
To be clear, all I "advocate" is merely saying no to the destructive globalist policies they espouse.

The fact that you seem to believe that because people are Jewish they are involved in some global conspiracy indicates a degree of anti-semitism.

Have you ever heard of the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion'?
If you fancy converting AHZ, they even advertise on the internet...


this is a watered down form of judaism, reform. In orthodox judaism, non jews can only aspire to be noahide jew servants, with a different set of rights and freedoms. It's true.
The Seven Laws of Noah (Hebrew: שבע מצוות בני נח, Sheva mitzvot B'nei Noach), often referred to as the Noahide Laws are a list of seven moral imperatives which, according to the Talmud, were given by God to Noah as a binding set of laws for all mankind.[1] According to Judaism any non-Jew who lives according to these laws is regarded as a Righteous Gentile and furthermore only a non-Jew who carefully abides by these laws is assured of a place in the world to come (Olam Haba), the Jewish concept of heaven.[2] Adherents are often called "B'nei Noah" (Children of Noah) or "Noahides" and may often network in Jewish synagogues.

The Rainbow is the modern symbol of the Noahide Movement reminiscing the rainbow that appeared after the Great Flood of the Bible.


Are you a child of the Rainbow?
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So you were talking about the black guy when you said billy bob the redneck? Stinky redneck?

Is that like saying stinky nigger?

No dick, I wasn't.

And you can join the other buffoon in the dumpster for a while.

I don't need to see that word, and, you apparently are a redneck, because those are the kind who use that word.
No dick, I wasn't.

And you can join the other buffoon in the dumpster for a while.

I don't need to see that word, and, you apparently are a redneck, because those are the kind who use that word.

Right. You were talking about a white person to personify unattractiveness and ugliness and smelliness. this is racism, racist.
So AHZ, your argument is that because extremist Judiasm rejects the notion, 'the Jews' are involved in some bizarre conspiracy against mankind, a conspiracy you are yet to provide any evidence to support....but you aren't anti-semitic?

Because some extreme Christians are involved in bombing abortion clinics, does that mean 'the Christians' are terrorists? According to your logic it does....
So AHZ, your argument is that because extremist Judiasm rejects the notion, 'the Jews' are involved in some bizarre conspiracy against mankind, a conspiracy you are yet to provide any evidence to support....but you aren't anti-semitic?

Because some extreme Christians are involved in bombing abortion clinics, does that mean 'the Christians' are terrorists? According to your logic it does....

It's not EXTREMIST JUDAISM. It's judaism. Reform is the newcomer, for public consumption, to hide all that nasty racism.

Regarding your other inanity: you need to analyze the teachings of a religion to understand it's character., not pick out behavior that some of them engage in and then get out the idiot broadstroke brush you favor.
So AHZ, your argument is that because extremist Judiasm rejects the notion, 'the Jews' are involved in some bizarre conspiracy against mankind, a conspiracy you are yet to provide any evidence to support....but you aren't anti-semitic?

Because some extreme Christians are involved in bombing abortion clinics, does that mean 'the Christians' are terrorists? According to your logic it does....

This thread started because I got stuck in an elevator.

The fact that it has turned into this, shows that AHZ will and does, attempt to hijack every thread on here and turn it into either "the jews" or the terrible oppression that the white male suffers.

I don't care about the thread, I'm just saying. Absolutely amazing.
Regarding your other inanity: you need to analyze the teachings of a religion to understand it's character., not pick out behavior that some of them engage in and then get out the idiot broadstroke brush you favor.

But you are doing just that. You are picking out behaviour of some (fundamentalists) and then getting out your idiot brushstroke, deeming them 'the Jews' and then bizarrely coming up with a conspiracy that 'the Jews' want to destroy humanity.

As for analysing the teachings, if you analyse the teachings of the canon of Christianity you come up with just as many wacko justifications you do in Islam, Judaism, Hinduism etc etc
Regarding your other inanity: you need to analyze the teachings of a religion to understand it's character., not pick out behavior that some of them engage in and then get out the idiot broadstroke brush you favor.

But you are doing just that. You are picking out behaviour of some (fundamentalists) and then getting out your idiot brushstroke, deeming them 'the Jews' and then bizarrely coming up with a conspiracy that 'the Jews' want to destroy humanity.

As for analysing the teachings, if you analyse the teachings of the canon of Christianity you come up with just as many wacko justifications you do in Islam, Judaism, Hinduism etc etc

It's not behavior. It's teachings (which oddly enough explain jewish behavior and policy). Do you know the difference?

And the parallels you draw are simply false. All religions aren't "the same".
And the parallels you draw are simply false. All religions aren't "the same".

You need comprehension lessons. I didn't claim all religions were the same. I stated if you analyse the teachings of Xtianity you find just the same amount of justifications as in other religions.

It's not behavior. It's teachings (which oddly enough explain jewish behavior and policy). Do you know the difference?

Again, analysing and taking literally the teachings of all religions can justify such action.

And again, you are taking the beliefs of a portion of the Jewish faith and expanding that to 'the Jews', even though it has been demonstrated that the Jewish religion does accept converts. You are trying to be reductionist, reducing the beliefs of a part to the whole. And failing.

You still hang on your BS claim that 'the Jews' have some great conspiracy to destroy humanity....
Like pretty much all religions, they really don't set out to destroy everyone else. It is just that is there destiny to be the only survivors and be rerwarded in some manner. Because they (pick most any religion or sect here) are the only ones that are correct.
You still hang on your BS claim that 'the Jews' have some great conspiracy to destroy humanity....

Well someone sabotaged Darla's lift, AnyOld, and after all they did kill Jesus.

It doesn't take Hercule Poirots to put two and two together.
Maybe it was the Jews that drove the woman onto the roof yesterday too....

They'd have got away with it if she wasn't coaxed down by a bargain bucket of non-Jewish KFC...

Come to think of it, I'm sure they are the reason I lost my keys this morning....

And that the trolley lady didn't have any beef and horseradish sarnies this morning....
And it was those Jews from India that caused me to have to work all night last night.....

Hey maybe all ills are caused by jews. After all that Jewish president of ours really sucks.