
It's not EXTREMIST JUDAISM. It's judaism. Reform is the newcomer, for public consumption, to hide all that nasty racism.

Regarding your other inanity: you need to analyze the teachings of a religion to understand it's character., not pick out behavior that some of them engage in and then get out the idiot broadstroke brush you favor.
The vast majority of Jews do not adhere to the beliefs that you keep linking to. That would make the group "extremist" as they are only a tiny portion, a fringe, of the whole set.
The vast majority of Jews do not adhere to the beliefs that you keep linking to. That would make the group "extremist" as they are only a tiny portion, a fringe, of the whole set.

How do you know? Can you read minds? Lying to goyim is permissible. the fact is these are the documented and active teachings of the most influential book in judaism, the talmud, which is more authoritative than the old testament. these people (Chabads talk about it openly) have chapters on every campus, and they are theocrats.

Judaism explictiy promotes theocracy, as does islam.
Judaism explictiy promotes theocracy, as does islam.

As does many US Christians.
So what's the difference ?
Judaism explictiy promotes theocracy, as does islam.

As does many US Christians.
So what's the difference ?

theocracy is not an actual teaching of christianity.

the theocratic christians also don't believe in real christianity. they are noahides. they believe the extra biblical doctrine of dispensationalism, which basically says jews are under a special deal (covenant) with god, and don't actually need jesus. Understand, BELIEVING everyone needs jesus is not theocracy. Passing a law outlawing idolatry and blasphemy, and requiring actual courts to enforce noahide laws, is theocracy.

Let's grant there's no difference, though that's wrong. Why can you only criticize one and not the other? too much jew abuse over the years? Afraid of what others might say?
How do you know? Can you read minds? Lying to goyim is permissible. the fact is these are the documented and active teachings of the most influential book in judaism, the talmud, which is more authoritative than the old testament. these people (Chabads talk about it openly) have chapters on every campus, and they are theocrats.

Judaism explictiy promotes theocracy, as does islam.
Because they don't live according the the tenets. Orthodoxy is not that popular among many of the Jews. And among them, only a few ascribe to the belief that you must be born a jew. Considering the fact that one can convert, even to orthodox Judaism, the belief that the "good Goyim" are going to be servants is simply not that popular... (Actually spoke to a Rabbi in the area to find out the facts as the websites you promote are hardly the norm.)
Because they don't live according the the tenets. Orthodoxy is not that popular among many of the Jews. And among them, only a few ascribe to the belief that you must be born a jew. Considering the fact that one can convert, even to orthodox Judaism, the belief that the "good Goyim" are going to be servants is simply not that popular... (Actually spoke to a Rabbi in the area to find out the facts as the websites you promote are hardly the norm.)

yeah. CAIR says nice things about islam too.

Are Chabad houses at universities all across the nation? yes. Do they espouse noahidism. Yes.
theocracy is not an actual teaching of christianity.

the theocratic christians also don't believe in real christianity. they are noahides. they believe the extra biblical doctrine of dispensationalism, which basically says jews are under a special deal (covenant) with god, and don't actually need jesus. Understand, BELIEVING everyone needs jesus is not theocracy. Passing a law outlawing idolatry and blasphemy, and requiring actual courts to enforce noahide laws, is theocracy.

Let's grant there's no difference, though that's wrong. Why can you only criticize one and not the other? too much jew abuse over the years? Afraid of what others might say?

well I guess your definition of noahides covers all the churches I have been in. Baptist, pentecostals, and methodists....Darn hoahides are everywhere :eek:
the real definition of noahides is quite different from your delusions.
well I guess your definition of noahides covers all the churches I have been in. Baptist, pentecostals, and methodists....Darn hoahides are everywhere :eek:
the real definition of noahides is quite different from your delusions.
So you're understanding then is that christianity teaches that jews don't need jesus?

And my assessment of noahidism as theocratic is dead on. "YOU MUST ESTABLISH COURTS OF LAW TO UPHOLD THE NOAHIDE LAWS" is pretty clear.
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So you're understanding then is that christianity teaches that jews don't need jesus?

And my assessment of noahidism as theocratic is dead on. "YOU MUST ESTABLISH COURTS OF LAW TO UPHOLD THE NOAHIDE LAWS" is pretty clear.

wrongo , I did not say that at all.
Just that all the churches I have been in still use the old testament and view the jews as the chosen of god.
they merge it all together somehow which makes little sense to me, but it seems to make sense to them.
They even throw in a ghost!
wrongo , I did not say that at all.
Just that all the churches I have been in still use the old testament and view the jews as the chosen of god.
they merge it all together somehow which makes little sense to me, but it seems to make sense to them.
They even throw in a ghost!

That's historically chosen. The whole message of christianity in my view is that god is NOT partial anymore, that there was a time when the jews were chosen, but that god sent a new savior for ALL MANKIND, not just non jews. non biblical dispensationalism teaches that there are two concurrent covenants in play with different responsibilitie, one for jew, one for non jews. This is the theological infiltration of christianity by noahidism, through Masonic infiltrator, John Nelson Darby.
Those same darned masons that dounded the United states and wrote our consitution ?

Well since I don't believe in God and consider Jesus a humanist ahead of his time, I guess I will let you continue with your delusion, many have them.
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Those same darned masons that dounded the United states and wrote our consitution ?

Well since I don't believe in God and consider Jesus a humanist ahead of his time, I guess I will let you continue with your delusion, many have them.

The same one. No delusions here. Judaism is theocratic by design, a vehicle for race-based world domination by one group over all others.
That's historically chosen. The whole message of christianity in my view is that god is NOT partial anymore, that there was a time when the jews were chosen, but that god sent a new savior for ALL MANKIND, not just non jews. non biblical dispensationalism teaches that there are two concurrent covenants in play with different responsibilitie, one for jew, one for non jews. This is the theological infiltration of christianity by noahidism, through Masonic infiltrator, John Nelson Darby.

that is why I don't follow this stuff anymore, a god that changes his mind...doesn't make sense if he is suppose to be ALL KNOWING.
that is why I don't follow this stuff anymore, a god that changes his mind...doesn't make sense if he is suppose to be ALL KNOWING.

It wasn't a mind change, really. God felt they had strayed. Then he sent a new messiah with a new covenant for all people, not jews only. That's the christian view.

It's basically all about smart guys inventing thought control systems. The brain is the locus of control for a human.
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this is what I realized very quickly as I began to study religions as one of my hobbies.

But yet, and still, human behavior is important. Morality matters, not because god said, but because morality facilitates social cooperation and advantageous group interaction that benefit the whole. But religion can get blindsided by corruption, and usually is, as the priest class perverts the church into an instrument of control and advantage.
that is why I don't follow this stuff anymore, a god that changes his mind...doesn't make sense if he is suppose to be ALL KNOWING.

Absolutely. Stuff that was a big sin when I was small was not by the time I was 16. All in the same church....
If God did happen to be real, I am pretty sure he would not be happy about what people do in his name.