to work rather than the other way round...

The French have the right idea...
Yep the chase for money and the rush to spend it.

Exactly. It seems our role in life these days is to take a position in the economy..

We seem to live to work rather than the other way round...

The French have the right idea...

Yeah. Especially on their policy of sending muslim immigrants back to the hellholes they came from. GO SARKOZY! Now if he could just tell the fascist eu to fuck straight off, I'd have even more respect for him.
Yeah. "CHosen people of god" isn't racist.

Not particularly. It is akin to the Xtian belief that only Xtians will go to heaven.

People can be of the Jewish religion but not ethnically be Jewish...
Anyold, you versioned your screenname to detach from the history of me kicking your ass repeatedly right?

Dream on space cadet....
Yeah. Especially on their policy of sending muslim immigrants back to the hellholes they came from.

So, thats Muslims and Jews, any other prejudice you want to air?
Yeah. "CHosen people of god" isn't racist.

Not particularly. It is akin to the Xtian belief that only Xtians will go to heaven.

People can be of the Jewish religion but not ethnically be Jewish...

It's totally racist.

any person can become a christian, regardless of race. Jewishness is race. They don't really want converts. But alas, this doesn't stop them from having laws for everybody. According to the worldview expressed in the talmud, non jews must be brought under observance of the noahide laws, and into a position of subservience under jewish leadership. It's true. It's a race cult, and they've bullied the powerful of the world into assisting in the creation of their elitist global dynasty, Olam Ha Ba.
any person can become a christian, regardless of race. Jewishness is race. They don't really want converts.

You muppet, anyone can become Jewish, even in ancient times. Jewish is a religion AND a race.

Have you never heard of the story of Soloman and the Queen of Sheba, who he converts to Judaism...

And besides....

"When a proselyte comes to be converted, one receives him with an open hand so as to bring him under the wings of the Divine Presence."

Leviticus Rabbah 2:9